THE STATE OF OHIO. GENERAL AND LOCAL ACTS PASSED AND JOINT RESOLUTIONS ADOPTED BY THE SEVENTY-SECOND GENERAL ASSEMBLY, AT ITS REGULAR SESSION, BEGUN AND HELD IN THE CITY OF COLUMBUS, JANUARY 6, 1896. VOLUME XCII. COLUMBUS, OHIO: PUBLISHED BY STATE AUTHORITY. J. L. TRAUGER, STATE PRINTER. SECTION 1. Be it cnacted by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio, That there is hereby appropriated from any money in the treasury to the credit of the general revenue fund, and not otherwise appropriated, the sum of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000), for salaries and mileage of members, per diem of clerks, sergeants-at-arms, and other officers and employes of the general assembly, one thousand dollars ($1,000) for contingent expenses of the house and five hundred dollars ($500) for contingent expenses of the senate, five hundred dollars ($500) expense legislative committees, two hundred dollars ($200) contingent expense for auditor of state. SECTION 2. This act shall take effect on its passage. Passed January 8, 1896. ANDREW L. HARRIS, President of the Senate. 1G Appropriation for general as [Senate Bill No. 3.] AN ACT For the relief of Hon. T. K. Dissette. rant in favor of SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio, That the auditor of state is hereby all- Duplicate warthorized to issue a duplicate warrant in favor of Hon. T. K. Dissette, one of the judges of the court of common pleas, in the third subdivision of the fourth judicial district, of Ohio, No. 8926, for two hundred and eight dollars and thirty-three cents ($208.33). Said original warrant, issued September 3, 1895, was lost. SECTION 2. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. CHARLES H. BOSLER, ASAHEL W. JONES, Passed January 24, 1896. President of the Senate. |