Mercury and Regulus, Trails of....... Mira, diagram of position of... 182 375 72 Moon, A new projection of the, Russell W. Porter, Plate XXXVIII..... Op. 573 Looking north out of Gassendi, Plate XXXIII. Op. 516 Region around Rost, Plate XXXIV. Op. 517 Nebula, The Spiral, M 64, Comae Berenices, Plate XXXIX. Nebulae, Types of spiral and disc, Plate XVI.... . Op. 615 Op. 305 631 .Op. 141 311, 312, 313, 317 The Dearborn, of Northwestern University, Plate XXVIII.. Op. 475 R. W. Porter, Views of........ Dominion, Ottawa, Canada... 338 Planets, Apparent paths of the, among the stars...... .49, 50 Polar reflecting telescope (diagrams). 309, 310, 316 Pyramids around Gizeh (diagram) 626 Reflector dome and comet-seeker of the La Plata Observatory. 14 Rosa Ursini, dedication to Paulus Jordanus II, Plate XVIII. RX Herculis, Observed magnitudes and theoretical light curve of. 693 The system of, compared with the sun.. 693 Small star with large proper motion, Photographs of region about the, Saturn-Opposition 1914-15, Drawing by Dr. Percival Lowell, Plate XXV Op. 419 Solar prominence of January 7, 1916, The, Photographed by O. J. Lee, Plate VIII ....Op. 205 Sun and spots, Drawings of, accompanying the Tres Epistolae, Plate IX.. Op. 212 comparative size of, and the earth... 16 showing spots and faculae, reduced from Rosa Ursini, Plate XXII.. Op. 349 265 Tres Epistolae, Reduced fac-simile title page of, Plate X....... Op. 213 Variable star observers, The American association of, Plate IV.........Op. 124 ......258, 326, 452, 453,523,524, 597, 598, 678 Venus and Jupiter, Trails of.......... 263 at conjunction 467 drawings of, in 1915, David H. Wilson, Plate XXXVII.. ..Op. 571 William Frederick King, Plate XVII..... Op. 337 World at the time of Louis XIV, The system of the....... 544 GENERAL INDEX TO VOLUME XXIV Adams, Walter S., An interesting case of two stars of common motion..... 266 Two spectroscopic binaries.. 266 Alden, Harold L., On the calibration of the photometer wedge of the Le- ander McCormick Observatory (abstract) 586 Apple, A. Thos. G., Observations of Jupiter-Apparition of 1914. 174 Arcturus-Rising, Charles Nevers Holmes.... 248 Aristillus, Markings on, E. C. Slipher...... 77 test for planetary definition, The, William H. Pickering... the quality of seeing, The, William H. Pickering. 273 574 Asteroid elements, The interrelation of the, Samuel G. Barton. 587 Bancroft, H. C. Jr., Results of variable star observations. Banded spectra in the electric furnace, The production of certain, Arthur S. Barton, Samuel G., The interrelation of the asteroid elements (abstract).... 587 587 Bell, Louis, Stellar magnitudes and light ratios.. 356 Bigelow, Edward F., The greatest need of astronomy. 333 Brown, Ernest W., On the progress of the new lunar tables (abstract)..... 588 little ... 633 Burns, Keivin, Determination of wave lengths by interference (abstract).... 588 planetary nebulae (abstract) Campbell, Leon, Co-operation in variable star observing (abstract) The spectral type and radial velocity of Barnard's proper motion star (abstract) Cannon, Annie J., Peculiar spectra found in preparing the new Draper Cat- 589 656 656 Celestial motions in the line of sight, Russell Sullivan.. 109, 162 Chabot Observatory dome as wireless aerial, The... 267 Chant, C. A., W. F. King, Late chief astronomer for Canada. 337 Chronology of the Egyptian Pyramids, F. J. B. Cordeiro.. Colbert, Elias, Address at the semi-centennial of the Dearborn Observatory.. 476 Cook, John A., The ruined lunar crater walls... Cordeiro, F. J. B., Chronology of the Egyptian Pyramids. Cosmological ideas among the Greeks, The, Hector Macpherson.. 318 218 624 358 Crump, Clifford C., Planet notes.. .249, 320, 388 The spectroscopic binary y Lyrae (abstract) 658 Curtis, Heber D., Forms of planetary nebulae (abstract) Curtiss, R. H., On the widths of hydrogen emission lines in Class B spectra Dawson, Bernard H., The frequency of striking conjunctions of Venus and Jupiter 390 .. Dearborn Observatory parallax program, First results on the, Philip Fox.... 663 The effect of haze spectrum on spectroscopic determina- 662 660 ....22, 82, 149, 206, 290, 341, 428, 488, 562 Distribution of gaseous matter throughout interstellar or cosmic space, The, Theodore William Schaefer...... Double Stars, An extension of Burnham's General Catalogue of, Eric Doo- little 663 Fox's measures of, Eric Doolittle... 500 Draper Catalogue, Peculiar spectra found in preparing the new, Annie J. Cannon 656 Durimeter for meteor observations, A, Lincoln La Paz. Eros for 1917, Elements and ephemeris of, F. E. Seagrave.. Fairfield, Priscilla, Observations of sun spots at Boston University. 474 Falsifying the time for the sake of economy.... .. 473 Fox, Philip, First results on the Dearborn Observatory parallax program Fry, Thornton C., The graphical computation of transit factors...... |