CHAPTER I: JANUARY 1-APRIL 15, 1936-Continued
From the Ambassador in Japan
Observations relative to the withdrawal of the Japanese
delegation from the London Naval Disarmament Conference.
From the Counselor of Embassy in China (tel.)
Information that Isogai, Japanese Military Attaché, seem-
ingly favors the Chinese Government's desire to have Sino-
Japanese negotiations returned to regular diplomatic channels.
From the Ambassador in China (tel.)
Opinion that recent occurrences in Inner Mongolia will
completely alienate the Mongols from the Chinese.
From the Ambassador in Japan (tel.)
British Ambassador's report of conversation with Foreign
Minister Hirota, who expressed the hope that China would
ultimately recognize "Manchoukuo."
From the Ambassador in China (tel.)
Report regarding postal and customs revenues; observations
concerning activities of forces along the border of the demili-
tarized zone.
Report by the Military Attaché in Germany
Official denial by Major von Pappenheim, of the War
Ministry, of truth of a London Morning Post report of a
German-Japanese military alliance.
From the Chargé in the Soviet Union (tel.)
Conversation with a Kremlin emissary who expressed
concern regarding Soviet-Japanese dissensions in the Far
East and recently published reports of a German-Japanese
alliance directed against activities of the Comintern.
From the Consul General at Harbin to the Ambassador in China
Observations in support of opinion that the higher author-
ities of the Kwantung Army wish to avoid serious complica-
tions with Outer Mongolia and Soviet Russia at the present
From the Ambassador in Japan (tel.)
Publication of two articles, evidently trial balloons put out
by the Foreign Office, reporting comprehensive political
negotiations involving the United States, United Kingdom,
and Japan.
To the Ambassador in Japan (tel.)
Explanation to press correspondents that there have been
numerous conferences regarding questions of trade but no
conferences on political matters in the Far East.
To the Ambassador in Japan (tel.)
Uneasy feeling in some Soviet circles that a spring or summer
outbreak of conflict between Japan and Soviet Union is
From the Ambassador in China (tel.)
Advice of various conversations between Japanese and
Chinese leaders regarding the future course of the Japanese
military in North China.