Jews; from whom should we borrow them? The Levitical law was avowedly enacted and confirmed by God himself. Every thing which relates to the laws and usages of the Jews, as a separate nation, is certainly abolished. But the moral law is of universal and perpetual obligationwhy then should we not be allowed to retain a shadow of its (viz. the moral law's!!) holy rites?' pp. 19, 20. This is the first time we ever heard of the rites of the moral law. If only the moral law be of universal obligation, then the ceremonial usages, which obviously cannot belong to any other part of the Jewish economy than the Levitical law, must necessarily cease with its abolition. The confusion, displayed in this specimen of reasoning, pervades every part of his philippic against modern dissenters.' He absurdly insinuates, in spite of all the evidence to the contrary, which has been so repeatedly adduced, that their doctrines are inimical to morality, that in their interpretation of the prophet Isaiah's language, when he declares all our righteousnesses to be as filthy rags, they affirm that the prophet here unequivocally condemns all human attempts at righteousness, and that their hostility to the establishment and to all its members, is not confined to mere invective, to studied, and insulting contumely and elaborate abusebut is directed against their temporal welfare. Hence the reverend gentle. man, who is not perhaps so accurately versed in the laws of his country as to know what is meant by a libeller, informs us that no strict dissenter ever deals by choice with a tradesman of the church of England, and piously exhorts his hearers to imitate, in the way of retaliation, this instance of their crafty policy. We will not insult the understanding of our readers, by attempting a refutation of such intemperate ravings. To assert without proof, and censure without justice, has been too long the prerogative of ecclesiastical fanaticism. We would advise Mr. Nance to exchange his traffic in what, as impartial men, we must term illiberal calumny and virulent invectives, for an employment more consonant with candour and truth, and more honourable to his cause and his character. Art. XVIII. Thomas Payne defended, and completely justified: or a Reprimand to the Grand Junction Canal Company, 8vo. pp. 54. price Is. 6d. Darton and Harvey. 1809. ALARMING as this title is, we have here neither politics nor religion; for the person defended is not the, but a Thomas Payne. He complains of ill usage from the company to whom he was once an agent; and, judging from his narrative, which is written in a plain and rather prepossessing style, we must infer that Mr. Payne has been dealt with hardly. In affairs of this sort, however, it is always right to recollect with our friend Sir Roger, that much may be said on both sides; nor indeed does it come within our jurisdiction to pronounce a decision. Art. XIX. An Inquiry into the Cause of the Holy Communion being so author bewails very deeply the thin attendance at the sacrament, and the great defect of communicants;' explaining by the latter phrase what he meant by the former. He states a variety of causes, to ac count for the evil of which he complains; but such confusion and perplexity accompany his details, and so many fallacious arguments are in terwoven with almost all his reasonings, that we can afford him neither sympathy nor congratulation. His style is loose and inaccurate, his thoughts extremely devoid of coherence and order; and the tout ensemble, as well literary as typographical, presents such a dishevelled and slovenly appearance, that we should rather have attributed it to one of the lowest of pamphleteering adventurers, than to a beneficed clergyman of the establishment. Art. XX. An Analysis of Mr. Locke's Essay concerning Human Understanding. By Edward Oliver, D. D. formerly of Sidney Sussex College in Cambridge. 4to. pp. 49. Price 2s. 6d. Rivingtons.. 1810. THIS analysis, though chargeable with some faults of omission, is not upon the whole, we think, ill adapted to answer the uses for which it is is designed. It exhibits the plan and principal topics of Locke's Essay in a form at once concise and perspicuous; and may no doubt be employed with advantage, both to assist the reading and to help the recollection of that excellent work. At the same time, to confess the truth, we place no great dependence on the real and effective service of such performances as the present. It generally happens, that attempts to relax the severity of mental discipline, to diminish the fa- + tigue of intellectual labour, defeat their own purpose. Admitting, as Locke ingenuously acknowledges, that in a work begun by chance, and continued by intreaty; written by incoherent parcels, and after long intervals resumed again as humour or occasion permitted,' (see his Epistle to the Reader) there is somewhat of irregularity and disproportion, that sometimes too little is said, and sometimes too much,-we are not disposed to deny the utility of making an abstract or analysis, though we have some doubts as to the intrinsic value of one ready made. It is in fact supplying what every reader of Locke ought to do for himself. Art. XXI. The Substance of a Speech, delivered by the Right Honourable THE design of this speech is probably in the recollection of most of our Nn contrived to introduce a justification of some particulars in his administration when first lord of the admiralty. Art. XXII. An Essay on the Study of the History of England. By Major Samuel Dales, F. S. A. 8vo. pp. 220. Price 7s. Cadell and Davies. 1809. IF any of our readers are curious to see the most wretched and vulgar attempts at facetiousness exhibited in connection with imbecility of mind, and anti-constitutional prejudices, we think the very best method they can take, is to purchase this essay by a fellow of the Antiquarian Society. Art. XXIII. A Sermon preached at the Lord Bishop of Winchester's Visitation, May 12, 1807, in the Church of the Holy Trinity, in Guildford. By the Rev. W. Williams, Curate of Hamildon and Hascomb, Surrey. 8vo. pp. 60. Price 1s. 6d. Hatchard. 1809.*** FIRMNESS of character, and decision of sentiment occasionally ap proaching to dogmatism, are the distinguishing features of mind, exhibited in this discourse. The author appears a warm friend to the cause of evangelical truth. His style of thinking is purely Calvinistic; and his style of expression savours of the same school, in its most systematic department. We admire the spirit of ardent love to the Redeemer, and tender compassion for his fellow creatures, which breathes in glowing language throughout Mr. Williams's sermon. Most sincerely do we wish every episcopal visitation might meet with similar fidelity and equal zeal. The text is in 2 Corinthians, ii. 15, 16. He considers, the reason why the labours of his sincere diligent servants are grateful unto God; the im portance attached to their ministry; and the difficulties attending it.' Art. XXIV. An Address to Churchwardens; being the Substance of a Sermon, preached September 18, 1807, at the Visitation of the Rev. John Carver, LL. B. Archdeacon of Surrey; in the Church of the Holy Trinity in Guildford. By the Rev. W. Williams. 8vo. pp. 50. Price 1s. 6d. Hatchard. 1808. WE wish churchwardens, in general, were in possession of this manual of their duties and obligations. Those, also who sustain the office of deacon, in dissenting churches, might read this excellent address with advantage. Art XXV. Who fares best, the Christian, or the Man of the World? or, the Advantages of Real Piety contrasted with a Life of Fashionable Dissipation. By Colonel Burn, of the Royal Marines, &c. Third Edition. fcp. 8vo. pp. 84. price 2s. 6d. bds. Matthews and Leigh. 1810. ン OUR readers are well acquainted with this intelligent and pious writer, as author of the Christian Officer's Complete Armour. We hope the dialogue now republished, will soon be more generally known than it is at present; for, without considering it entirely unexceptionable, we think the sound reasoning, devotional sentiment, and engaging style, by which it is distinguished, will render its extensive circulation a public benefit. ART. XXVI. SELECT LITERARY INFORMATION. *** Gentlemen and Publishers who have works in the press, will oblige the Conductors of the ECLECTIC REVIEW, by sending information(post paid,) of the subject, extent, and probable price of such works; which they may depend upon being communicated to the public, if consistent with its plan. Lackington, Allen and Co's Catalogue will be ready for delivery in a few days. It is said to be particularly rich in rare and curious Books, and some alterations have been made in the arrangement of the classes to afford greater facility of reference. Six Meditations on the Sufferings of Christ, by the late James Clunie, Elder of the church in Wells Street, with his Life, Dedicated to the Rev. Alexander Waugh, M. A. will soon appear. The state of the established church in ten letters to the Right Honorable Spencer Perceval, with an appendix of official letters relating thereto, will be published early in May in one volume 8vo. We understand that a new edition of the Decerpta ex P. Ovidii Nasonis Metamorphoseon libris, with English Notes' at the foot of the page, and a copious Iudex of the Proper Names at the end of the volume, by Mr. Dynock of the Grammar School of Glasgow, will be published in the course of a few weeks. In the press, in one large Volume Medium 8vo. Price 12s. An estimate of the comparative strength of Great Britain; and of the losses of her trade, from every war since the revolution; with an introduction of previous history. A new edition, corrected and continued to 1810. By George Chalmers, F. R. S. S. A. Author of Caledonia, &c. A statement of facts respecting the late Insurrection, delivered to the Right Honorable Lord Minto, Governor General of India, on his arrival at Madras, by the second in Council, William Petrie, Esq. will shortly be laid before Parliament and the Public in one volume, 8vo. The twentieth number of Britton's Architectural Antiquities contains seven engravings of Roslyn Chapel in Seotland, with historical and descriptive accounts of Waltham Abbey Church and Hodingham Castle. The author announces his intention of devoting more plátes to elucidate the Architecture of that very singular chapel; intending to accompany the same with an ample historical account. Among the numerous examples of ancient Architecture already brought forward in the first and secondivolumes of Mr. Britton's work, that in the present number is the most singular, complex, and capriciously fanciful, Its style is calculated to puzzle those who are desirous of judging of buildings rather by theoretic principles, than by facts and historic deductions. The Life and orginal correspondence of Sir George Radcliffe, Knt. LL. D. the Friend of the Earl of Strafford, by Dr. Whitaker, the Historian of Whalley and Craven, may be expected before the end of the present month. A new volume of essays by the London Architectural Society will be ready for the public in a few days. A Historical and Scientific disquisition on the Doric Order of Architecture by Mr. E. Aikin, in folio, with seven plates in which the examples from Antiquity are drawn to one scale, will also be published at the same time, under the auspices of the Society, The Rev. W. Phelps, A. B. has in the press, Calendarium Botanicum; or, a Botanical Calendar, exhibiting at one View the Generic and Specific Name, the Class, Order, and Habitat, of all the British Plants, from the Class Monandria Monogynia to Polygamia Dioecia, inclusive, arranged according to their Time of flowering under each Month of the Year. In the press the Comedies of Terence, translated into familiar Blank Verse. By George Colman. Elegantly priuted in Octavo, with newly engraved plates. Mr. Brewster, author of the Meditations of a Recluse, has a volume in the press, entitled Meditations for the Aged. Dr. Bradley is preparing a work to contain the First Lines of the London Practice of Physic, which is intended to be a strictly practical book, and thereIllustrations to his Volumes, which, as Proof Impressions, having had the privilege of being taken from the Plates prior to the quotation from the Poem being affixed, have been rendered equally as applicable to the text of one Version, as to that of the other. fore not include any theory of medicine, nor have any interference with midwifery and surgery. Sir George Staunton's curious work, on the Penal Code of China, translated from the original Chinese, is expected to appear in a few days. Mr. Southey will shortly publish the Curse of Kehama, a poem, founded on the mythology of the Hindoos. Speedily will appear, Foreign Scenery. A Series of Views of Picturesque and Romantic Scenery in Madeira, the Cape of Good Hope, Timor, China, Prince of Wales's Island, Bombay, Mahratta Country, St. Helena, and Jamaica, from drawings made in those countries, by William Westall. Engraved by the most eminent artists, in the stroke manner, in an uniform size with Messrs. Hearne and Byrne's Antiquities of Great Britain, and each view accompanied by a descriptive account. The work will be published in numbers, and the publication will commence with three views in the island of Madeira. Messrs Samuel Wesley, and Charles Frederick Horn, are preparing for the press, a new edition of the Preludes and Fugues of Sebastian Bach. They are to be published by Subscription, and the editors promise to bring them out in a manner superior, in point of perspicuity and exactness, to any of the copies that have been procured from the Continent. Among other advantages are to be, that of the number of parts in which every fugue is composed being pointed out to the young student, with the addition of explanatory marks to shew whether the subject is pursued directly, inversely, by diminution, or by augmentation. Speedily will be published, in 4 Vols. 8vo. The Iliad and Odyssey of Homer, translated into English Blank Verse, by William Cowper, Esq. with a Preface by his kinsman, J. Johnson, LL. B. and illustrated by Fifty Engravings from the Paintings and Designs of Fuseli, Howard, Smirke, Stothard, Westall, &c. &c. Members of the Royal Academy. The engravings which decorate this Edition of Cowper's Homer, were originally designed for a splendid Edition of Pope's Translation, lately published, of which the Letter-press of the Large Paper Copies were unfortunately destroyed by fire, This accident has afforded an opportunity to the admirers of Cowper, which would not otherwise have occurred, to possess themselves of The Rev. George Cook, D. D. Minister of Laurencekirk, Author of an Illustration of the General Evidence establishing the Reality of Christ's Resurrection, has in the Press A History of the Reformation in Scotland. An edition of Lord Valentia's Travels in Octavo, is preparing for the press, with many corrections and some abridgements of less important parts of the narrative. Mr. Marsden's account of Sumatra is reprinting, with some additions by the author, and will be accompanied with maps and plates illustrative of the text. The new edition of Collins' Peerage of England with considerable additions and improvements, and brought down to the present time, by Sir Egerton Brydges, is in a state of forwardness at the press. Dr. Mayor has completed his Series of Juvenile Catechisms, and they will shortly appear in a collected form in two volumes. An Abridgement of Hooker's Ecclesiastical Polity, in an octavo volume, will appear in a few weeks. The Rev. Davies, of Ipswich, proposes to print in a duodecimo volume, the last sixteen Sermons on Grace, of the Rev. Christopher Love, with an account of his Life. A Life of Mr. Holcroft is just gone to press. The earlier part was dictated by himself during his last illness, and the portion he was unable to finish has been drawn up by an intimate friend. The Rev. A. P. Scargill is preparing for publication, a Hebrew and English Dictionary, on a new, plan, without points. Mr. Crabb has in the press a third part of the Preceptor and his Pupils, containing an elucidation of synonimous words in the English Language. The Rev. Dr. Baker, of Cawston in Norfolk, has put to the press, the Psalms evangelized, in a continued Explanation, which is intended to be comprised in a thick octavo volume. a Mr. Thomas Potts will shortly publish Gazetteer of England and Wales, closely printed in an octavo volume, illustrated by Maps. |