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missionary societies may be expected to be ready to second their effort. But there must be no cherishing of the foolish jealousy of missionaries betrayed some years ago in a despatch concerning the natives of New South Wales, written at the very moment when, in some other colonies, to their extreme peril, political power was given to them.

Many cases of aboriginal New Hollanders, more than half way advanced to civilization, have occurred; and it is no visionary project to propose that an effort should be made in earnest for their immediate relief from the scourges recklessly prepared for them; and to try the effect of suitable means for their improvement. The facility with which they have learned to speak English without teaching, and when grown men, suggests the advantage of devoting great pains to make the young familiar with our language. The very curious observation of Mr. Hutt, at the Swau River, as to their laws of landed property, although not new, suggest another point full of interest. Let all their peculiar laws be carefully noted, and respected if need be. This is now formally begun by the New Zealand Bill, and the principle may be extended usefully to Australia.

When this great reform shall be determined upon, as we are sanguine in believing it will be, the details will present themselves readily enough; and this sketch of the case of the natives of our new world may be closed, by the expression of a hope, that the cost of any measure will not be an obstacle to the introduction of humane policy in a region which already contributes twenty millions of pounds of fine wool to the common stock; and whose last realised productions are mines of gold and silver, of copper and lead of rare abundance, and rarer facility of acquisition. The appropriation of fifteen per cent. upon the price of Crown land sold is a delusion. In one year it may be too much; in another, too little. We must resolve to take the steps necessary for the purpose of trying to raise them, cost whatever it may; and there is no danger of our losing by the resolution.

One word more. The official protectors of the Aborigines of Australia must be continued, and checked by the publication of their reports. What can be effected by publicity is beginning to be felt; and the inestimable provisions in the New Zealand act, enjoining the insertion of Despatches of the Secretary of State, in the London Gazette, will soon do good service. But another class of Aborigines, protectors require another measure of justice-they are the volunteers, who, in bad times, braved every sort of persecution in opposing the policy which Earl Grey and Mr. Hawes have denounced, and are now changing. Such men have borne more than the heat and burthen of the

day of toil; and it will be a scandal if in this time of reform, they be put aside in favour of others who have come in at the eleventh hour to the work; and it will be worse, if they are still to be suppressed for the sake of those who have had a part in what has differed little from a system of corruption. They have deserved well, and we hope their merits will be duly appreciated.

Brief Notices.

Heidelberg. A Romance. By J. P. R. James, Esq. In 3 vols. London: Smith, Elder & Co.

MR. JAMES'S Works follow each other with such rapidity, that it is somewhat difficult to note them. The perusal of one is no sooner completed than another is announced, which in its turn is speedily displaced by a third. The common result of this rapidity of production is too obvious. We regret the fact, but it cannot be concealed, and the author, though the last probably to admit it, should have the truth candidly and honestly told him. The promise of his early publications has not been kept; and the failure, we are persuaded, has resulted from a too hasty composition rather than deficiency of power or want of skill He has not allowed himself time to elaborate his conceptions. His draft has been imperfect, his picture incomplete,an outline wanting finish and care, yet bespeaking the talent of the artist. His style also has become loose and vapid, and no inconsiderable portions of his more recent works are passed over hurriedly and without interest by every intelligent reader. This is not as it should be; but such speed cannot be obtained without loss of power. The quality must suffer when the quantity is so great.

The scene of the present fiction is laid in the court of Frederic the Elector Palatine, subsequently King of Bohemia, whose misfortunes awakened such deep interest in protestant England in the time of James I. Frederic had married Elizabeth, the daughter of the first of our Stuarts; and his struggles, though greatly prompted by ambition, were assigned by popular belief to much nobler and less suspicious origin. Two English travellers, under the assumed names of Algernon Grey and William Lovet, the former a nobleman by birth, young in years but deep in sagacity, of unstained honour, and of the most pleasant temper; the latter a baronet of gay and dashing exterior, reckless morals, and exhausted exchequer, gain admittance to the joyous court of the Elector; and the associations whioh they form there, give a colouring to their subsequent career. Some of the characters introduced are sketched with considerable power, and

parts of the narrative are in a style which deepens regret at Mr. James not doing justice to himself; but other parts of the work flag, many of the descriptions are tedious; the necessity of filling three volumes very thin ones, by the bye-is perpetually felt; some of the incidents are grossly unnatural, and the catastrophe is announced in a hurried manner, savouring more of the joyousness of the schoolboy on completing his task, than of the skill of the novelist or the experience of a profound observer.

The English Hexapla, exhibiting the Six important English translations of the New Testament Scriptures. The original Greek text after Scholtz, with the various readings of the Textus receptus, and the principal Constantinopolitan and Alexandrine manuscripts; and a complete collation of Scholtz's text with Griesbach's edition of 1805 : preceded by a History of English translations and translators. Part XII. London: Baxter & Sons.

THIS part completes the second and improved edition of a work, which we have frequently noticed, and cannot too highly commend. It is one of the few books for the possession of which we should be inclined to make large sacrifices, and which we urgently advise our friends to place amongst their choicest treasures. It is at once both handsome and useful, and will be found equally attractive to the scholar and the unlearned. The Greek text of Scholtz is printed in a clear, full, and handsome type; and the six English translations of Wycliffe, Tyndale, Cranmer, the German, the Anglo-Rheimish, and the Authorised, are printed in parallel columns on the same page, so as to be easily read with it. Altogether, the volume combines attractions which have rarely been equalled, and it ought to be found in the library of every intelligent Englishman. It brings together in a narrow compass, and arranges in the most convenient form for reference and comparison, a large amount of information, which all Englishmen should possess, and every lover of revealed truth should specially delight in. A history of English translations and translators is prefixed, which supplies, in a condensed form, the substance of many volumes. We thank Messrs. Baxter for the enterprize which has prompted the publication, and confidently anticipate that it will obtain such an amount of patronage as will remunerate their outlay, and encourage them in the execution of other analogous undertakings.

History of the French Revolution from 1789 to 1814. By F. A. Mignet. London: David Bogue.

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IN our notice of M. Mignet's Antonio Perez and Philip II.' in May last, we gave, as by anticipation, our judgment on the work before us, and need, therefore, do little more than repeat our former statements. The history of the French Revolution, by M. Mignet,' we then remarked, though much shorter than that of M. Thiers, is

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greatly superior; and exhibits the young author as a more acute observer, a more laborious investigator of events and of their causes, a more faithful adherent to truth, and a more sincere advocate of the great principles, the establishment of which, as the basis of government, was the object of the revolution. M. Mignet's work evinces an earnestness of principles and opinions, and a dignity of character which completely unfitted him for acting a principal part under the present government. Such is our estimate of the work with which Mr. Bogue here presents us. The selection reflects great credit on his judgment, for few productions are more entitled to a place in The European Library,' or will be more cordially welcomed by the intelligent and well informed. We shall be surprised if it do not prove one of the most popular volumes of the series, and we strongly recommend it to the favour of our readers. Within a narrow and readable compass, it presents the narrative of one of the most terrific and instructive revolutions which has ever occurred.

Literary Intelligence.

In the Press.

The Evangelical Alliance: its Origin and Development. Containing Personal Notices of its Distinguished Friends in Europe and America. By J. W. Massie, D.D., M.R.I.A.

Patriotic Evenings. By Rev. John Birt.

A New and Cheap Edition of Life of Rev. John Williams. By Rev. E. P out.

An Introduction to the New Testament. By Rev. Dr. Davidson, of the Lancashire Independent College.

Essays on the Ecclesiastical Polity of the New Testament. By the same Author.

The Rev. William Wheeler will publish, early in November, a Volume of Sermons, preached in the Parish Churches of Old and New Shoreham, Sussex.

Just Published.

European Library. History of the French Revolution, from 1719 to 1814. By F. A. Mignet, Member of the Institute of France.

A History of Inventions, Discoveries, and Origins. By John Beckman. Translated from the German by William Johnston. Fourth Edition.

Vol. II.

The Modern Orator: being a Collection of celebrated Speeches of the most Distinguished Orators of the United Kingdom: Part VIII., Edmund Burke. Part XXIII.

The Evangelical Alliance: a Letter to the Rev. Thomas Binney. By an Unsectarian Christian.

A New Universal Etymological and Pronouncing Dictionary of the English Language, embracing all the terms used in Art, Science and Literature. Part XI.

Gilbert's Modern Atlas of the World for the People; with an Introduction to the Physical Geography of the Globe, and an Alphabetical Index of the Latitudes and Longitudes of 24,000 places. Part VII.

Political Dictionary: forming a work of universal reference, both Constitutional and Legal, and embracing the terms of Civil Administration, &c. Half Part XV., completing the Work.

The Pictorial Gallery of Arts. Part XXI.

The Pre-Adamite Earth; Contributions to Theological Science. By John Harris, D.D.

Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology. Edited by William Smith, L.L.D. Part XVII. Macedonius-Melito.

The Natural Poetical Companion; with Notes, selected by the Rev. Edward Wilson. Second Edition; with 57 illustrations by W. H. Prior. The Horatii. A Tragedy.

The People's Dictionary of the Bible. Part XIV.

Switzerland and the Swiss Churches: being Notes of a Short Tour and Notices of the Principal Religious Bodies in the Country. By William Lindsay Alexander, D.D.

The German Reformation of the Nineteenth Century; or a Sketch of the Rise, Progress, and Present Position of those who have recently sepa rated themselves from the Church of Rome. With a short notice of the State of Protestantism_in_Prussia, Austria, Bavaria, and the Prussian Baltic Provinces. By the German Correspondent of the Continental Echo. Marston; or, the Soldier and the Statesman. By the Rev. G. Croly, LL.D. Three Vols.

The Royal Favourite Annual, containing 36 highly-finished Engravings, elegantly bound, price One Guinea.

Fisher's Drawing-Room Scrap Book for 1847. By the Hon. Mrs. Norton; with contributions by Lady Dufferin, Lord John Manners, Sir Edward Bulwer Lytton, Hon. Edward Phipps, R. M. Milnes, Esq.

The Gallery of Scripture Engravings, Historical and Landscape with descriptions, Historical, Geographical, and Pictorial. By John Kitto, D.D., F.S.A.

The Juvenile Scrap Book, 1847. By Mrs. Ellis.

New Year's Day: a Winter's Tale. By Mrs. Gore. With Illustrations by George Cruikshank.

Temper and Temperament, or Varieties of Character. By Mrs. Ellis. Vol. II.

Royal Gems from the Galleries of Europe, engraved after National Pictures of the Great Masters; with Notices Biographical, Historical, and Descriptive. By S. C. Hall, F.S.A. Part VIII.

The Christian in Palestine, or Scenes of Sacred History. Illustrated from Sketches, taken on the spot, by W. H. Bartlett, with Explanatory Descriptions by Henry Stebbing, D.D. Part VII.

Hogg's Weekly Instructor. Part XIX.

The Syrian Churches, their Early History, Liturgies, and Literature; with a Literal Translation of the Four Gospels from the Peschito, or Canon of Holy Scripture in use among the Oriental Christians from the Earliest Times. By J. W. Etheridge.

Wit and Humour, selected from the English Poets; with an Illustrative Essay and Critical Comments. By Leigh Hunt.

The Recreation. A Gift for Young Readers. With Engravings.

A Compendium of Ecclesiastical History. By Dr. Jahn, C. L. Gieseler, Consistorial Counsellor, and Ordinary Professor of Theology in Gottingen. Fourth Edition, revised and amended. Translated from the German by Samuel Davidson, LL.D. Vol. I.

The Evangelical Alliance: What it is, and what it ought to be.

Pauperism, whence does it arise? How may it be remedied? Being an Appeal to his Fellow-countrymen for a cheaper and better kind of Poor Law. By the Rev. R. B. Bradley, Incumbent of Ash Priors, and Cothelestone, Somerset.

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