No. IV. AN ACCOUNT of the TOTAL INCOME of the REVENUE of GREAT BRI- .. 7,827 5 2 1,100 0 0 The amount of Savings on the Third Class of the Civil List Money received in repayment of the Loan raised for the service By the Commissioners for the issue of Exchequer Bills, for the By the Trustees of Naval and Military Pensions ments Imprest and other Monies paid into the Exchequer.......... 1,733,333 6 8 60,000 0 0 125,273 9 0 4,660,000 0 0 160,901 9 5 Balances, &c. in the hands of the Receivers, &c. on the 5th January 1824 on the 5th January 1825 Ditto Balances less in 1825 than in 1824 Surplus Income paid into the Exchequer, over Expenditure thereout ...... ...... ......... 7,160,385 10 時 64,775,865 354 2,820,634 13 9 2,740,920 5 3 79,714 8 6 6,587,802 17 3 Actual Excess of Income over Expenditure.............. 6,508,088 8 9 ! TAIN and IRELAND, in the Year ended 5th January 1825, after deducting the of Drawbacks; together with an Account of the PUBLIC EXPENplied to the Reduction of the National Debt within the same period. ... 58,188,062 6 24 Surplus of Income paid into the Exchequer, over Expenditure issued 6,587,802 17 3 J. C. HERRIES. VOL. XIII.-Appendix. (B) 64,775,865 3 54 No. II. An Account of the Nett PUBLIC INCOME of the United Kingdom of the Expenditure thereout, defrayed by the several Revenue Departexclusive of the Sums applied to the Redemption TOTAL paid into the Exchequer .... 51,224,284 2111 8,138,119 13 0 59,362,403 16 아 160,901 9 5 160,9019 385,147 15 9 26,802 412 411,949 19 10일 Whitehall, Treasury Chambers, 10th March 1825. GREAT BRITAIN and IRELAND, in the Year ended 5th January, 1825, after abating ments, and of the Actual Issues or Payments within the same period, of Funded Debt, or for paying off Unfunded Debt. Surplus of Income paid into the Exchequer over Expenditure thereout 52,774,600 18 84 6,587,802 17 3 .... J. C. HERRIES. 59,362,403 16 0 No. III. An Account of the BALANCE of PUBLIC MONEY remaining in the to the FUNDED or UNFUNDED DEBT, in the Year ended 5th January, or paying off the Unfunded Debt, within the same period; and Ditto to pay off £,4 per cent dissentients, 5 Geo. 4, c. 45 5,502,000 0 0 Surplus of Income paid into the Exchequer, over Expenditure thereout Whitehall, Treasury Chambers, 1st February 1825. } |