Biography of Professor W. C. BOND Scientific Expedition to the Summit of Mont Blanc [by M. ARGELANDER'S D. M. maps wanted by the Lick Observatory On the Ring-Shaped Mountains of the Moon [by Dr. H. EBERT]; Scientific Visitors to the Lick Observatory [H. F. NEWALL, Esq., Observatory of the Catholic University of America Comparison of Some Photographs and Drawings of the Nebula Photograph of the Cluster M. 34=G. C. 584 [made at the Lick Moon-Negatives taken at the Lick Observatory, 1888 and 1890, Predictions relating to the Annular Eclipse of the Sun, June 6, (See, also, page 74.) SCHMIDT'S Drawings of Nebula Orionis, 1860-75, compared with 68 (List of) the Comets of 1890. 69 Corrections to Publications A. S. P., nos. 13 and 14. 69 Some Physical Phenomena involved in the Mechanical Theory 70 74 United States Naval Observatory, by EDWARD S. HOLDEN. 74 Minutes of the Meeting of the Directors, January 31, 1891. 76 Members of the Committee on the Comet-Medal appointed . Resignations accepted . . Minutes of the Meeting of the Society, January 31, 1891 . 79 77 78 78 78 78 Minutes of a Meeting held November 20, 1890, for the purpose of organizing a Chicago Section of the Society. List of Members of the Chicago Section, A. S. P. Minutes of the Second Meeting of the Chicago Section, A. S. P., Publications No. 15, March 28, 1891. The Carleton College Observatory, by Professor W. W. PAYne, Di rector . . . Engraving of the Observatory . to face page 85 to face page 86 87 Engraving of the REPSOLD Meridian Circle . BELL (See, also, pages 223 and 379.) The Fireball in RAPHAEL'S Madonna di Foligno, by Professor H. A. On the Similarity of Certain Orbits in the Zone of Asteroids (Second Astronomical Observations in 1890, by TORVALD KÖHL Plate of drawings of Sun's spots. 91 95 97 to face page IOI 103 Address of the Retiring President of the Society, at the Third Annual Astronomical Instruments in Course of Construction (by FAUTH & The August Meteors, by W. H. S. MONCK. Notices from the Lick Observatory. The Observatory of Nice, by EDWARD S. HOLDEN II2 Extracts from letters written by GEORGE P. BOND of Harvard College Observatory, 1857-1860. 124 Grant to the Lick Observatory from the Smithsonian Institution 128 Harvard College Observatory Expedition to the Southern Spectroscopic Investigations at the JOHNS HOPKINS University Comments of Professor STRINGHAM, Comments of Professor HOLDEN. (See, also, pages 239 and 240.) Photographs of the Nebula of Orion with the Great Telescope; note by EDWARD S. HOLDEN. Duplicates in the Library of the Lick Observatory . Books wanted in the Library of the Lick Observatory sition . . Appointment of a Committee on the World's Columbian Expo- Address to the Society by the Earl of Rosse. Minutes of the Third and Fourth Meetings of the Chicago Section, Publications No. 16, June 13, 1891. The Solar Corona of January, 1889, from the Photographs, by Pro- 172 . 175 Lunar Work for Amateurs, by THOMAS GWYN ELGER, F. R. A. S., 162 A few hints to Beginners in Solar Observation, by Miss E. BROWN. The Solar Eclipse of June 6, 1891, by ORRIN E. HARMON. On the Thermometric Chronometer of the Lick Observatory, by A. . The Period of the Rotation of the Sun near the Poles, as derived from the Coronas of 1878 and 1889, by Prof. FRANK H. BIGELOW. 201 (Sixth) Award of the DONOHOE Comet-Medal (to E. E. BARNARD). 216 Visibility of Interference-Fringes in the Focus of a Telescope, by Report made to the Director of the Astronomical Observatory of Tacubaya, in regard to Observations of the Zodiacal Light (trans- Errata in Watson's Theoretical Astronomy, by Prof. G. C. COMSTOCK 223 (See, also, pages 87 and 379.) Observations of the Transit of Mercury, May 9, 1891 Observations of the Solar Eclipse of June 6, 1891, at the Lick Ob- servatory, Mt. Hamilton, by Messrs. HOLDEN, SCHAEBERLE, BAR- Engraving of the 27-inch GRUBB Equatorial . Engraving of the 26-inch CLARK Equatorial . Engraving by DAUMIER "The Earthquake at Bordeaux" Examination of the Lick Observatory Negatives of the Moon, by New Rill on the Floor of the Lunar Crater Thebit, recently dis- |