PRICES OF STOCKS each Day from November 27, Y S STOCK. STOCK. Stoc old Ann. new Ann. B. 1746. Β. 1747. B. 1748-9. BANK INDIA, South Sea South Sea South Sea 14 per cent.14 per Cent. 14 per Cent. 13 per Cent. India Bonds, B. Cir. pr. Ann. 28 1404 29140 190 105 1044 1034 1034 101 1904 117 1051 1050 1042 1032 103號 101 prem. 51138 51 149 30 105 51 158 1 12 6 Femal. 5655 1152 - Sunday 1 2 117 Buried Males 8071621 Femal. 8145 115 0 3 3140 190 117 105호 105年 104號 103 103 5 345 56 7 1404 190號 105 1 51148 136. 7 141 105 1054 1048 103 2 38 103 51 IIS 1 15 5 and 10 65 1415 1904 4174 105 1034 IOI 51 12 8 1 150 Io and 20-40 7 1058 1051 1044 1034 6 1034 IOI 3 51 138 1 15 20 and 30- 129 8 Sunday 30 and 40-143 1414 40 and 50- 126 10 1414 1904 117 51 138 1150 50 and 60-126 11 1414 190 1058 1054 104 5/B5 103 4 103 IOI 5128 1 15 60 and 70- 117 12 189 1474 1054 1058 104 1031 103호 IOI 51 12 s 70 and 80- 48 13 1414 190 1058 106 104 51 138 1 15 0 5 80 and 90-26 14 1058 106 51 129 1 15 90 and 100 7 : 15 Sunday 100 and 103 2 16 17 141 190 1174 106 106 104 103 103 101 51 12 8 115 0 i 1621 18 141 19 142 190 105 104 1030 1038 51 IIS 115 0 5 20 142 117 1059 104 103 1038 51 11s 115 106 21 1040 1934 1034 51 12 s 1150 22 Sunday 1621 23 1174 1055 104 103 103 51 118 1 15 0 Price of corn. Bear-Key. Wheat 32 s. 6 d. qr. Bafingitoke. 71. 14 s. load. Reading. 71. 14 s. load. Farnham. 71. '16 s. load. Henley.. Guildford. 81. oo s. load. Barley 18 s. cd. oo s. to oo s. qr. 17 & to 19 s. qr. Oats-18 s. to 19 s. 6 d. 14 s. to 16 s. 16 s. to 19 s. 17 s. to 19 s. qr. 18 s. to 19 s. qr, 7.1. 19 s. load. 12 s. to 15 s. Beans 15s. to 16 s. 6 d. 20 s. to 24 6. 22 8. to 23 s. 24 s. to 25 8. 21 5. 50 24 8. 24 8, to 28 6. A General Bill of the Christenings and Burials from The Life of Dr. JONATHAN SWIFT, Dean of St. Patrick's, Dublin, with his Head curiously engraved: A Continuation of the History of England, with a fine Head of Aввот, Archbishop of Canterbury: A beautiful perspective View of Liverpool; and another of the Foundling hofpital. Befides many other Articles in Geography, History, Mathematics, Mechanics, Philosophy, &c. AND A Copious ALPHABETICAL INDEX to this Ninth Volume. Which will contain Twenty-Four Copper-Plates, several Country Dances, Minuets, and Songs set to Music, and other neat Cuts and Devices, and Twenty-One Sheets of Letter-Prefs. To be Published About the Middle of January. Which will complete the Ninth Volume; and No. LXV, which begins the Tenth Volume, will be published on the First Day of February next, to be continued monthly, as usual, Price 6d. SUPPLEMENT to Vol. IX. of the UNIVERSAL MAG. 289 The LIFE of Dr. JONATHAN SWIFT, late Dean of St. Patrick's, Dublin. D With his Head curiously engraved. R. Jonathan Swift was born in Dublin, November 30, 1667, and foon after his birth put to nurse to a woman in the neighbourhood, who, having conceived the fondness of a mother for him, and her affairs calling her into England, conveyed him to Whitehaven, without the consent of his mother, where she kept him three years, This circumstance gave rife to a notion that he was born in England, and some supposed him to be the natural fon of the celebrated Sir William Temple. But it is evident that, from the year 1665 to 1670, Sir William Temple was employed as a Minifter abroad, and consequently could not have a personal correfpondence with Dr. Swift's mother till after his birth. The grandfather of Dr. Swift was the reverend Mr. Thomas Swift, Vicar of Goodridge near Ross in Herefordshire, where he enjoyed a paternal estate, which is still in the poffeffion of his great grandson Deane Swift, Esq; he died in the year 1658, leaving fix fons, Godwin, Thomas, Dryden, William, Jonathan, and Adam. Jonathan married Mrs. Abigail Erick of Leicestershire, by whom he had afterwards one daughter and a fon. The latter was born two months after the death of the father, after whom he was called Jonathan, and became the famous Dean of St. Patrick's. Mr. Jonathan Swift's income, chiefly depending upon agencies, perished with him, and, the remainder being only sufficient to fupport his widow, the care of the two children devolved upon their uncle Godwin, who enjoy ed the paternal eftate. Accordingly he fent the son to school at Kilkenny, when he was fix years old, and at fourteen entered him a student at Trinity-college, Dublin, NUMB. LXIV. VOL. IX. where he continued in perfect regularity and obedience to the statutes; but the academical exercises were not agreeable to his genius, and, the moroseness of his temper rendering him unacceptable to his companions, he was little regarded, and less beloved. History and poetry were his only studies, the rest of the sciences he had so much neglected, that, when he appeared a candidate for the degree of Batchelor of Arts, he was set aside on account of insufficiency, and at lait attained it only 'speciali gratiâ,' a phrase which in that University carries with it the utmost obloquy and reproach. Mrs. Pilkington tells us, that, when the first heard the Dean relate this circumstance, she told him, she supposed he had been idle; but he affirmed the contrary, assuring her, he was really dull.' : But, however just this treatment might be, it filled him with indignation, and he resolved to pursue his studies at Oxford, where, in order to be admitted ' ad eundem,' he was obliged to produce the teftimonium of his degree. The phrase speciali gratiâ is so peculiar to the University of Dublin, that the members of the University of Oxford concluded, that it implied a degree conferred in reward for extraordinary merit or learn. ing, and he was accordingly admitted ' ad eundem; he chose to enter him. felf of Hart hall, now Hartford-college, where he constantly resided (fome few vifits to his mother at Leicester, and to Sir William Temple at Moore-park, whose Lady was related to his mother, excepted) till the year 1691, when he took his degree of Master of Arts. His uncle Godwin continued to support him till the year of the Revolution, about which time he fell into a lethar 00 |