CHRISTIAN EXAMINER, AND CHURCH OF IRELAND MAGAZINE: CONDUCTED BY MEMBERS OF THE ESTABLISHED CHURCH: VOL. VII. ODLE JULY TO DECEMBER IS 1828. DUBLIN: WILLIAM CURRY, JUN. & CO. SACKVILLE-STREET; AND HAMILTON, ADAMS & CO. LONDON. M.DCCC.XXVIII. ONE of our pleasantest tasks is to return thanks to our friends for the kindness that has accompanied our labours through the past year we have sensibly experienced its advantages, and we would that we could express our feelings upon the subject in terms as strong as our gratitude would dictate! But independent of mere personal gratification, we have other motives for pleasure on account of the patronage we have continued to receive:-The objects for which the CHRISTIAN EXAMINER was originally established, were the defence of the Church of Ireland, resistance to the spiritual domination and auxiliary falsehoods of the Church of Rome, and the illustrating, in all the ways in which a periodical can do it, the doctrines of true religion. To have been supported with a competent degree of liberality by the British and Irish Clergy and Public, during the course of seven Volumes, marks the high value that the readers of the EXAMINER attach to such objects, and the interest with which they receive every thing that may tend to throw light upon their importance; and still more, the encreasing number of our talented Correspondents, gives us even a more sure criterion that our exertions are estimated, at least, as the zealous endeavours of no unobservant individuals. We would beg briefly to call the attention of our readers to some circumstances connected with our Publication-and in the first place, to some criticisms that have appeared in the diurnal Press, on the view we conscientiously took of the duty of the Clergy during the present state of public agitation. It never has been our habit or our wish to deprecate fair criticism; the Journalist who seeks to inform or direct the public mind, cannot hope that his suggestions can have effect, till they have been fairly and fully |