TRADE OF IRELAND. An Account of the VALUE of all IMPORTS into, and of all EXPORTS from IRELAND; during each of the Three Years ending 5th 5th January 1823 YEARS ENDING VALUE exclusive of the Trade GREAT BRITAIN. Custom House, Dublin, 26th February, 1825. } NAVIGATION OF THE UNITED KINGDOM. NEW VESSELS BUILT.--An Account of the Number of VESSELS, with the Amount of their TONNAGE, that were built and registered in the several Ports of the BRITISH EMPIRE, in the Years ending the 5th January 1823, 1824, and 1825, respectively. VESSELS REGISTERED.-An Account of the Number of VESSELS, with the Amount of their TONNAGE, and the Number of MEN and Boys usually employed in Navigating the same, that belonged to the several Ports of the BRITISH EMPIRE, on the 30th September in the Years 1822, 1823, and 1824, respectively. Isles Guernsey, Jersey, and Man .. 20,756 2,288,999 147,529 20.573 2,275,995 147,058 20,803 2,321,953 149,742 482 26,404 3,680 477 26,361 3,806 3,788 469 26,872 British Plantations.. 3,404 203,641 15,016 3,500 203,895 14,736 3,496 211,273 15,089 TOTAL .... 24,642 2,519,044 166,333 24,542 2,506,760 165,474 24,776 2,559,587 168,637 Inspector General's Office, Custom House, WILLIAM IRVING, NAVIGATION OF THE UNITED KINGDOM-continued. VESSELS EMPLOYED IN THE FOREIGN TRADE. - An Account of the Number of VESSELS, with the Amount of their TONNAGE, and the Number of MEN and Boys employed in Navigating the same (including their repeated Voyages) that entered Inwards and cleared Outwards, at the several Ports of the United Kingdom, from and to all Parts of the World (exclusive of the intercourse between GREAT BRITAIN and IRELAND respectively) during each of the three Years ending 5th January 1825. SHIPPING ENTERED INWARDS IN THE UNITED KINGDOM, SHIPPING CLEARED OUTWARDS FROM THE UNITED KINGDOM, (Exclusive of the Intercourse between Great Britain and Ireland.) INDE TO VOL. XIII. NEW SERIES. INDEX TO DEBATES IN THE HOUSE OF LORDS. Bonded Corn Bill, 952 Burials in Ireland Bill, 1011 Catholic Claims, 61, 138, 373, 582, 649, 1477 Catholic Relief Bill, 562, 662 Colonial Intercourse Bill, 1132 Combination of Workmen Bill, 1478 Corn Laws, 142, 165, 247 Country Banks, 1479 Kent, Duchess of; King's Message for a provi- King's Speech at the close of the Session, 1487 Law of Merchants Bill, 1052 Naturalization Oaths, 824 Oaths of Naturalisation and Reversal of At- Cumberland, Duke of; King's Message respect. Principal and Factor, 1058 ing a Provision for, 898 INDEX TO DEBATES IN THE HOUSE OF COMMONS. Assessors at Elections Bill, 1269 Catholic Claims, 2, 63, 172, 480, 784 Assimilation of the Currencies of Great Britain Catholic Clergy of Ireland, 308 and Ireland, 574 Beer; Repeal of the Duties on, 374 Bonded Corn, 337 Bradford Gaol; Abuses in, 419 Breach of Privilege, 63, 796, 838 British Shipping Bill, 1277 Coile, B.; his Petition, 837 British Museum, 137 Bubble Act; Repeal of, 1018 Canada Corn, 1118 Cape of Good Hope, 903, 1166, 1274, 1483 Children in Cotton Mills, 421, 643, 1008 Combination Laws, 149, 298, 353, 362 Combination of Workmen Bill, 1400, 1458, 1462 Cotton Mills Regulation Bill, 421, 643, 1008 Corn Laws, 150, 171, 249, 252, 1118 Country Bank Notes, 1271, 1381 County Courts Bill, 599 County Transfer of Land Bill, 162 Cumberland; Duke of, 836, 909, 934, 1047, 1118, | Navigation Laws, 1277 1121 Customs Consolidation Bill, 1215 Navy; Flogging in the, 1097 Newspapers Bill, 1275 Deccan Prize Money, 1407, 1465 Deportation of Lecesne and Escoffery from Partnerships Societies (Scotland) Bill, 1279 Jamaica, 1173 Petition; Forgery of a, 63, 796, 838 Dissenters' Marriages Bill, 353 Poor Rates; Wages of Labourers out of, 571 President of the Board of Trade, 1476 East India Judges Bill, 586 Private Bills, 1063 176, 453, 565, 902 Elective Franchise in Ireland Bill, 124, 126, Private Committees, 563, 783, 1012 : Game Laws Amendment Bill, 300 Hindoo Widows, 1043 Jones, F.; his Petition respecting Country Ireland; Elective Franchise in, 124, 126, 176, Ireland; Roman Catholic Clergy of, 308 Ireland; State of, with regard to Religious Ireland; Butter Trade in, 125 Ireland; Charter Schools in, 1110 Ireland; Established Church in, 1149 Registry of Ships Bill, 1347 Rich, Mr.; his Collection, 137 Roman Catholic Claims, 2, 63, 172, 361, 480, 784 Roman Catholic Clergy of Ireland, 308 Roman Catholic Relief Bill, 21, 71, 336, 422, 486 Salmon Fishery Bill, 792 Spain; Military Occupation of, 1472 Slave Trade in the Mauritius, 781 Soap and Tallow, Duty on, 1063 South America, 1473, 1485 Judges' Salaries Bill, 611, 801, 927, 1023, 1209 Spirit Duties, 132 Kenrick, Mr.; Conduct of, 1138, 1247, 1350, Kent, Duchess of, 836, 909, 934 Law of Merchant and Factor, 1014, 1433 Spring Guns Bill, 1254, 1459 Unitarians, 1250 Votes of Members in Private Committees, 563 Lecesne and Escoffery; Deportation of, from Wages of Labourers out of the Poor Rates, 1 1 |