"That the volume is widely known and appreciated is shown by the fact of its having reached a third edition, and we can only say that it well deserves its success. A photographer of the author's well-known skill and repute could not fail to instruct others in his art. For practical instruction in the art this book distances all competitors."-Nature. "We are pleased to see that Capt. Abney's book of 'Instructions' has been so well appreciated as to necessitate the issuing of a third edition. This edition is in several respects an improvement upon the former two, and is, besides, illustrated by a Woodburytype of the author's picture in Windsor Forest. There is in theso pages much useful matter connected with several of the processes, wet and dry, in common use; and we are pleased to find that a prominent place is given to the Washed Collodion and Gelatine Emulsion processes. The chapter on 'Defects in Negatives-their Causes and Remedies,' is very practical and valuable, and will be found exceedingly acceptable to many inexperienced readers. There are numerous ' hints and dodges' to be found in this manual, which has our best wishes for its success." -British Journal of Photography, Dec. 22, 1876. • "The book before us, we have no hesitation in saying, is the most complete manual on Photography that we have seen. Capt. Abney is a thorough master of his subject, both in its widest theories and its minutest details. He never shirks any of the numerous difficulties which beset the science, but meets them fairly, and does his best to solve them . The work is preeminently scientific. It is not one of the high-flown theoretical handbooks of which we see so many, but but a rainstaking manual, entering into the smallest and minutest particulars iculars in describing the various systems. Capt. Abney's discussions of the 'Emulsion Process' are remarkable for the masterly style in which they are conducted, and for the clearness with which the particulars are set forth. In conclusion, we can only state that the manual is a most valuable contribution to the science of photography, and doubtless, from the well-known merits of Capt. Abney, will have great success."-Derbyshire Advertiser, December 15, 1876. • • "An excellent little handbook to the processes of photography, which is in its third edition, and deals mainly with the practical part of the art."-English Mechanic, December 15. PIPER & CARTER, 15, Gough Square, Fleet Street, E.C. TRADE MARK. SANS EGAL. OBORNE'S BEST FRENCH MOUNTS, FOR CARTES-DE-VIS NE, CABINETS, AND LONDON & PARIS. OBORNE'S MOUNTING BOARDS.-India Tints and Ornamental Tinted Mounts, Toned Mounts with line OBORNE'S PASSE-PARTOUTS, CUT-OUT MOUNTS, AND SHOW MOUNTS. -Novel patterns, with deep bevels, in various Tints and Maroon Flock. Frames. A very large and well-selected Stock always on hand. FRAMES for C.-D.-V. and Cabinet Portraits, in Silvered Metal and Ormolu, Velvet, Ivory, Bois Duci, Swiss Carved and Oxford ALBUMS, SCRAP BOOKS, and PORTFOLIOS. NEW POSING CHAIRS AND CARVED OAK ACCESSORIES, HEAD-RESTS, ARTISTIC BACKGROUNDİS, EDWIN OBORNE, RED LION SQUARE, LONDON. THE NEW REGISTERED FLOWER STAND ACCESSORY, A light elegant Accessory made of Iron, finished in different colours and gold to suit the lighting of any Studio. No. 1 Grey or Bronze, 15s.; No. 2 Black and Gold, 17s. 6d.; No. 3 White and Gold, 21s. Every description of Mounts, tinted, plain, or printed. SOLE MAKER OF THE IMPROVED 'EAGLE ALBUMENIZED PAPER." MANUN ACTURER AND DEALER IN EVERY REQUISITE FOR THE PHOTOGRAPHIC ART. C. E. ELLIOTT, THE CITY OF LONDON PHOTOGRAPHIC WAREHOUSE, 36, JEWIN STREET, CITY, LONDON. CAUTION. - Observe the TRADE MARK FORREST'S PATENT PLATE SUBSTITUSE. DRICES per Gross-41 X 81, 10/- wently is not able to stain with Chemicals or Damp, and has also the advantage of being scarcely HALF ATE. Crown Glass is rapidly growing out of use, and Messrs. F. & Co. have anticipated this difficulty and are happy to find Photographers appreciate their efforts. s especially prepared for the Collodion, and is distinguished by a diamond mark on one corner of each square. EST & SON, 58 & 60, LIME STREET, LIVERPOOL. CLASS, for Operating Rooms, tested by Spectrum Analysis. OPERA GLASS, smoothed a CONCISE INSTRUCTION IN THE ART OF RETOUCHING. Illustrated with Anatomical Drawings and TWO CARBON NEGATIVES (ONE RETOUCHED AND ONE UNTOUCHED), Produced upon Pellicle, which may be detached from the Book and Printed from as Examples. From the many hundreds of letters received since the publication of the work, the following is selected, being characteristic of the whole :- T See also PHOTOGRAPHIC NEWS, Nov. 10, 1876 and BRITISH JOURNAL OF PHOTOGRAPHY, Nov. 3, 1876. F. T. BURROWS, "W. HADDY." 11, MILTON STREET, DORSET SQUARE, LONDON. P. MEAGHER, Photographic Apparatus Manufacturer. Prize Medals awarded at London, Edinburgh, Berlin, and Paris. MEAGHER'S NEW FOLDING CAMERA. similar in construction to the already well-known Binocular Camera, and possesses the following advantages over the existing Landscape or which they are designed." - Vide Report of Jurors, Class IX., International Exhibition, Paris, 1867, Illustrated London News, September 14, 1867, page 298. owing Back, from 15s. extra MEAGHER'S NEW BINOCULAR CAMERA. Photographic Society of Scotland-SILVER MEDAL. | Dublin International Exhibition-HIGHEST AWARD. Focussing from 8 to 10 inches, can be used for Stereoscopic Views, Cartes-de-Visite, or for Single Pictures on the full size plate (i. e.. 71⁄2 by 5), with swing-back) LENSES BY ROSS, DALLMEYER, GRUBB, STEINHEIL, and VOIGTLANDER at their Catalogue Prices. ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUES SENT POST FREE. Manufactory-21, SOUTHAMPTON ROW, HIGH HOLBORN, LONDON, W.C Mr. Vandyke Writes, 13th OCTOBER, 1877: NITRATE OF SILVER. Manufactured with special care and free from dust. Each parcel will bear our Trade Mark as a guarantee of absolute purity. Forwarded free, in 10 oz. Packets, at 3/1 per oz., on receipt of P.O. Order. Lutschaunig & Co., 51, Cable Street, Liverpool, REFINERS, ASSAYERS, & METALLURGICAL CHEMISTS. A. J. FOURNET, Optician, The Liverpool and London 6, FLAXMAN VILLAS, CAMBERWELL, LONDON, S.E. EXTRA QUICK-ACTING BABY LENSES, for Instantaneous Portraits of children. A. J. F.'s Lenses are carefully tested and guaranteed, and although sold at a much lower price will bear comparison with the best lenses extant PRICE LIST FREE ON APPLICATION. DURAND'S SENSITIZED AND NON-SENSITIZED PAPERS. DURAND'S SENSITIZED PAPER prints much more rapidly than ordinary Albumenized Paper, and the proofs are finer and more brilliant. It will keep two months, requires no fuming, will remain uninjured for weeks between printing and toning, and is a great saving in every way. It has been largely used by the most eminent photographers, including Mr. T. R. Williams, Messrs. Hills and Saunders, Mr. R. Faulkner, Mr. O. G. Rejlander, of London; Mr. Jno. Eastham, of Manchester; Mr. Downey, of Newcastle; Mr. T. Edge, of Preston; Mr. E. Gregson, of Blackpool; Mr Burgess, of Norwich, &c., &c. Extract from Photo. News, June 14th, 182. Page 287. - "Some examples with which Dr. Diamond has just favoured us are singularly fine, having al the brilliancy of the class of pictures now generally distinguished as Salomonesque. The tone is perfect. Dr. Diamond says:- My dear Simpson, this is the effect I now always get with Durand's paper. Something tells me that pictures like these are permanent." M. DURAND has hundreds of testimonials to the same Purpове. Post free, per Sheet, 1/-; Quarter Quire 5/- Half Quire, 8/3 stamps, or 8/- P.0.0.; Quire, 15/6 stamps, or 15/- P.0.0 PRFPAID TO C. DURAND, 3, THE GROVE, NEW WIMBLEDON, LONDON, S.W. P.O. Orders payable at New Wimbledon, S. W. DURAND'S NON-SENSITIZED PAPERS. Extra Brilliant Saxe, far superior to any other in the market, 6s. per Quire; Quarter Reams, 278. 6d. Halt Ream, 548. Ream 106 Rives, 6s. 6d. per Quire Quarter Ream, 308. W. LAWLEY & SON'S PHOTOGRAPHIC DEPOT FOR Second-Hand Portrait, Group, Landscape & Copying Lenses BY DALLMEYER, ROSS, AND ALL THE BEST MAKERS. CAMERAS, STANDS, ROLLING PRESSES, PRINTING FRAMES &c., all Genuine and Warranted COMPLETE SETS FOR AMATEURS FROM £2 10s. DISSOLVING VIEW LANTERNS and SLIDES, MUSICAL BOXES, and OPTICAL and SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS in Great Britain. New Illustrated Catalogue, Post Free Two Stamps. W. LAWLEY & SON, 78, FARRINGDON STREET, CITY. N.B.-GOOD APPARATUS PURCHASED OR EXCHANGED. A LONG RECOGNIZED WANT MET BY "Hooper's System of Book-keeping for Photographers." (REGISTERED AT STATIONERS' HALL.) The Books are handsomely and strongly Bound, and are gaining favour in all well-regulated Establishments. The system is so checking, and made so simple that a knowledge of Book-keeping is not even essential. Set of Three Books, with Instructions £3 3s Od. ... SAMPLE SHEETS, with Instructions showing the system, will be sent anywhere on receipt of Thirty Stamps, which will be re turned on Set being ordered. ACCOUNTANCY WORK PROMPTRY EXECUTED, AND VALUATIONS MADE. FORREST'S PATENT PLATE SUBSTITUSE. DRICES per Gross-4 × 34, 10/- 5×4,14/9;65×4,24/-;7×4, 25/9; 8×6, 43/-; 10 × 8, 9 d. ft.; 12 × 9, 10 d. P Not above 1 foot per square, Ild. per ft.; 11⁄2 foot, 1/- per ft. Usual terms to the Trade. It is Usual terms th superior to Patent Plate, because it is non-absorbent, and consequently is not able to stain with Chemicals or Damp, and has also the advantage of being scarcely HALF THE PRICE OF PATENT PLATE, Crown Glass is rapidly growing out of use, and Messrs. F. & Co. have anticipated this difficulty at great expense to themselves, and are happy to find Photographers appreciate their efforts. N.B.-One side of our Glass is especially prepared for the Collodion, and is distinguished by a diamond mark on one corner of each square. J. A. FORREST & SON, 58 & 60, LIME STREET, LIVERPOOL. NON-ACTINIC PHOTO. GLASS, for Operating Rooms, tested by Spectrum Analysis. OPERA GLASS, smoothed a flashed to order, |