THE SERMONS, AND OTHER PRACTICAL WORKS, Of the Late REVEREND and LEARNED MR. RALPH ERSKINE, A. M. Minifter of the Gospel in DUNFERMLINE. CONSISTING OF Above One Hundred and Fifty SERMONS, IN TEN LARGE VOLUMES OCTAVO. To which is prefixed, An ACCOUNT of the AUTHOR'S LIFE and WRITINGS, I am fet for the defence of the gospel, PHILIP. i. 17. VOL. IX. FALKIRK: PRINTED BY PATRICK MAIR, For the Revd. JOHN STEWART, HUGH MITCHELL, Bookfeller, M.DCC.XCVI. THE CONTENT S. SERMON CXXXIX, CXL. THE Believer's internal Witnefs; or, the certain Evidence of true Faith, Page 9 I JOHN V. 10. He that believeth on the Son of God, bath the witnefs in bimfelf. After a copious introduction, in which the connection is traced, the words analized and explained, and a doctrinal propofition laid down, the following general heads of method are profecuted, viz. 1. What this faith is, enquired into, 14 2. What is that evidence and witnefs it carries along with it, opened, 16 3. What this witnefs doth depone and atteft, 4. What is the property and quality of this witnefs, 5. The reafons why true faith hath this witnefs along with it, Use (1.) Of information, in fix inferences, (2.) Of examination, in feveral evidences, 1. General marks of trial, in five particulars, 19 23 25 27 ibid. 30 2. Particular marks, in refpect to the feveral ways of witneffing, 32 How the Spirit witneffeth, in fix refpects, How he witneffeth by blood, in four inftances, He doth it in respect of mortification, Sundry queftions propounded and folved, He doth it by vindication, in five refpects, (3.) Of exhortation, both to Sinners and Saints, 1. To unbelievers, 2. To believers, in four particulars, ib. 40 43 ib. 49 ib. 52 ib. 53 Tile Repofe and Repaft of Faith, under the Shady and Fruitful Tree of Life, 60 SONG ii. 3.1 fat down under bis fhadow with great delight; and bis fruit was fweet to my tafte. The words being viewed in their connection and fcope, and a doctrine raifed from them, the following heads of method are propofed, viz. 1. To confider the cafe of the believer, here fuppofed, 62 2. To speak of the object of faith, viz. Christ as a shadow and shelter, 66 3. To speak of the actof faith, as it is afitting down under this fhadow, 71 4. To view the manner of faith's acting, Sitting down with great delight, 76 |