TRODUCTION TO THE ird and Fourth VOLUMES. E Reception given by the Publick to the irft and Second Volumes of this Colle&ion rinted near twenty Years ago, tho confefs'd by r to be deficient of feveral material Treatys, modern Date, was a good Argument with are no Pains or Expence to get those publick could not then come at, in order to form a olume. rst thing that encouraged him to proceed in n, was the Recovery of fome, Treaties made Charles I. and the two Cromwells, as well as portant Papers printed in Latin, by Order of ment, which never yet appear'd in the Engage: thefe, with other confiderable Treatys Date, as exprefs'd in the Title, and Table nts, the Editor hop'd might have been coma Third Volume, with which he did intend to 'd. e many Treatys and Conventions of Friendce, Navigation and Commerce, which have de of late Years; the Addreffes prefented rone every Seffion of Parliament for Copys reatys, which are but feldom printed; the gener A 3 |