: 5 THESAURUS VOL. III. Ром. і. 21. Because that when they knew God, they glorified Him not as God, neither were thankful, &c. DOCTRINE I. T is a great Sin not to glorify GOD as GOD. I. What is it to glorify GOD? 1. Not as if we made Him Glorious, Exod. XV. II. 2. Nor as if we added any thing to His Glory. 2. But Positively. 1. To acknowledge His Glory, Pfal. xix. 1. 2. To admire it. 3. To live up to it. 4. To speak of it. II. What is it to glorify GOD as GOD? 1. To acknowledge Him to be GOD. 1. To be what he is in Himself. 1. Of Himself a Spirit. A 3 2. Infinite 2. Infinite and Incomprehensible. Sibi 4. All-wife, Pfal. cxlvii. 5. Coloff. ii. 3. 6. Good, S. Luk. xviii. 19. Pfal. cxlv. 7,9. 7. Holy, 1 Sam. ii. 2. Pfal. cxlv. 17. 8. Merciful, Exod. xxxiv. 6. 9. Just, Pfal. cxlv. 17. 10. Omnipresent, Pfal. cxxxix. 11. Eternal, Exod. iii. 14. 12. One, Deut. vi. 4. Non numero, fed u niverfitate, Ruffin. שאין ייחוד אחד .Maimonid .כמותו בעולם אחד 13. Three in Persons, I S. Joh. v. 7. ̓Αδιαίρεζο γ' ἐν ἢ τρισὶν ὑποςάσεσιν ἡ ἡ μιᾶς ἐσίας Θεότης, S. Athanas. S.Matth. iii. 17. Voce pater, Natus corpore, Flamen ave. 2. To be what he is to us. 1. Our Maker, Gen. i. 1. Quapropter reEtiffimè credimus omnia Deum feciffe de nihilo. S. Aug. 2. Our Preferver, A&. vii. 28. Παρ αυτό γὰρ ὅταν ἡμῖν τὸ ἐνεργεῖν, τὸ μὴ ἀπο λέπζ. 3. Our Governour, and the Disposer of all Things, Pfal. lxxv. 6. S. Matth. X. 29, 30. 4 Our Redeemer, Ifa. xlvii. 4. 2. To fear Him as GOD. 1. As an Heart-fearching GOD, Pfal. 6xxxix. : cxxxix. 2. "Ὅτι προγνωσική δυνάμει πάιτα ἀπίσαται, S. Chryfoft. Οὐ μόνον τὰς ἐμὰς προεώρακας πράξεις, ἀλλὰ τὸς ἐσομένες μοι προεώρακας λογισμός, Theodoret. 2. A Sin-revenging GOD, Exod. xxxiv. 7. 3. A Sin-pardoning GOD, Pfal. cxxx. 4. Hof. iii. 5. 3. Hope in Him as an (Pfal.xxvii. 1. xlvi.1,2.) 1. All-wise, 2 Pet. ii. 9. 2. Almighty, 3. All-gracious, 4. All-faithful God. Promissa tua sunt, & quis falli timeat, cum promittit veritas? S. Aug. 4. Rejoice in Him, Phil. iv. 4. 1. As a reconciled GOD in Christ. 5. Defire Him as GOD, Pfal. lxxiii. 25. 1. As One, without Whom we cannot but be miserable.. 2. As One, in Whom we cannot but be happy. 6. Love Him as GOD, Deut. vi. 5. 1. As the chiefest Good in Himself, S. Luk. xviii. 19. 2. The Fountain of all Goodness in the Creatures. 7. Worship Himas GOD. 1. Him alone, Ifa. xlii. 8. 2. In Spirit and Truth, S. Joh. iv. 24. 8. Serve Him as GOD, S. Matth. v. 16. S. Joh. xv. 8. 1. Him alone, Ifa. xlii. 8. 2. In all Things, 1 Cor. X. 31. 9. Serve Him as GOD, so as to do all to His Glory, I Cor. X. 31. A 4 Motives I. Motives to it. Confider, 1. You are His, not your own, 1 Cor. vi. 19, 20. 2. You have nothing of your own, all is His, 1 Cor. iv. 7. 3. Whatsoever you do, it is by His Strength, S. Joh. xvi. 5. 4. GOD doth all Things to His own Glory. 1. Creation, Prov. xvi. 4. 2. Providence, S. Joh. xi. 4. Exod. ix. 16. 3. Redemption, Ephes. i. 5, 6. 5. Every time that we make not GOD'S Glory our ultimate End, we commit Idolatry. For, 6. There is Nothing, besides GOD's Glory, worthy to be the End of a rational Soul, because all Things else are below it, 1 S. Pet. iv. 11. Pfal. lxxiii. 26. Whatsoever does not some way tend to the Glory of GOD, it is a Sin, Rom. iii. 23. 2. Directions. 1. Often think of the Greatness and Glory of GOD, Pfal. xcv. 3. xcvi. 4, 10. cxxxviii. 5. and cxlv. 3, 4, 5. 2. Whatsoever ye do, intend, in your doing it, the Glory of GOD, Josh. vii. 19. I S. Pet. iv. 16. Ifa. viii. 13. 1. In your Natural," 2. In Humane, 1. Thinking, Prov. iv. 23. Jer. iv. 14. Pfal. cxlv. 2. 3. Acting, properly so called, I S. Pet. ii. 12. 3. Spiritual Meditation, Pfal. cxix. 148. Fon. ii. 7. 1. Praying, |