3805 Communion Office (A), taken partly from Primitive Liturgies, and partly from the First English Reformed Common Prayer Book; together with Offices for Confirmation and the Visitation of the Sick, with Private Devotions before, at, and after the Christian Sacrifice. By a Primitive Catholick. 1718. In I vol. 8vo, in the original old calf binding, 21. 16s. 'By this new form the Holy Communion was celebrated by Collier's party after 1718, and by all the 'regular body subsequent to the union in 1733, until they became extinct.' Lathbury's Nonjurors. I. Wickham Legg. Dec-1921 385 LITURGY (EDWARD VI.) Reasons for Restoring PRAYERS and Directions as they stand in the Communion-Service of the FIRST ENGLISH REFORM'D LITURGY, compiled by the Bishops in the 2nd & 3rd years of the Reign of EDWARD VI., 1718, and other Pieces relating to the same in 1 vol, 8vo, fine old red morocco extra, the sides nearly covered with gold tooling of a MOST UNCOMMON PATTERN, gilt edges, bookplate of the Rev. E. Knottesford, 15s 1718-9 Valuable collection relating to the Prayer Book of Edward Vlth. 386 LITURGY.-Barbon (John Vicar of Dallington, nr. Northampton) Liturgie a most Divine Service, in answer to a late pamphlet stiled Common Prayer Book no Divine Service, sm. 4to, pp. 212, half morocco neat, 6s Oxford, 1663 |