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Of employing our time profitably, when we are not travelling, or engaged in public Exercises.

Quest. 1. What general method of employing our time shall we advise ?

Answ. We advise you, 1. As often as possible, to rise at four. 2. From four to five in the morning, and from five to six in the evening, to meditate, pray, and read the scriptures with notes, and the closely practical parts of what Mr. Wesley has published. 3. From six in the morning ull twelve, (allowing an hour for breakfast) read, with much prayer, some of our best religious tracts.

Quest. 2. Why is it that the people under our care are not better?

Answ. Other reasons may concur, but the chief is, because we are not more knowing and more holy.

Quest. 3. But why are we not more knowing?

Answ. Because we are idle. We forget our first rule, "Be diligent.-Never be unemployed. Never be triflingly employed. Neither spend any more time at any place than is strictly necessary." We fear there is altogether a fault in this matter, and that few of us are clear.Which of us spend as many hours a day in God's work, as we did formerly in man's work? We talk, talk-or read what comes next to hand. We must, absolutely must cure this evil, or betray the cause of God. But how? 1. Read the most useful books, and that regularly and constantly. 2. Steadily spend all the morning in this employment, or at least five hours in four and twenty. "But I have no taste for reading." Contract a taste for it by use, or return to your former employment. "But I have no Books." Be diligent to spread the books, and you will have the use of them.


Of the necessity of Union among our


Let us be deeply sensible (from what we have known) of the evil of a division in principle, spirit, or practice, and the dreadful consequences to ourselves and others. If we are united, what can stand before us? If we divide, we shall destroy ourselves, the work of God, and the souls of our people.

Quest. What can be done in order to a closer union with each other?

Answ. 1. Let us be deeply convinced of the absolute necessity of it.

2. Pray earnestly for, and speak freely to each other.

3. When we meet, let us never part without prayer.

4. Take great care not to despise each other's gifts.

5. Never speak lightly of each other. 6. Let us defend each other's character in every thing, so far as is consistent with truth.

7. Labour, in honour, each to prefer the other before himself.

8. We recommend a serious perusal of The Causes, Evils, and Cures of heart and church Divisions.


Of the method by which immoral travelling Ministers or Preachers shall be brought to trial, found guilty, and reproved or suspended in the intervals of the conferences.*

Quest. 1. What shall be done when an elder, deacon, or preacher, is under report

* For the trial of a Bishop, see section IV.

of being guilty of some crime, expressly forbidden in the word of God, as an unchristian practice, sufficient to exclude a person from the kingdom of grace and glory?

Answ. Let the presiding elder, in the absence of a bishop, call as many travelling ministers as he shall think fit, at least three: and if possible bring the accused and the accuser face to face. If the person be clearly convicted, he shall be suspended from all official services in the church, till the ensuing annual conference; at which his case shall be fully considered and determined. But if the accused be a presiding elder, the preachers must call in the presiding elder of the neighbouring district, who is required to attend, and preside at the trial.

If the accused and accuser cannot be brought face to face, but the supposed delinquent flees from trial, it shall be received as a presumptive proof of guilt; and out of the mouth of two or three witnesses he shall be condemned. Nevertheless, even in that case, the annual conference shall reconsider and determine the whole matter. Quest. 2. What shall be done in cases of improper tempers, words or actions? Anso. The person so offending shall

be reprehended by his senior in office. Should a second transgression take place, one, two, or three ministers or preachers are to be taken as witnesses. If he be not then cured, he shall be tried at the next annual conference, and, if found guilty and impenitent, shall be expelled from the connexion, and his name so returned in the minutes of the conference.

Quest. 3. What shall be done with those ministers or preachers, who hold and disseminate publicly or privately, doctrines which are contrary to our articles of religion?

Answ. Let the same process be observed as in cases of gross immorality: but if the minister or preacher so offending do solemnly engage not to disseminate such erroneous doctrines in public or in private, he shall be borne with, till his case be laid before the next annual conference, which shall determine the matter.

Provided nevertheless, that in all the above-mentioned cases of trial and conviction, an appeal to the ensuing general conference shall be allowed, if the condemned person signify his intention to appeal, at the time of his condemnation, or at any time thereafter when he is informed thereof.

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