counterfeit half-pence 45 140 112 113 121 Page Proclamation against makers, &c. of Sleep (immoderate) how pernicious Prologue to every man in his humour Varrested Page 277 Somerset (E.) declines in the King's favour 261 19262 IS Songs set to mufic 30 Celia in mourning, with the notes Questions (Algebraical) 182, 208, 125, 79 - in dialling 125 Sweet Nan of the Vale 224 183 Raleigh (Sir W.) account of 66 Spain (extraordinary) embaffy to 114 - Confeffion 278 Change-alley Woldalunar - 184 prohibits trade with Hamburgh -answered 128, 182, 280, 329 3:2 236 Spalato (Archbishop of) turns Prote- Regicides (Memoirs of) 33,57, 121, stant 264 & feq. Spirituous liquors (Petition of of Lon- 24 133 & feq. Riddles 32, 128, 182 Stagnitz (Victory obtained near) 78 272 to the Ladies 226, 280 Statholder's proposals of a plan of answered 329 trade 141 Ridicule what 265 _ and contempt universally prac- tifed 256 proceedings thereupon ib. & hindrance to improvement we feq. 267 Stocks 48, 96, 144, 192, 240, 287 121 S. Subsidy a large one granted King 120 Succession (message from the King con- 131 Swedes, defeat of the remainder of their cruelty 161 Salisbury (E.) character of 210 the utter defeat at Pultowa Salmon-leap near Dublin described Scroope (Adrian) memoirs of 272 Suffolk (E.) accused of misdemeanors 121 by Sir E. Coke observation on some of his Judges22 Silver mine (A plate of) 179 ore, the different kinds of ib. १५० fined 30.0001 - Swift (Dean) life of 113 Sweden, ravages committed in by the Page Swift (Dean) his marriage and cha- Verses on God's perfection racter of his wife highly careffed - -thoughts on being expelled a 202 ib. Lady' deprived of his senses 1 L. Winchelsea... مجبور 295 on his own death 296 & feq. - -on folitude the last judgment - Bishop Corbet to his fon 128 ib. 183 223 225 226 -Meffiah, part of Pfalm xvi. pa- 276 - on worldly enjoyments 226 277 - Prologue 277- Acrostic 280 lamentation 1606 - 281 Vesuvius (Eruption of) 235 18 174 Directions to the Binder for placing the Cuts in this Ninth Vol. |