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5. Believe evil of no one without good evidence; unless you see it done, take heed how you credit it. Put the best construction on every thing. You know the judge is always supposed to be on the prisoner's side.

6. Speak evil of no one; because your word, especially, would eat as doth a canker. Keep your thoughts within your own breast, till you come to the person


7. Tell every one under your care, what you think wrong in his conduct and temper, and that lovingly and plainly, as soon as may be: else it will fester in your heart. Make all haste to cast the fire out of your bosom.

8. Avoid all affectation. A preacher of the gospel is the servant of all. 9. Be ashamed of nothing but sin.

10. Be punctual. Do every thing exactly at the time. And do not mend our rules, but keep them; not for wrath, but conscience-sake.

11. You have nothing to do but to save souls-Therefore spend and be spent in this work-And go always not only to those that want you, but to those that want you most.

Observe! it is not your business only to preach so many times, and to take care of this or that society; but to save as many as you can; to bring as many sinners as you can to repentance, and with all your power to build them up in that holiness, without which they cannot see the Lord. And remember-A Methodist preacher is to mind every point, great and small, in the Methodist discipline! Therefore you will need to exercise all the sense and grace you have.

12. Act in all things not according to your own will, but as a son in the gospel. As such, it is your duty to employ your time in the manner which we direct: in preaching and visiting from house to house; in reading, meditation, and prayer. Above all, if you labour with us in the Lord's vineyard, it is needful you should do that part of the work which we advise, at those times and places which we judge most for his glory.

Quest. 4. What method do we use in receiving a preacher at the conference ? Answ. After solemn fasting and prayer, every person proposed shall then be asked, before the conference, the following questions (with any others which may be thought necessary) viz. Have you faith in Christ? Are you going on to perfection? Do you expect to be made perfect in love in this life? Are you groaning after it? Are you resolved to devote yourself wholly to God and his work? Do you know the rules of society? Of the bands? Do you keep them? Do you constantly attend the sacrament? Have you read the form of discipline? Are you willing to conform to it? Have you considered the rules of a preacher; especially the first, tenth, and twelfth? Will you keep them. for conscience-sake? Are you determined to employ all your time in the work of God? Will you endeavour not to speak too long or too loud? Will you diligently instruct the children in every place? Will you visit from house to house? Will you recommend fasting or abstinence, both by precept and example? Are you in debt?

We may then, if he give us satisfaction, receive him as a probationer, by giving him the form of discipline, inscribed thus: Το Α. Β. "You think it your duty to call sinners to repentance. Make full proof hereof, and we shall rejoice to receive you as a fellow-labourer." Let him then carefully read and weigh what is contained therein; and if he have any doubt, it may be removed. Observe! taking on trial is entirely different from admitting a preacher

iuto full connexion. One on trial may be either admitted or rejected, without doing him any wrong: otherwise it would be no trial at all. Let every one that has the charge of a circuit, explain this to those who are on trial, as well as to those who are in future to be proposed for trial.

But no one shall be received on trial, unless he first procure a recommendation from the quarterly meeting of his circuit. After two years probation, which is to commence from his being received on trial at the annual conference, and being approved by the annual conference, and examined by the president of the conference, he may be received into full connexion, by giving him the form of discipline, inscribed thus: "As long as you freely consent to, and earnestly endeavour to walk by these rules, we shall rejoice to acknowledge you as a fellow-labourer."

If any preacher absent himself from his circuit without the leave of the presiding elder, the presiding elder shall, as far as possible, fill his place with another preacher, who shall be paid for his labours out of the allowance of the absent preacher, in proportion to the usual allowance.


Of the Duties of those who have the charge of Circuits.

Quest. 1. What are the duties of the elder, deacon, or preacher, who has the special charge of a circuit ?

Answ. 1. To see that the other preachers in his circuit behave well and want nothing.

2. To renew the tickets for the admission of members into love-feast quarterly, and regulate the bands.

3. To meet the stewards and leaders as often as possible.

4. To appoint all the leaders and change them when he sees it necessary.

5. To receive, try, and expel members, according to the form of discipline.

6. To hold watch-nights and love feasts. 7. To hold quarterly meetings in the absence of the presiding elder.

8. To take care that every society be duly supplied with books.

9. To take an exact account of the numbers in society, in their respective circuits, and deliver in such account to the annual conference, that they may be printed in the minutes.

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