I. Ice. On the formation of ground-ice: by O. Maschke. Pogg. Ann. xcv. 226. Ichthyosis. Chemical examination of an ichthyosis mass: by J. Schlossberger. Ann. Ch. Pharm. xciii. 333; J. pr. Chem. lxiv. 513. Addendum, Ann. Ch. Pharm. xcvi. 8. Igasurine. On a new alkali, igasurine, found in Nux vomica: by M. Denoi, J. Pharm. [3] xxvii. 293; Chem. Gaz. 1855; 430. Ilmenium.-Researches on ilmenium, niobium, and tantalum by R. Hermann. J. pr. Chem. lxv. 54. Indian Corn.-Analysis of Indian corn, wheat, &c.: by A. Polson. Chem. Gaz. 1855, 211. India-rubber.-See Caoutchouc. Indigo. On the formation of indigo-blue: by E. Schunck. Phil. Mag. [4] x. 73; Pharm. J. Trans. xv. 166. On the frequent occurrence of indigo in human urine, and on its chemical, physiological, and pathological relations: by A. H. Hassall. Phil. Trans. 1854, ii. 297. Infusions. On concentrated infusions. Pharm. J. Trans. xiv. 403, 438, 439, 452. Infusoria.-Examination of the green matter contained in the smallest infusoria: by the Prince of Salm-Horstmar. Pogg. Ann. xciv. 466; Phil. Mag. [4] x. 309. Analysis of the infusorial soil of Lüneburg: by W. Wicke. Ann. Ch. Analysis of the lower stratum of the Lüneburg soil containing infusoria : Ink.-Red-purple ink for marking on linen. J. Pharm. [3] xxvi. 442; J. pr. Chem. Ixiv. 501. Intestinal Concretions.-On intestinal concretions: by Jules Cloquet. Compt. rend. xl. 224. Iodides. On the periodides of the compound ammonias: by J. Weltzien. Chem. Gaz. 1855, 116. Iodine. Improvements in the process for manufacturing iodine (L. Faure's patent). Chem. Gaz. 1855, 199. Use of hypermanganate of potash for the detection of iodine and bromine Note on the search for iodine in the air through the medium of dew: by Volumetric determination of iodides in presence of chlorides and bromides: On the colouration of starch by iodine: by A. Béchamp. J. Pharm. [3] xxviii. 303. On the compounds of chlorine with iodine: by J. Trapp. Chem. Gaz. 1855, 52. On the iodonitrate of silver: by J. Schnauss. Chem. Gaz. 1855, 127, 347. On the preparation of iodised gluten, and on its therapeutic properties: by M. Gagnage. Compt. rend. xl. 1224. Iodine. On the preparation of the solution of iodised chloride of zinc as a reagent for cellulose in microscopical investigations: by L. Radlkofer. Ann. Ch. Pharm. xciv. 332; Chem. Gaz. 1855, 372. On iodide of thiosinethylammonium: by C. Weltzien. Ann. Ch. Pharm. On the compounds of iodine and strychnine: by W. B. Herapath. Proc. Observations on iodised oil: by M. Bredschneider. J. Pharm. [3] xxvi. 433. Iodopropylene.-See Propylene. Iridium.-Note on a process for extracting the gold allied with iridium in the ashes formed in the preparation of iridium; by M. d'Hennin. Compt. rend. xl. 1203. Iron.--Volumetric determination of iron: by A. Streng. Pogg. Ann. xciv. 493; Chem. Gaz. 1855, 191; J. pr. Chem. lxv. 184. Quantitative determination of iron: by H. Vohl. Ann. Ch. Pharm. xciv. Researches on the influence of sulphur upon iron, and on its partial neu- On the separation of oxide of iron from alumina: by R. Richter. · J. pr. On the quantitative separation of the oxides of iron from alumina: by Indirect method of determining alumina and the oxides of iron when On the crystalline form and chemical composition of some iron-furnace slags: by Th. Scheerer. Ann. Ch. Pharm. xciv. 79. Crystalline structure of iron. Pharm. J. Trans. xv. 185. On the preparation of Ferrum pulveratum. Ann. Ch. Pharm. xciv. 125; Pharm. J. Trans. xiv. 575; Chem. Gaz. 1855, 246; J. pr. Chem. lxv. 126; J. Pharm. [3] xxviii. 394. Additional note on the preparation of Ferrum pulveratum. Pharm. xcv. 192. Ann. Ch. Action of heat upon the acetates of iron: by L. Péan de St.-Gilles. Compt. Action of heat on the ferric hydrate and acetate: by L. Péan de St.- On the process of electrochemical decomposition, and on the electrolysis On the green colour of the ferrico-alkaline oxalates, and the white of the On some ferroso-ferric phosphates: by G. Jenzsch. Pogg. Ann. xcvi. 139. Iron.-Occurrence of iron in normal urine and in perspiration by MM. Viale and Latini. J. Pharm. [3] xxvii. 382. Improvements in the treatment of heating, puddling, and refining iron slags and cinders (F. C. Calvert's patent). Chem. Gaz. 1855, 279. Analysis of an enamel for cast-iron: by A. Faiszt. Chem. Gaz. 1855, 317. Improvement in the manufacture of cast and malleable iron. J. Fr. Inst. [3] xxx. 21.2. On the supposed influence of the hot blast in augmenting the quantity of Improvement in puddling iron: by J. Nasmyth. J. Fr. Inst. [3] xxx. 209. On the transformations of iron-ores: by E. F. Glocker. Pogg. Ann. xcvi. On a reaction of protosalts of iron in presence of copper: by J. W. Slater. 232. Alloys of iron and aluminium: by F. C. Calvert. Pharm. J. Trans. xv. Iron, Meteoric.-See Meteorites. Isa tine.-Action of aniline upon isatine, bromisatine, and chlorisatine: by J. Jalap. On the so-called jalap resins; by W. Mayer. Ann. Ch. Pharm. xcv. 129. Juice. On the gum of Sonora, juice of Varennea, and resin of Panal: by L. Soubeiran. J. Pharm. [3] xxviii. 196. K. Ketones.-Compounds of the ketones with alkaline bisulphites: by Dr. Limpricht. Ann. Ch. Pharm. xciii. 238; J. Pharm. [3] xxvii. 318; Chem. Gaz. 1855, 168; Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xliii. 488; Chem. Soc. Qu. J. viii. 154. On some supposed aldehydes and ketones; by Dr. Limpricht. Ann. Ch. Pharm. xciv. 243; Chem. Gaz. 1855, 209; Chem. Soc. Qu. J. viii, 158. Kino. On kino: by H. Eisfeldt. Ann. Ch. Pharm. xcii. 101. Koumiss. On the koumiss, or beverage of the Calmucks. J. Pharm. [3] xxvii. 197. Lard.-See Fats. L. Lead.-Description of a new meteoric iron from Chili containing native lead: by R. P. Greg. Phil. Mag. [4] x. 12. Presence of lead in commercial hydrochloric acid. xiv. 575. Pharm. J. Trans. Lead.-Improvements in the reduction of lead ores: by W. J. Cookson. Chem. On tribasic nitrate of lead: by A. Vogel, Jun. Ann. Ch. Pharm. xciv. 96; Analysis of molybdate of lead, and its use as a test for phosphoric acid: On tribasic nitrate of lead: by M. Vogel, jun. J. Pharm. [3] xxviii. 395. Leptometer. The leptometer, a new instrument for measuring small objects: by G. Sandberger. Pogg. Ann. xciv. 464. Leucin-On the occurrence of leucin and tyrosin in the human liver: by Preparation of leucin from the aldehyde of valerianic acid: by H. Limpricht. Light.-Photochemical researches: by R. Bunsen and H. E. Roscoe. Chem. On the action of light on chlorine-water: by W. C. Wittwer. Pogg. Ann. xciv. 597. Optical researches: by J. Ångström. Pogg. Ann. xciv. 141; Phil. Mag. On the mechanical antecedents of motion, heat, and light: by W. Thomson. Note on the possible density of the luminiferous medium, and on the Approximate determination of the indices of refraction in mica: by Contribution to the history of fluorescent bodies. J. pr. Chem. lxv. 349. Strongly fluorescent liquid. Pogg. Ann. xcv. 176; Phil. Mag. [4] x. 69. On the dispersed red light in solution of chlorophyll: by the Prince of On the false internal dispersion of the dichroïtic solution of hæmatin: by Optical properties of fulminurato of ammonia and potash: by J. Liebig. Researches on the optical properties developed in transparent substances On the influence of light on the production of carbonic acid in animals: On the action of the violet and ultra-violet invisible rays of light: by On the chemical effects of electricity, heat, and light: by C. F. Schönbein. Light.-Conical refraction in diopside and arragonite: by W. Haidinger. Pogg. Ann. xcvi. 469. Abstract of the report on the influence of the solar radiations on the vital powers of plants growing under different atmospheric conditions: by J. H. Gladstone. Chem. Gaz. 1855, 420. On the phenomena of fluorescence with reference to those of phospho- On the phosphorescence of plate-sulphate of potash: by F. Penny. Phil. Pleochroïsm of ammonio-cobaltous sulphate: by J. Müller. Pogg. Ann. The interference lines in mica: by W. Haidinger. Pogg. Ann. xcvi. . 453. Light, Polarised.-Discovery of the existence of the rotatory power in several crystallised bodies of the cubic or regular system, which exert that power in various directions, and with equal intensity in all, without possessing it molecularly by H. Marbach. Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xliv. 41. Optico-crystallographical observations and J. pr. Chem. lxiv. 387; lxv. 321. description of a new polariAnn. Ch. Pharm. xciv. 154; Description of a new polariscope, and researches on double refractions of small intensity: by A. Bravais. Ann. Ch. Phys. [3] xliii. 129. Note on certain phenomena of circularly polarised light. New apparatus for circular polarisation and new compensator: by M. Soleil. Compt. rend. xl. 1058. · Optical relations of the sulphate of iodo-quinine or Herapathite: by W. B. Herapath. Phil. Mag. [4] ix. 366. Lime.-Quantitative determination of lime: by H. Vohl. Ann. Ch. Pharm. xciv. 217; Phil. Mag. [4] x. 70; Chem. Gaz. 1855, 274. On the constitution of the phosphate of lime in animal charcoal, bone-ash, Mode of preparing hydrated carbonate of lime: by J. Roth. Pogg. Ann. On hydraulic limestones, artificial stones, and various new applications Durability of hydraulic lime and cement under the influence of sea water. Chemical examination of some hydraulic limes: by C. Knausz. Chem. Decomposition of the sulphates of strontia and lime by alkaline car- Painting with hydrate of lime converted into marble by absorption of carbonic acid from the air: by M. Claudot. Compt. rend. xli. 785. Lime-stone.-See Minerals. Linen.-Colour for marking linen. Chem. Gaz. 1855, 339. |