The legality and necessity of the course pursued assure me of the favorable light in which it will present itself to the Legislature, and of the promptitude with which they will supply whatever provisions may be due to the essential rights and equitable... The Belfast Monthly Magazine - Page 741811Full view - About this book
 | United States. Congress. House - 1810 - 448 pages
...effect. The legality and necessity cf the ca:rse pursued, assure me of the favorable light in wfcich it will present itself to the Legislature; and of the...will supply whatever provisions may be due to the rights ar.d equitable interests of the people thus brought into the bosom of the Americin... | |
 | 1811 - 558 pages
...effect. The legality and necessity of the course pursued, assure me of the favourable light in which it will present itself to the legislature; and of the...Barbary, with the exception of a recent occurrence at Tunis, of which an explanation is just received, appears to have been uinterrupted, and to have... | |
 | 1811 - 840 pages
...necessity of the course pursued, assure me of the favourable light in which it wiH present its. il to :he legislature ; and of the promptitude with which they...rights and equitable interests of the people- thus bi ought into the bosom of the American famiiy.— Our amity with the powers of Barbary, with the exception... | |
 | William Cobbett - 1811 - 844 pages
...necessity of the course pursued, assure me of the favourable light in which it will present itself IQ the legislature ; and of the promptitude with which...will supply whatever provisions may be due to the essen-* tial rights and equitable interests of the people thus brooght into the bosom of the American... | |
 | Benjamin Flower - 1811 - 648 pages
...pursued, as«ure me of the favourable light in which it will present itself to the legislature; ami of the promptitude with which they will supply whatever provisions may be duo to the essentinl rights and equitable interests of the. people thus brought into the bosom of the... | |
 | 1815 - 556 pages
...favourable light in \vhioh it will present itself to the legislature ; and of the promptitude, with whieh they will supply whatever provisions may be due to...interests of the people thus brought into the bosom of the Ameriean family. Our amity with the powers of Barbary, with the exeeption of a reeent oeeurrenee at... | |
 | 1817 - 518 pages
...effect. The legality and necessity of the course pursued, assure me of the favourable light in which it will present itself to the legislature; and of the...Barbary, with the exception of a recent occurrence at Tunis, of which an explanation is just received, appears to have been uninterrupted, and to have... | |
 | James Madison - 1819 - 484 pages
...effect. The legality and necessity of the course pursued assure me of the favorable light in which it will present itself to the Legislature, and of the...Barbary, with the exception of a recent occurrence at Tunis, of which an explanation is just received, appears to have been uninterrupted and to have... | |
 | United States. President - 1842 - 794 pages
...effect. The legality and necessity of the course pursued assure me of the favorable light in which it will present itself to the legislature, and of the...with the powers of Barbary, with the exception of a recen: occurrence at Tunis, of which an explanation is just received appears to have been uninterrupted... | |
 | United States. President - 1846 - 766 pages
...effect. The legality and necessity of the course pursued assure me of the favorable light in which it will present itself to the legislature, and of the...Barbary, with the exception of a recent occurrence at Tunis, of which an explanation is just received, appears to have been uninterrupted and to have... | |
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