being here given to the former, as the main object is to exhibit the Prayer Book of the Church of England in its several forms. The third column contains the Liturgy as revised upon the Accession of Queen Elizabeth [1559], together with the second Book of King Edward VI. [1552] The fourth column contains the first Book of King Edward VI. [1549] The order of the Liturgy of 1662 is followed throughout. The portions which are common to the Liturgies of 1662, 1604, and the Scotch Service-book [S. L.], are printed across the page; and similarly those which are common to the Liturgies of 1559, 1552, and 1549. The text of [1662] is adopted in the former case, and that of [1559] in the latter; the verbal and other minor deviations being referred to in the notes. In the second and third columns, each containing two Liturgies, those portions to which no date is affixed are common to both, unless a deviation be referred to in the notes; the text of [1604] being adopted in the second column, and that of [1559] in the third. It has been deemed advisable to depart from the general plan in some few instances, which may be thus enumerated. 1. Where portions of considerable length belong to one Liturgy only; and consequently to have printed them in any single column, would have caused an unsightly extent of blank space: e. g. The Preface, drawn up after the Savoy Conference; the Office for Baptism of such as are of riper years; the Forms of Prayer to be used at Sea; portions of the Communion Service in [1549]; &c. 2. Where a large portion is common to all six Liturgies, except in some minor points, and it was thought needless to print it more than once; e. g. pp. xviii. xix. of Ceremonies. alteration to be established there; and in this condition I held that business for two, { if not three, years at least. Afterwards, the Scottish Bishops still pressing his Majesty that a Liturgy framed by themselves, and in some few things different from ours, would relish better with their countrymen, they at last prevailed with his Majesty to have it so, and carried it against me, notwithstanding all I could say or do to the contrary. Then his Majesty commanded me to give the Bishops of Scotland my best assistance in this way and work. I delayed as much as I could with my obedience; and when nothing would serve but it must go on, I confess I was then very serious, and gave them the best help I could. But wheresoever I had any doubt, I did not only acquaint his Majesty with it, but writ down most of the amendments or alterations in his Majesty's presence. And I do verily believe there is no one thing in that Book, which may not stand with the conscience of a right good Protestant. Sure I am his Majesty approved them all; and I have his Warrant under his Royal Hand for all that I did about that Book." - Hist. of the Troubles and Trial of Abp. Laud. Wrote by himself, during his imprisonment in the Tower, pp, 168, 169. The Acts of Uniformity in [1662], [1604], and [1559]; the Sentences, Exhortation, Confession, and Absolution in the Order for Evening Prayer [1662]; the Apostles' Creed, &c. in the Order for Evening Prayer [1662]; the Introits, after the first, 3. The Tables and Calendar, for which it was obviously necessary to adopt a different arrangement. 4. The Form and Manner of Making, Ordaining, and Consecrating of Bishops, Priests, and Deacons; printed only in [1662] and [1552]. 5. The Services for Nov. 5, January 30, May 29, and the anniversary of the Sovereign's accession. It is hoped, however, that attention to the dates placed at the top of the page will, in all these cases, prevent confusion. With some 'exceptions, for reasons akin to those given above, the Liturgies are printed at full length, as they stand in the original Books. So that the reader has not only presented to his view the variations of the several Liturgies from the present authorized Book of Common Prayer, but is enabled, by attention to the dates, and by reference to the notes, to read any one of the six Liturgies which he may select, completely both as to order and contents, (with the above mentioned exceptions,) as it stands in the original edition. The authorities employed in this work are the following: 1. The Book of 1549, by Whitchurche, " Mense Maii, 1549," in the Library of St. John's College, Cambridge. 2. The Book of 1552, by Whitchurche, in the Library of the University of Cambridge. During the progress of the work it was necessary to consult another copy of this Book, also by Whitchurche, and preserved in the same Library. This is of a different impression from the former, and contains some few inconsiderable variations from it. 3. The Book of 1559, in the Library of the University of Cambridge. 4. The Book of 1604, in the Library of Trinity College, Cambridge. 5. The Scotch Service-Book, 1637, in the library of St. John's College, Cambridge. 6. The Book of 1662, in the library of the University of Cambridge, collated with the copy preserved as of record in the Tower of London, in [1549]; the Epistles and Gospels; the Psalter, which is not attached either to [1559], [1552], or [1549]; and some minor instances, which however are all noted. * It may be well to observe that upon the Titlepage of this copy of the Book of 1559, over the words " Londini, in officina Richardi Graftoni," is pasted a printed label bearing "Londini, in officina Richardi Jugge et Johannis Cawode." There are also duplicates of Articles 6, 7, 8, and 9 in the Table of Contents (most probably of the year 1561) inserted between Articles 7 and 8. Grafton's Rebus is upon the Titlepage. Richard Jugge and John Cawood appear to have been appointed Queen's Printers by Patent bearing date 24 March 1560. See Dibdin's Typog. Antiq. vol. iv. p. 242. "The Boke of Common Praier and Administration of the Sacraments, &c, 1559 Folio. Londini, in officina Richardi Grafton, cum privilegio regie maiestatis, 1559," is enumerated among Grafton's works. Ibid. vol. iii. p. 482, note. The Proclamation for the Hampton Court Conference was issued Oct. 24. 1603. The Conference was opened Jan. 14, 1603. The Letters Patent ratifying certain alterations made by Royal Commission subsequent to the said Conference, and authorizing the printing of the new edition of the Book of Common Prayer, bear date February 9; and the Proclamation authorizing the use of the said Book is dated March 5, and certified (13 Dec. 1662) to be "a true and perfect copy," under the hands and seals of Commissioners appointed by Letters Patent of King Charles II. Also attested as a faithful copy in the year 1831. In the Ordination Offices, the original Form, (published by Grafton), in Abp. Saneroft's Collection preserved in the library of Emmanuel College, Cambridge, has been collated with the Form printed in the second Book of King Edward VI. [1552]. The variations are marked in the column assigned to [1552], and distinguished at the foot of the page by the notation [1549 G.] In the Services for November 5, January 30, and May 29, the authorities employed are, 1. The Book of 1662, in St. John's College library. 2. The Book of King James II. [1685], in the same library. 3. The Book of King William and Queen Mary, '[1693], in the library of the University of Cambridge. Although the religious observance of these days had been previously directed by Statutes of King James I. and King Charles II. and 3 Forms of Prayer set forth from time to time by royal authority, these Services appear to have been considered by Convocation for the first time in 1661-2; and to have been approved by the upper house in 1662. They are not mentioned in the Table of Contents in the above-named collated copy of the Book of 1662, but are annexed to subsequent editions of that Book, in obedience to the royal order. The order of the Forms in [1662] is here followed, as having been approved by Convocation; while it does not appear that the alterations made in the reign of King James II. in the Services for May 29, and January 30, rest upon the like authority. The additions to the Service for November 5, in the reign of William and Mary, mainly, it would seem, the work of Patrick, Bishop of Chi 1603. Hence, as this copy contains the aforesaid alterations, its proper date is 1604 of the present computation. The date [1692] is used hereafter, as being the date of the royal order. 2 Statutes at large, vol. vii. Cardwell's Conferences, p. 383, note. 3 " Prayers and Thanksgiving to be used by all the King's Majesty's loving Subjects, For the happy deliverance of his Majesty, the Queen, Prince, and States of Parliament, from the most Traiterous and bloody intended Massacre by Gunpowder, the fifth of November, 1605." Set forth by Authority. Imprinted at London by Robert Barker, Printer to the King's most Excellent Majesty. "A Form of Common Prayer, to be used upon the Thirtieth of January, being the Anniversary day appointed by Act of Parliament for Fasting and Humiliation, To implore, &c." Published by His Majesty's Command. London. Printed by John Bill and Christopher Barker, Printers to the King's most Excellent Majesty, 1661. Prefixed is the royal order; Charles R. "Our Will and pleasure is, and We do hereby straitly charge and Command, That this Form of Divine-Service, Printed by Our Authority, be read and used every year upon the Thirtieth of January, in all Cathedral, &c." "A Form of Prayer, with Thanksgiving, To be used of all the King's Majesty's loving Subjects, the 29 of May yearly, For His Majesty's happy return to His Kingchester, (though the task of making them was assigned to him 'jointly with Compton, Bishop of London, and Sprat, Bishop of Rochester), were part of the proceedings of the royal commission appointed to prepare alterations of the Liturgy and Canons for the Convocation of 1689. The report, however, of this commission, was never made to the Convocation. The Form of Prayer for the Anniversary of the Sovereign's Accession is printed from the Book of Queen Anne, 1706, in the library of the University of Cambridge. Upon the accession of King James II. the laudable and religious practice of publicly celebrating every year, with solemn prayers and thanksgivings to Almighty God, the day on which the Sovereign began his reign, was revived, and a Form ordered to be composed by the Bishops for that purpose. In the reign of King William, the festival was discontinued; but upon the accession of Queen Anne it was again revived, when the Form of Prayer and Thanksgiving drawn up on that occasion appears to have been annexed to the Book of Common Prayer, in obedience to the royal order, although not recorded as having been brought before the Convocation. In a Work of this kind it is almost hopeless to guard against all inaccuracies. Errors, to all appearance, are to be met with in many parts, especially in the Calendar. But such faults, if faults they be, will be found in the original editions. Great pains have been bestowed both on the collation and repeated revisions; and it is confidently hoped that errors will not be discoverable, either in such number, or of such a description, as to prejudice the fidelity and usefulness of the Work. St. John's College, Cambridge. WILLIAM KEELING. loms: it being also the Day of His Birth. Set forth by His Majesty's Authority. London, Printed by John Bill and Christopher Barker, Printers to the King's most Excellent Majesty, 1662. • Wilkins' Concilia, vol. iv. pp. 565, 575. ESSIO LXXX. Die Sabbati 26 Aprilis, [1662] inter horas 8 et 10 ante merid' ejusd' hei, &c. Forma Precum pro 5 Novembris, 30 Januarii, et 29 Maii, fuerunt introducta et publice perlecta, et unanimi consensu approbata. Synodus Anglicana, App. p. 110. The charge of revising and preparing the Form for November 5 was committed to Cosin, Bishop of Durham (Syn. Angl. App. p. 110, Wilkins' Concilia, vol. 4. p. 575). The Form for May 29 was assigned to four Bishops of the upper house, viz. Wren of Ely, Skinner of Oxford, Laney of Peterborough, and Henchman of Salisbury, together with eight members of the lower house; and that for January 30 to the following B.shops, viz. Warner of Rochester, King of Chichester, Morley of Worcester, and Reynolds of Norwich, also assisted by eight members of the lower house. Synod. Angl. App. p. 67. Wilkins' Conc. vol. iv. p. 565. 8 Wheatly. • See p. 396. 7 Cardwell's Conferences, p. 416. Queen Anne's Order, p. 422. The date [1704] is used infra, as being the date the royal order. |