The Bhagavat-geeta, Or, Dialogues of Krishna and Arjoon: In Eighteen Lectures : Sanscrit, Canarese, and English in Parallel Columns : the Canarese Newly Translated from the Sanscrit, and the English from the Translation by Sir Charles Wilkins, with His Preface and Notes, &c. and the Introduction by the Hon. Warren Hastings, Esq. : with an Appendix Containing Schlegel's Latin Tralsation of the Geeta, Notes from the German of Baron Humboldt, &c., &c

Front Cover
John Garrett
Wesleyan Mission Press, 1846 - 176 pages

Selected pages

Popular passages

Page 26 - Children only, and not the learned, speak of the speculative and the practical faculties as two. They are but one, for both obtain the selfsame end, and the place which is gained by the followers of the one is gained by the followers of the other. That man seeth, who seeth that the speculative and the practical doctrines are one.
Page 8 - It is not a thing of which a man may say, it hath been, it is about to be, or is to be hereafter ; for it is a thing without birth, it is ancient, constant, and eternal, and is not to be destroyed in this its mortal frame.
Page 107 - Soodarsan, ready at the mind's call, flew down from heaven with direct and refulgent speed, beautiful, yet terrible to behold : And being arrived, glowing like the sacrificial flame, and spreading terror around...
Page xliii - As God is immaterial, he is above all conception ; as he is invisible, he can have no form ; but from what we behold of his works, we may conclude that he is eternal, omnipotent, knowing all things, and present every where.
Page lv - Mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth; fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil concupiscence, and covetousness, which is idolatry: for which things...
Page 132 - Although I am not in my nature subject to birth or decay, and am the lord of all created beings; yet, having command over my own nature, I am made evident by my own power; and as often as there is a decline of virtue, and an insurrection of vice and injustice, in the world, I make myself evident ; and thus I appear, from age to age, for the preservation of the just, the destruction of the wicked, and the establishment of virtue.
Page xl - Let the motive be in the deed, and not in the event. Be not one whose motive for action is the hope of reward.
Page l - For sinful acts mostly corporeal, a man shall assume after death a vegetable or mineral form ; for such acts mostly verbal, the form of a bird or a beast ; for acts mostly mental, the lowest of human conditions : 10.
Page xl - As a man throweth away old garments, and putteth on new, even so the soul, having quitted its old mortal frames, entereth into others which are new. The weapon divideth it not, the fire burneth it not, the water corrupteth it not, the wind drieth it not away; for it is indivisible, inconsumable, incorruptible, and is not to be dried away: it is eternal, universal, permanent, immovable; it is invisible, inconceivable, and unalterable; therefore, believing it to be thus, thou shouldst not grieve.
Page li - And lodges, where it lights, in man or beast ; Or hunts without, till ready limbs it find, And actuates those according to their kind ; From tenement to tenement is tossed ; The soul is still the same, the figure only lost...

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