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done it sooner? There were many hindrances: and so there always will be. But the greatest hindrance is in ourselves, in our littleness of faith and love.

But it is objected, I. "This will take up so much time we shall not have leisure to follow our studies." We answer, 1. Gaining knowledge is a good thing, but saving souls is a better. 2. By this very thing you will gain the most excellent knowledge, that of God and eternity. 3. You will have time for gaining other knowledge too. Only sleep not more than you need; "and never be idle, or triftingly employed." But, 4. If you can do but one, let your studies alone. We ought to throw by all the libraries in the world, rather than be guilty of the loss of one soul.

It is objected, II. "The people will not submit to it." If some will not, others will. And the success with them, will repay all your labour. O let us herein follow the example of St. Paul. 1. For our general business, Serving the Lord with all humility of mind: 2. Our special work, Take heed to yourselves, and toall the flock: 3. Our doctrine, Repentance towards God, and faith towards our Lord Jesus Christ: 4. The place, I have taught you publicly, and from house

to house: 5. The object and manner of teaching, I ceased not to warn every one, night and day, with tears: 6. His innocence and self-denial herein, I have coveted no man's silver or gold: 7. His patience, Neither count I my life dear unto myself. And among all other motives, let these be ever before our eyes: 1. The church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood. 2. Grievous wolves shall enter in; yea, of yourselves shall men arise speaking perverse things.

Write this upon your hearts, and it will do you more good than twenty years study. Then you will have no time to spare: You will have work enough. Then likewise no preacher will stay with us who is as salt that has lost its savour. For to such, this employment would be mere drudgery. And in order to it, you will have need of all the knowledge you can procure, and grace you can attain.

The sum is, Go into every house in course, and teach every one therein, young and old, to be christians inwardly and outwardly; make every particular plain to their understandings; fix it in their minds; write it on their hearts. In order to this, there must be line upon line, precept upon precept. What patience, what love, what knowledge is requisite for this! We must needs do this, were it only to avoid idleness. Do we not loiter away many hours in every week? Each try himself: No idleness is consistent with a growth in grace. Nay, without exactness in redeeming time, you cannot retain the grace you receive in justification.

Quest. 2. Why are we not more holy ? Why do we not live in eternity? Walk with God all the day long? Why are we not all devoted to God? Breathing the whole spirit of missionaries ?

Answ. Chiefly because we are enthusiasts; looking for the end without using the means. To touch only upon two or three instances? Who of us rises at four or even at five, when we do not preach? Do we know the obligation and benefit of fasting or abstinence? How often do we practice it? The neglect of this alone is sufficient to account for our feebleness and faintness of spirit. We are continually grieving the Holy Spirit of God by the habitual neglect of a plain duty. Let us amend from this hour.

Quest. 3. How shall we guard against sabbath-breaking, evil-speaking, unprofitable conversation, lightness, expensiveness or gaiety of apparel, and contracting debts without due care to discharge them?

Answ. 1. Let us preach expressly on each of these heads. 2. Read in every society the sermon on evil speaking. 3. Let the leaders closely examine and exhort every person to put away the accursed thing. 4. Let the preachers warn every society that none who is guilty herein, can remain with us. 5. Extirpate buying or selling goods which have not paid the duty laid upon them by government, out of our church. Let none remain with us who will not totally abstain from this evil in every kind and degree. Extirpate bribery, receiving any thing directly or indirectly, for voting at any election. Shew no respect to persons herein, but expel all fhat touch the accursed thing. And strongly advise our people to discountenance all treats given by candidates before or at elections, and not to be partakers, in any respect, of such iniquitous practices.


Of the Instruction of Children.

Quest. What shall we do for the rising generation ?

Answ. 1. Let him who is zealous for

God and the souls of men, begin now.

2. Where there are ten children, whose parents will allow it, meet them an hour once a week: but where this is impracticable, meet them once in two weeks.

3. Procure our instructions or catechisms for them, and let all who can, read and commit them to memory.

4. Explain and impress them upon their hearts.

5. Talk with them every time you see any at home.


6. Pray earnestly for them: and diligently instruct and exhort all parents at their own houses.

7. As far as practicable, it shall be the duty of every preacher of a circuit or station, to obtain the names of the children belonging to his congregations, to form them into classes, for the purpose of giving them religious instruction, to instruct them regularly himself, as much as his other duties will allow, to appoint a suitable leader for each class who shall instruct them in his absence, and to leave his successor a correct account of each class thus formed with the name of its Leader.

8. Preach expressly on education: "But I have no gift for this." Pray earnestly for the gift, and use every other means to attain it.

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