From these fad thoughts, that work too much upon him: -My lord, you'll bear us company? Cham. Excuse me; The king hath fent me other-where: befides, Health to your lordships. Nor. Thanks, my good lord chamberlain. 1 [Exit Lord Chamberlain. A Door opens, and discovers the King fitting and read ing penfively. Suf. How fad he looks! fure, he is much afflicted. King. Who's there! ha? Nor. Pray God, he be not angry. King. Who's there, I say? How dare you thruft yourselves Into my private meditations? Nor. A gracious king, that pardons all offences, King. You are too bold : Go to; I'll make ye know your times of business: Is this an hour for temporal affairs? ha? Enter WOLSEY, and CAMPEIUS with a Commission. Who's there? my good lord cardinal ?-O my Wolfey, The quiet of my wounded confcience ! Thou art a cure fit for a king. You're welcome, [TO CAMPEIUS. Most learned reverend fir, into our kingdom; I be not found a talker.[3] [To WOLSEY. Wol. Sir, you cannot. I would your grace would give us but an hour Of private conference. King. We are bufy; go. [To NORF. and SUF. Nor. This priest has no pride in him. Suf. Not to speak of; I would not be so sick though, for his place : [4] [3] I take the meaning to be, Let care be taken that my promife be performed, that my profeffions of welcome be not found empty talk. JON. [4] That is, fo fick as ke is proud. JOHNS. [Exeunt NoRF. and Sur. Wol. Your grace has given a precedent of wisdom Above all princes, in committing freely Your fcruple to the voice of Christendom. Who can be angry now? what envy reach you? I mean, the learned ones, in chriftian kingdoms, One general tongue unto us, this good man, King. And, once more, in mine arms I bid him wel come, And thank the holy conclave for their loves; King. Two equal men. The queen shall be acquainted Forthwith, for what you come. Where's Gardiner ? Wol. I know, your majesty has always lov'd her So dear in heart, not to deny her that King. Ay, and the best, she shall have; and my favour Cardinal goes out, and re-enters with GARDINER. Wol. Give me your hand: much joy and favour to you: You are the king's now. Gard. But to be commanded For ever by your grace, whose hand has rais'd me. [Afide. King. Come hither, Gardiner. [Walks and whispers. Cam. My lord of York, was not one doctor Pace In this man's place before him? Wol. Yes, he was. Cam. Was he not held a learned man ? Wol. Yes, furely. Cam. Believe me, there's an ill opinion spread then Even of yourself, lord cardinal. Wol. How! of me? Cam. They will not stick to say, you envy'd him; And, fearing he would rife, he was so virtuous, Kept him a foreign man still : [5] which so griev'd him, That he ran mad, and dy'd. Wol. Heaven's peace be with him! King. Deliver this with modefty to the queen. -The most convenient place that I can think of, SCENE III. An Anti-Chamber of the Queen's Apartments. Enter ANNE BULLEN and an old Lady. Anne. Nor for that neither :-Here's the pang that pinches: His highness having liv'd so long with her; and she Still growing in a majesty and pomp,-the which [5] Kept him out of the king's prefence, employed in foreign embassies. JOHNS. To leave is a thousand fold more bitter, than Would move a monster. Old L. Hearts of most hard temper 'Melt and lament for her. Anne. O, God's will! much better, She ne'er had known pomp: though it be temporal, As foul and body's severing. Old L. Alas, poor lady ! She's stranger now again.[8] Old L. Our content Is our best having.[9] Anne. By my troth, and maidenhead, I would not be a queen. Old L. Beshrew me, I would, And venture maidenhead for't; and fo would you, For all this fpice of your hypocrify : You, that have so fair parts of woman on you, Affected eminence, wealth, sovereignty; Which, to say footh, are bleffings: and which gifts Of your foft cheveril confcience would receive,[1] Anne. Nay, good troth,- Old L. Yes, troth and troth,-You would not be a queen ? Anne. No, not for all the riches under heaven. [6] To fend her away contemptuously; to pronounce against her a fentence of ejection. JOHNS. [7] He calls Fortune a quarrel or arrow, from her striking so deep and Suddenly. Quarrel was a large arrow so called. Thus Fairfax, 'Twang'd the string, out flew the quarrel long. WARB. [8] Again an alien; not only no longer queen, but no longer an Englishwoman. JOHNS.. [9] That is, our best poffeffion. In Spanish, hazienda. Cheveril is kid-fkin, soft leather. JOHNS, 1 VOL. VI. D Old L. 'Tis strange; a three-pence bow'd would hire me, Old as I am, to queen it: But, I pray you, Anne. No, in truth. Old L. Then you are weakly made: Pluck off a little; I would not be a young count in your ways Anne. How do you talk! I swear again, I would not be a queen Old L. In faith, for little England Enter Lord Chamberlain. Cham. Good morrow, ladies. What wer't worth to know The fecret of your conference ? Anne. My good lord, Not your demand; it values not your asking : Cham. It was a gentle business, and becoming Anne. Now I pray God, amen ! Cham. You bear a gentle mind, and heavenly bleffings Follow fuch creatures. That you may, fair lady, Perceive I speak fincerely, and high note's Ta'en of your many virtues, the king's majesty Commends his good opinion to you, and Does purpose honour to you no less flowing Than marchioness of Pembroke; to which title A thousand pounds a year, annual fupport, Out of his grace he adds. Anne. I do not know, What kind of my obedience I should tender ; |