B Published by Authority. To all devout Christians. E pleased to observe, that the preference, which the truly pious and judicious have given to this NEW Week's Preparation, has lately tempted feveral Bookfellers to reprint Keble's OLD Week's Preparation, with an Engraved Title-page, and a new Print before it, so as to make that OLD Book somewhat resemble this NEW Week's Preparation to the eye of the purchaser: and therefore the public are defired to be careful, that they have not that OLD Book imposed upon them for the future, instead of this NEW Week's Preparation, which is published by the King's Authority, and is, by Affignment from the Executors of the late Mr. Wicksteed, printed ONLY for John Hinton, at the King's Arms, in Paternofter Row, near Warwick Lane, LONDON. BEWARE also of a Book intitled, The New Week's Preparation for the worthy receiving of the Lord's Supper, IMPROVED, &c. (pretended to be printed at GLASGOW, LONDON, and several other Places) which for some Time past has been fold in and about. MANCHESTER, and has been published, as it is prefumed, with the fame lucrative Views, as that above mentioned, Examine thy Selfand Repent before thou presume to Fat of that Bread and Drink of that Cup. Engraved and Printed only for J.Hinton.according to an Act of Parliament. Week's Preparation For a Worthy receiving of the Lords Supper, As Recommended and Appointed CHURCH of ENGLAND; Confifting of MEDITATIONS and PRAYERS for the Morning and Evening of every Day in the Week WITH FORMS of Examination and Confeffion of Sins AND A Companion at the Altar, Directing the Communicant in his Bebaviourand • Devotions at the LORDS TABLE ALSO MEDITATIONS to enable us to live well after receiving the HOLY SACRAMENT. To which are added Morning & Evening Prayer for the Closet or Family. &c. The Thirty-third Edition. LONDON: Printed by Afsigument from the Executors of the late EDW WICKSTEED, for JN. HINTON, in Paternoster Row, near Warwick Lane. G YEORGE the Second, by the Grace of God, King of Great Britain, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, &c. To all to whoni these Presents shall come, Greeting: WHEREAS our Trusty and Well beloved Edward Wicksteed, of our City of London, Bookfeller, hath humbly represented to us, That he is now Printing a New Edition (with Improvements) of a Work, Entitled, The New Week's Preparation for a Worthy Receiving of the LORD'S SUPPER, as recommended and appointed by the Church of England, &c. In two Parts. AND whereas the said Edward Wicksteed has informed us, that the faid Work has been perfected with great Labour, Study, and Expence. He has therefore humbly prayed Us to grant to him the faid Edward Wickleed, Our Royal Privilege, Licence, and AUTHORITY, for the SOLE Printing, Publishing, and Vending the faid Work, in as ample Manner and Form as has ever been done in Cafes of the like Nature. WE being graciously inclined to give all due Encouragement to Works that may be if Of Public Ufe and Benefit, and especially to those of this Kind, which so greatly tend to the Advancement of Religion, and the general Good and Benefit of Mankind, ARE pleased to condescend to his Request, and DO by these Presents (as far as may be agreeable to the Statute in that Cafe made and provided) give and grant to the faid Ed ward Wicksteed, his Executors, Administrators, and Affigns, full Power, Li cence, Privilege, and fole AUTHORITY, for the SOLE Printing, Publishing, and Vending the faid Work, together with all and all manner of Amendments, Corrections, Alterations, and Additions of or to the fame; and Our express Willand Pleafure is, and We do hereby strialy charge, command, and prohibit all and every Person and Persons whatsoever, within Our Dominions, that they, nor any or either of them, prefume in any manner of wife to reprint, abridge, or extract the fame, or any Part or Parts thereof, either in the like, or in any other Form, or Forms, Volume, or Volumes whatsoever; OR to import, buy, vend, utter or distribute, any Copies thereof, or of any Part or Parts thereof, that are or shall be printed or reprinted beyond the Seas, without the AUTHORITY, Confent, or Approbation of the faid Edward Wicksteed, his Executors, Adminiftrators, or Affigns, by Writing under his or their Hands and Seals first had and obtained, as they and every of them offending herein will incur our Royal Indignation and Displeasure, and fuch other Pains and Penalties as by the Laws and Statutes of Our Realms may be inflicted. WHEREOF the Commissioners and other Officers of our Customs, the Master, Wardens, and Company of Stationers of London, and all other Officers, Minifters, and others, whom it may concern, are to take Notice, that a Rrict Obediente be given to our Pleasure herein signified. Given at our Court at St. James's, &c. BOOLEIAヤ LIBRARY His Majesty's Command. HOLLES NEWCASTLE, Such language fitter for a fenfual le- A meditation for the morning. ver than a worshipper of the all A prayer for the morning. pure, and all-knowing God. iii A meditation for the evening. Bishop Stilling fleet's teftimony a- A prayer before examination. It has ferved to bring Religion into ridicule and contempt, and to bar- The love of God, as taught by Ke- 9 The prayers and meditations in this Ejacu fuch as can be warranted, from A prayer of refignation to the will The duty of frequent communicat- A meditation for the morning. The obligations for preparing our- A meditation for the evening. The communion office must be vill The usefulness, of actual prepara- For Wednesday. ix A meditation for the morning. Dr. Waterland's commendation of A confeffion of fins. the Week's Preparation. - ix A prayer for God's mercy. The warning on Sunday before the A meditation for the evening. |