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an apparent insensibility, that continued to the last. In this state, to the surprise of his medical attendants, he continued for some days; his pulsation strong and regular, and his breathings free. Early how ever, on the morning of the 21st of April 1807, it was discovered that his pulse had ceased to beut, and that his last breath was expired, though the actual termination of his life was so gentle, that it was not perceived.

The last act of his life, while a state of perfect consciousness remained, was an attempt to express himself in prayer; but the power of articulation was gone: nevertheless he was observed for some time after, with his hands folded upon his breast, to be absorbed in fervent devotion; thus dying, as he had lived, with a mind directed towards God and another world.

It would be unjust to close this account without subjoining the faith ful and animated portrait of Mr. Walker, drawn by his friend the late Gilbert Wakefield; who in characterizing the various individuals that had presided over the Warrington institution at different times, passes the following eulogium upon his talents and his virtues: "The last whom I shall mention of this laudable fraternity, but not the least in love, is the Rev. George Walker, dissenting, minister at Nottingham, a fellow of the royal society. This gentleman, take him for all in all, possesses the greatest variéty of knowledge with the most masculine understanding of any man I ever knew. He is in particular a mathematician of singular accomplishment. His treatise on the sphere long since published, and one upon the conic

sections, are the vouchers of my assertions. His two volumes of sermons are pregnant with the celestial fire of genius, and the vigour of noble sentiments. His appeal to the people of England upon the subject of Test Laws would not be much honoured by my testimony in its fayour as the best pamphlet published on that occasion; were not this judgment coincident with the decision of the honourable Charles James Fox, who has declared to a friend of mine the same opinion of its excellence.

"But these qualifications, great and estimable as they are, constitute but a mean portion of his praise.Art thou looking, reader! like Esop in the fable, for a man? Dost thou want an intrepid spirit in the cause of truth, liberty, and virtue-an undeviating rectitude of action-a boundless hospitality-a mind infinately superior to every sensation of malice and resentment a breast susceptible of the truest friendship, and overflowing with the milk of human kindness-an ardour, au enthusiasm, in laudable pursuits, characteristic of magnanimity-an unwearied assiduity, even to his own hinderance, in public services? My experience can assure thee, that thy pursuit may cease, thy doubts be banished, and thy hope be realized: for this is the man.

"Who will now stay to compute the deduction, which must be made from this sum of excellence, for sallies of passion devoid of all malignity, and often excited by a keen indignation against vice; and for vehemence and pertinacity of disputation? I have made the computation, and it amounts to an infinitesimal of the lowest order."

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Such terms might de, for fun or scoffing...
For "pious momeries,” "veel tim'd daffing,”
Singing, of that sweet point, which

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"The wee-short OOR ayont the twaal!”
Do...tell your imps, hereafter I implore'm,
To use no more, such lapsuses typorum !
In crabbed writings, always mind the sense,
Consult the meaning, and on no pretence,
Your judgment suffer, in a doubtful part,
The author's obvious meaning to pervert.
If, once, for all, you kindly take this hint,
All future errors..." aiblins"'ll avoid,
Leaving nor room, nor cause, for me to chide,

And every item...most correctly print.

Hoping you'll be good boys, I go no further,
And now proceed to analyse in order.

But few events, worth noticing, appear
In the first month of this portentous year,
One, of the few, I cannot well pass over,
Because from it some apt reflections spring,
'Th' annexation to Westphalia's King

(OUR GRACIOUS SOVEREIGN's-birthright) of Hanover.

Another event, which old Janu'ry brings,
(Would they but heed it), awful hint to kings,
A declaration on the twenty-fourth,
By Bonaparte to the Dutch...sets forth...
"From present aspect of the thing, his view is,
They must give up their king, the gentle Louis!
And must likewise, their welfare to advance,
(Nolens aut volens), be annexed to France!"
Thus kings are play'd, now go, now come,
See how we manage things at home.

A few days after, (done no doubt to pester),
Great Percival, & Co. the LORD PORCHESTER,
Mov'd in the Commons for a committee,
To try the Expedition to the Scheldt,

The premier after long debatings held....
Of nine...was left in a minority!

Then after this, to wit, the thirty-first,

The ministry...observe...come last, come worst,
As if of power and influence bereft,

In three attacks were in the back ground left!

Out then perchance, you'll tell me, now they went,
And, fit reward, were to impeachment sent: preach'd...look'd wise...made sage grimaces
Cajol'd THE PUBLIC, and...still held their places!

O, Impudence, thou first of human talents...
For virtue, honor, truth, an overbalance:
To thee, O Percival...of statesmen pink,
Greater than Pitt...and Melville, both I think,
The first PREMIER that e'er a state bestrode,
To thee, and Impudence, I'll write an Ode!


O, Spencer, puggish imp of fame,
How shall my trumpet sound thy name?
And all thy brazen acts proclaim,

humbug! finess! chicanery +

The British nation hath been chous'd,
All MAGNA CHARTA's rights refus'd,
And, every HONEST MAN abus'd

by thy intriguing ministry!

O, Impudence, no man as yet,

Not even "the heaven-born statesman PITT!"
Upon the right hath hit

the thee, O Percival!

Still for corruption on the watch,
Assisted by your canting batch,
Each breath of prejudice you catch,

and then bawl out..." no popery!**

While aided in the pious work,

By Croker, Castlereagh, and Yorke...!

Each pension'd slave shouts like a Turk, *
behold our holy Chancellor!

The day will come...perhaps ev'n now,
Thy die is cast, and by one blow,
Thee, and thy myrmidons laid low,

may curse such fatal foolery..

The Regent then, as much ador'd,
As thou and Wellesly are abhor'd,
Will seat himself at council-board,

amidst the Nation's excellente.

Each heart and hand will then combine,
To aid the FIRST of Brunswick's line,

And GEGRGE the REGENT's name will shine.
high as the sun of MAJESTY.

We suppose the poet means those Turks, who are placed on the minarets in Constantinople, &c.

OUR ROYAL REGENT's noble mind,
Despising reptiles of thy kind,
Will check thy mad career, thou'lt find,
and rend thy robe of sanctity!

Then Febru'ry with haggar'd aspect came,
Its gloomy features, heavy, cold, and chill,
Producing almost nothing, worthy name,
Save, that THE PRESS to snaffle; many a bill
Was mov'd by Yorke...a senator of fame.

Who likewise mov'd,, that 'strangers should withdraw,
And, while the Walcheren debate went on,
Should no admission be...and this strange law
Pass'd as it might...excluding every one.

Yorke likewise mov'd...(no doubt with good intent),
That every person.should imprison'd be,

Who thought, or spoke, or wrote, or meant,

That, ought of wrong, was done by ministry,

Which pass'd, and JOHN GALE JONES...this plight did.dree!
With many more to loathsome dungeons went.

Well done good imps, now let's your cases search,
And see, what mighty things were done in MARCH;
Which frowning came, in stature stern and high,
Snuffing the air, with manners sharp, and dry.


Upon its records little doth appear,
Nay, almost nothing, to be noted here,
Save, what I, gossip-like, do now advise
That BONI...casting off his former doxy,
Did, on th' twentieth day, express by proxy,
"At Vienna...the Austrian dame LOUISA :
"Twill be rare sport, if from this union springs
A new dynasty both of kings, and queens.

There was besides some house of commons work,
A Colonel Lethbridge...follow'd Colonel Yorke,
And up conjuring all the speaker's power,
Sent vi and ARMS...SIR FRANCIS to the tower.

APRIL, now smiling comes...but apropos...
Ere I go further, I must let you know,
That tho' I said SIR FRANCIS was, in March,
Sent to the tower, yet on minute research,
I find such declaration was amiss...

He was not sent until the ninth of this

Same present month, and that to send him then
Requir'd the aid of thirty thousand men,

With cannons loaded, prim'd, and matches lighted!
The guilty mind is always sore affrighted...

SIR FRANCIS...innocent, serene, and mild,

Quite undismay'd, amid this wild uproar!
Desir'd his shut the outer door,

And, unconcern'd, sat PLAYING WITH HIS CHILD!
Thus, one "high minded MAN,*

* See Ode from Alcaus, in this Magazine.


Who knows his rights, and knowing dare maintain,”
Against the force of thousands, can

Show Britons, that a tyrant's force is vain;
And all his threats "pass like the idle wind,"
Where virtue" arms in honesty the mind."

Of all th' occurrences in MAY,
Little remains for us to say;
Save that upon the ninth, the House
With huge majority

Rejected maugre all condition,
The LONDON LIVERY petition.

Upon the seventeenth, we'll show,

A county meeting in MAYO;

Where, 'twas resolv'd, much to their credit,
That CATH'LIC CLAIMS, (and they have said it,)
A measure for our safety wanted,
Should be at toto...granted.

The eighteenth, after much debate,
Their claims did meet a different fate,
And were upon ST. STEPHEN's floor,
( hundred four !)
Thrown out, as had been long expected,
And, spite of eloquence,* rejected.

Upon this month, to close the book,
Last day thereof, a ROYAL DURB...
When sleeping sound in his own palace
Was nearly murder'd by one Selis,
A fellow either mad, or jealous.

Edentecullo, 11th January, 1811.

(To be Continued.)



WHEN Poets, just like Panzousts Sybilh

On scraps of leaves their verses scribble,
So small and light they seem inclin'd,
Like hers, to flit before the wind;

When, with Parnassus the whole soul in
The eye," while in fine frenzy rolling,"
Disdains to leave its scenes inviting,
To see what letters hands are writing;
When words appear their lines among,
Which seem from Babel's tower sprung,
Constructed by no one tongue's rules,
But form'd from two...a sort of mule;
When too they think it impudence,
If of their lines we mend the sense;
You should correct the press yourself,
Or be no more a grumbling elf.

'See Grattan's speech on that occasion.


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