Get WisdomXulon Press, 2003 - 600 pages |
The Proverbs of Solomon | 19 |
The Fruits of Wisdom | 35 |
Wisdom Produces the Fruit of Long Life | 49 |
The Ancient Past Speaks to the Present | 72 |
The Instruction of Wisdom | 87 |
The Morality of a Faithful Marriage | 100 |
When Wisdom Speaks Listen | 113 |
Wisdom Speaks Excellent Things | 129 |
The Power of the Tongue | 358 |
Wine False Weights and Other Wickedness | 380 |
Excellent Things | 424 |
Portrait of an Alcoholic | 440 |
Lesson Taught by the Lazy | 455 |
More Individual Proverbs | 469 |
The Sluggard His Excuses and Habits | 487 |
Diligent Farming | 505 |
The Eternal Nature of Wisdom | 142 |
The Voice We Must Heed Summary | 159 |
Wisdoms Offer Summary | 164 |
Lifes Short Day Summary | 194 |
Showing Wisdom in Word and Work | 237 |
The Upward Way Summary | 308 |
The Words of Agur | 539 |
Four Wonderful Things | 551 |
The Words of King Lemuel | 564 |
Conclusion | 577 |
Hands | 592 |
Common terms and phrases
abomination adultery Amplified Bible anger Bible blessings bring child Christ Christian command Corinthians corrupt counsel death deceit desire destroy destruction Deuteronomy diligent disperse knowledge divine drink earth Ephesians eternal evil Exodus eyes false father fear folly fool foolish friends fruit getting of wisdom give glory God's godly goeth gospel hand hate hath heart Hebrew holy honor immoral iniquity instruction Isaiah Israel Jesus Jews judgment keep king knowledge Leviticus lips literally living Lord Luke maketh marriage Matthew means mercy merry heart mocketh moral mouth obedient faith parents peace person Pharisees poor promise proverb Psalm Rehoboam rejoice reproof revealed rich righteous saith says Scripture seek servant shame sinners slothful Solomon soul speak spirit teach thee thine things thou hast thou shalt tongue translates true trust truth understanding unto upright walk wealth wicked wife wisdom wise woman words wrath