the course of the year 1797, having overcome the reluctance to appear professedly as an Author, which had prevented the publication of those pieces which he had formerly intended for the press, he printed his "Metaphysical Maxims;" and that on the 7th December 1799, he was removed from this world to a better, leaving behind him a name which is better than precious ointment, and a widow and five children with little on which to depend for future support but the good providence of that God, who, to use his own words, " had guided him through all his wanderings, and supplied him during life to his heart's content. The chearfulness of his disposition continued to the last. Disappointments never soured his temper. Though strict both in his principles and morals, he never appeared sullen or morose; he was rather chearful, jocular, and merry. There does not appear, for forty years, among all his voluminous papers, notwithstanding the many severe censures which he passes in them upon himself, one expression from which it can be certainly concluded, that he entertained any doubt of his interest in the divine favour. This, and the constitutional gaiety of his temper, will account for the surprise which many of his most intimate acquaintances have expressed at the perusal of his writings, and explain what otherwise might be deemed paradoxical, that a man uniformly chearful in company should in private make death and the future world the favourite subjects of his meditations. To him death was surrounded with no terrors! the future world captivated his imagination, and filled him, as frequently as he contemplated it; with most exquisite joy. He maintained his reputation for piety, and his unshaken faith in God, to the end; and the God whom he served honoured him with continued usefulness in his station, almost to his last hour. On the first of December, he officiated at Lanark as an elder in the dispensation of the Lord's Supper; on the second, he wrote a short article in the Monthly Memorial; on the sixth, he was still serving medicines to his patients; on the seventh, he was with God. EDINBURGH, June 12. 1805. } J. P. THE TRAVELLER. MEDITATION 1. GOING ABROAD. 1757. WHAT a load of business presses me on every hand when about to leave my native country! I must state and clear with all my creditors and debtors before I go! Besides, when I am about my ordinary business, a little pocket-money will defray my charges; but it is not so when going abroad; I must have bills of exchange for a considerable sum and changes of apparel agreeable to that part of the world to which I am bound. Now, if I am thus busied, thus anxious and concerned about my going from one part to another of this terrestrial globe, with what justice will all this care, anxiety, and concern, be increased, when I must commence my journey to eternity, and set out for the other world! This is an event that unavoidably awaits me; and who can tell how soon? Of what folly would I prove myself possessed, should I propose to go so far without a farthing? But with much greater madness would I be intoxicated, should I launch into eternity without an interest in the heavenly treasure. To be poor in any part of this world, begets contempt among the men of the world; but poverty in the world of spirits is an eternal shame, and an irretrievable loss. Again, would I not blush to go with tattered cloaths and clouted shoes, to a part of the world where it is fashionable to be finely dressed? How, then, shall I appear without the white raiment of a Saviour's righteousness, in the presence of God, where angels walk in robes of innocence, and saints in broidered garments? When the marriage of the Lamb shall be come, and his wife shall have made herself ready, if found without the weddinggarment, with what confusion of face shall I be covered, and with what anguish cast into outer darkness! How am I hurried at the last in setting out, notwithstanding I have been so long proposing, and so long preparing for, this voyage! Yea, an express arrives, that the ship is ready to sail, and I am taken, as it were, unawares, though for some time I have been expecting such a message. Then, since I have this momentous, this interesting voyage into the world of spirits before me, let my daily study be, so to set all my grand concerns in order, that when death the transport comes, I may have nothing to do but set my foot aboard, and he wafted over to the land of rest. Again, though looking for death daily, yet I, and all my friends, may be surprised at last. Now of friends and acquaintances I take a long farewell; but at death I bid the world an eternal adieu. |