PAGE Christie, Sir W. H. M., and H. A. H. Christie, on an improved method 1907 November 14 181 374 Cœlostat reflector, description of a 24-inch long-focus, J. H. Reynolds... 488 Comets:- Halley's, perturbations of, in the past, P. H. Cowell and A. C. D. Crommelin 379 ......111, 173, 375, 510, 665 ... d 1907 (Daniel), observations from photographs, Royal Observatory, 16 126 d 1907 (Daniel), photographs of, Max Wolf 180 Comets of 1907, Council note on 290 Cortie, Rev. A. L., note to Capt. Daunt's paper on helium D3 absorption in the neighbourhood by sun-spots 625 Council, report of the, to the Eighty-eighth Annual General Meeting 221 18 on ancient eclipses........ 109 Cowell, P. H., and A. C. D. Crommelin, the perturbations of Halley's the orbit of Jupiter's eighth Cowell first approximation to the orbit of J VIII. =CJ.... 457 table giving approximate table giving approximate Saturn the orbit of Jupiter's eighth satellite 458 576 Cyanogen in the solar atmosphere and in interplanetary space, H. F. Newall Daunt, R. A. C., observations of helium D3 absorption in the neighbour- note by Rev. A. L. Cortie....... PAGE 2 hood of sun-spots in 1907 620 Downing, A. M. W., occultations of Uranus by the Moon in 1908, visible at British Observatories. 127 Eddington, A. S., on the mean distances of the Groombridge stars 104 on the mathematical theory of two star-drifts, and on the systematic motions of zodiacal stars 588 Edinburgh, Royal Observatory, report of the proceedings of 267 Equation, the single, which comprises the theory of the fundamental Espin, Rev. T. E., micrometrical measures of double stars (fifth series) 202 new double stars .206, 523 --report of his Observatory 278 Evershed, John, the ultra-violet region in sun-spot spectra 12 the spectrum of Comet 1907 d (Daniel). Franks, W. S., the relation between star colours and spectra 672 Franz, Julius, proposals respecting lunar nomenclature 135 Turner relations of stellar characters Gadsden, Captain, note on his "Spanner" artificial horizon, H. H. 535 415 the astronomy of the southern hemisphere, etc. ......... 219, 230, 317 Glasgow Observatory, report of the proceedings of 272 the astronomy of the southern hemisphere, etc. .........219, 230, 317 observations of minor planets from results of micrometer measures of Greenwich, Royal Observatory, observations of Saturn's ninth satellite, PAGE satellite of Jupiter 456 results of micrometer measures of 525 and eighth satellites, from photographs taken with the 30-inch 582 observations of the satellite of Neptune, 586 diagram showing the positions of 671 diagram showing the positions of Groombridge stars, on the mean distances of the, A. S. Eddington 104 Hagen, Rev. J. G., note on Y Cephei. 676 apparatus 64 Hall, Asaph, obituary notice of 243 Hayn, F., Conncil note on his researches on the Moon's physical Hinks, A. R., solar parallax papers, No. 6: construction of a standard catalogue of photographic star-places 82 278 sin2), tables of, C. J. Merfield 605 Inexpensive apparatus, some opportunities for astronomical work with, G. E. Hale 64 Innes, R. T. A., disappearance of Saturn's ring-system, 1907 October Instruments of the Observatory, note on the single equation which com- prises the theory of the, Sir R. Ball 171 International Union for Solar Research, papers of the computing bureau, No. 3: on possible periodic inequalities in the epoch of sun- spot variation, H. H. Turner 656 Interplanetary space, cyanogen in, H. F. Newall..... 2 PAGE Janssen, P. J. C., obituary notice of 245 E. B. Knobel 334 Jonckheere, Robert, observation du passage de Mercure sur le Soleil le 14 Nov. 1907 131 Jupiter, satellite VIII, note on the discovery of a moving object near 576 Jupiter, satellites VI, VII, and VIII, observations from photographs, of, 1907-8, from photographs taken at the Royal Observatory, 671 Kelvin, Lord, obituary notice of 234 Kennelly, D. J., obituary notice of...... 237 Knobel, E. B., a suggested explanation of the ancient Jewish calendar 334 Kodaikánal and Madras Observatories, report of the proceedings of ...... 280 Lenses, photo-visual, note on the permanency of, W. J. S. Lockyer and H. Dennis Taylor 19 Library, etc., list of donors to the 311 Liverpool Observatory, report of the proceedings of.. 272 with addendum by H. Dennis Taylor 19 Loewy, Maurice, obituary notice of 249 Lunar nomenclature, committee on; proposals made by Dr. Franz, M. Puiseux, Professor W. H. Pickering, and Mr. Saunder. 135 Melbourne Observatory, report of the proceedings of 283 of astrographic plates 284 Mercury, transit of, 1907 November 14, observed at Johannesburg, Merfield, C. J., tables of the two hypergeometrical functions, F (1/6, 605 Minor Planets, observatlons from photographs taken at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, 1906 35 ephemeris of Flora near the time of opposition in 1908, physical libration of the, Council note on Dr. Hayn's researches 297 erratum 448 radius of the, for libration - 45, W. Heath 568 Moon, theory and tables of the :- PAGE Lunar inequalities due to planetary action, E. W. Brown 148 ... 299 figure of the Earth, E. W. Brown 450 Considerations on the form and arrangement of new tables of the Moon, S. Newcomb 538 Nebulæ :- H IV. 74 Cephei, Max Wolf. 30 465 note on its period of variation, H. H. Turner 481 626 Observatory, Greenwich 33,586 photometric measurements of, 1908, J. M. Baldwin 614 mosphere and in interplanetary space 2 address on presenting the Gold Medal to Sir David Gill 317 Newall telescope, Cambridge Observatory, report of the work of the Oxford, Radcliffe Observatory, report of the proceedings of 272 observations of Daniel's comet (d 1907) 574 Oxford University Observatory, report of the proceedings of 274 Pearson, Karl, and Winifred Gibson, further considerations on the cor- relations of stellar characters 415 an example of Professor Pearson's calculation of correlation in the case of the periodic inequalities Perth Observatory, Western Australia, report of the proceedings of. 280 Planets and satellites, Council note on the discovery of, 1907 288 |