PLAINLY WORDED AND LARGELY UNTECHNICAL IN LAN- ISSUED MONTHLY EXCEPT JULY AND SEPTEMBER. GOODSELL OBSERVATORY OF CARLETON COLLEGE, Action of central attraction, Orbit of bodies under-R. W. Wood, 2 Figs...... 33 Algol, Light curves for-H. C. Wilson........... type variable, New-..... Allegheny Observatory, Plate XXI, opposite........ Anderson's new variable in Hercules, 2 Figs... 117 159 Circular orbit of a variable star of the Algol type, Plate IV, opposite........... 113 Constellations, Map of ................40, 97, 155, 211, 283, 338, 390, 456, 512, 556 Corona of the Sun without an eclipse, E. Miller...... of total solar eclipse seen at New Orleans... Solar-(Burckhalter), Plate XIII, opposite.. (Hadden), Plate XIV, opposite...... The-H. C. Wilson, Plate XI, opposite....... Dole, Robert M.-Meteors charted, (Andromede). Equatorial telescope, On the adjustment of–10 Figs........ Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus in 1900, Apparent paths of—. 39 Keeler, James Edward, Plate XVII, opposite 409, Plate XX, opposite........ Measuring astronomical photographs, Machine for-Flora E. Harpham, Plate V, opposite......... 129 |