CONTENTS TWENTY-NINTH VOLUME. page 1 Fearne's Impartial Anfwer to Junius; ibid. A Defence of the Proceedings of the Houfe of Commons in the 65 Genuine Copies of Letters between the Rt. Hon. the Lord Proteftant Armour, ibid. Treatife on the Exiftence of a Divine Being, 77 Orton's Difcourfes on Family Worship, ibid. Dr. Kippis's Sermon on the Death of the Rev. Mr. Laugher, ib. Hiftory of the Negociations for the Peace concluded at Bel- Dr. Ogden's Sermons on Prayer, of Affairs of G---n---a, A Letter to Dr. S. Johnson, a certain Affembly, Counter Letter to the E- of H-ll-gh, on the Prefent State Serious Reflections on fome late important Determinations in Obfervations on feveral Acts of Parliament, paffed in his prefent Oratio Anniverfaria à Gul. Harveio inftituta in Theatro Col. Med. Lond. O&. 18, 1769, An earnest Addrefs to all the Rich and Great, &c. |