D SUNDAY SERVICE OF THE METHODISTS LATE IN CONNEXION WITH THE REV. JOHN WESLEY, M.A. WITH OTHER OCCASIONAL SERVICES. * THE SIXTH EDITION. LONDON: Printed at the Conference Offi; BY THOMAS CORDEUX, AGENT: Sold by THOMAS BLANSHARD, 14, City-Road; and at the I BELIEVE there is no LITURGY in the world, either in ancient or modern language, which breathes more of a solid, scriptural, rational piety, than the COMMON PRAYER of the CHURCH of ENGLAND. And though the main of it was compiled considerably more than two hundred years ago, yet is the language of it not only pure, but strong and elegant, in the highest degree. Little alteration is made in the following edition of it, except in the under-mentioned instances : 1. Most of the holy-days (so called) are omitted, as at present answering no valuable end. 2. The service of the LORD'S DAY, the length of which has been often complained of, is considerably shortened. 3. Some sentences in the offices of Baptism, and for the Burial of the Dead, are omitted; 'und, 4. Many Psalms left out, and many parts of the others, as being highly improper for the mouths of a Christian Congregation. Bristol, Sept. 9, 1784. JOHN WESLEY. |