| Samuel Wesley - 1701 - 358 pages
...near DamafcuS : and Juddenly there fhined round about him a light from heaven. 4. And he fell ufon the earth, and heard a voice faying unto him, Saul, Saul, why ferfc cut eft thou me? 5. And he faid, Who art thou, Lord) And the Lord faid, I am Jefiti whom thou... | |
 | Edward Harley - 1735 - 798 pages
...journied, he came near jDamafcus: and fuddenly there SHINED round about him a LIGHT from HEAVEN. 4. And he fell to the Earth, and heard a Voice faying unto him, Sani, Saut, why PERSECUTEST thou ME? 5. And he faid, who art thou, Lord ? And the Lord faid, I am Jefus... | |
 | 1765 - 500 pages
...them bound unto Jerjufalem. And as he journeyed, he came near Damafcus, and fuddenly there fliined round about him a light from heaven. And he fell to. the earth,' and heard a voice faying unto him, £aul, Saul, why perfecuteft .thou rne'? And he faid,, Who art thou, Lord? And the Lord faid, I am... | |
 | 1765 - 410 pages
...he came near Damafcus; Tl:e CoiFVerfion cus s and fuddenly there mined round about him a light i'lom heaven. And he fell to the earth, and heard a voice, faying unto him, Saul, Saul, why perfecuteft thou me ? and he faid, Who art thou, Lord ? and the Lord faid, 1 am Jefus whom thou perfecutett:... | |
 | John Barnes (of Pembroke) - 1765 - 402 pages
...difobedient prove, Moft mingle Colours sot her own. To fcorn fuch gracious tender Lore. AND he (Paul) fell to the Earth, and heard a Voice, faying unto him, Saul, Saul, why perfecuteft thou me ? — And he faid, who art thou, Lord ? And the Lord faid, I am Jefus whom thou... | |
 | John Flavel - 1767 - 268 pages
...A. That in wronging and perfecuting the Saints, Men wrong and perfecute Chrift himfelf, Afts ix. 4. And he fell to the Earth, and heard a Voice faying unto him, Saul, Saul, Why perfecuteft thou me ? Q^ 1 i. What is the fifth Inference ? A. That in relieving and refrefhing the... | |
 | John Flavel - 1767 - 258 pages
...Salvation r A. They are not the only Means; for God can convert Men to Chrift withont them, Afts ix. 4, 5. And he fell to the Earth, and heard a Voice, faying unto him, Saul, Saul, ivhy perfecuuji thou me ? And he faid, 'wlo art ihou, LerH ! And the Lord f aid, I am jfe/us itibeni... | |
 | 1779 - 688 pages
...them bdund unto Jerufalem. And as he journeyed, he came near Damafcus : and luddenly there fliined round about him. a light from heaven. And he fell...and heard a voice, faying unto him, Saul, Saul, why perfecuteft thou me ? And he faid, Who art thou, Lord ? And the Lord faid, I am Jefus whom thou pcrfecutcft... | |
 | Isaac Mann (bp. of Cork and Ross) - 1783 - 456 pages
...journeyed he came near Damafcus : and fuddenly there mined round about him a light from heaven. 4 And hd fell to the. earth, and "heard a voice faying unto him, Saul, Saul, why perfccutefl thou me i . of the.times; Again, tn•ejrmay firnify the everlnfting dtirrtton of-' his... | |
 | William Hawkins - 1787 - 440 pages
...he might bring them bound unto Jerufalem. And as he journeyed, fuddenly there jhined round about htm a light from heaven. And he fell to the earth, 'and heard a voice faying unto him, * A&s ix. i, &c. Saul, Saul, why perfecutejl thou me f And be faid, •who art thou, Lord? And the... | |
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