THE DYNAMICAL THEORY OF THE FORMATION OF THE EARTH. BY ARCHIBALD TUCKER RITCHIE. "Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the HEBREWS Xi. 3. VOL. II. LONDON: LONGMAN, BROWN, GREEN, AND LONGMANS, PATERNOSTER ROW. MDCCCL. CONTENTS OF VOL. II. CHAPTER XIX. Introductory remarks. Classification of rocks into STRATIFIED and UNSTRATIFIED. Geological data for the correctness of these two great divisions. Evidences in favour of the Dynamical Theory, deducible from the unstratified rocks. Nucleii and centres of mountain chains generally composed of amorphous masses. Their prevalence on the Earth's surface. Geological attestations in support of this. Axis of elevation observable in mountain ranges, and the conical form which their eminences have assumed. Argument, founded on the stratified rocks, to show that the mineral crust of the Earth has been moved, in mass, from where it was formed. Firstly. Strata deposited horizontally at the bottom of water. Geological evidences to this effect. Secondly. That they have been elevated from the position in which they were deposited, proved by numerous evidences. Concluding observations arising from the establishing of these several assumptions 1 CHAPTER XX. Evidences to prove, that the non-rotatory sphere was circumbounded by water-astronomical proof-geological proof. This fact, combined with what was established in previous chapters, leads to the conclusion, that violent movement, therefore much friction, and consequently great heat, would necessarily ensue amongst the rocky masses of the earth's crust. The characteristics of Friction enquired into, and the Breccia which would result, when mineral formations, abounding with calcareous material, were subjected to its influence under water. The great Breccia and Conglomerate formations geologically described, and shown to correspond with that which the Dynamical Theory requires for its perfection, should be found to exist. Some of the more special uses which they were designed to accomplish made manifest. The Coal Measures protected by the Conglomerate and Breccia from fusion and denudation. The nucleii of mountain ranges the resultant foci of heat engendered by friction. Geological proof of this, deduced alike from the mineralogical structure of the rocks composing these elevations, and from the existing symptoms of fusion, evidenced by the altered condition of their contiguous strata CHAPTER XXI. Evidences of the existence, in former times, of fusion in the primary rocks, derived from their internal or mineralogical structure. Carbonate of lime fused under pressure-mineralogical results. Crystallization proceeding from igneous fusion. Geological evidences to prove that a considerable proportion of the rocky crust of the Earth is crystalline in its texture. Essential difference between rocks properly called crystalline, of older formation, and those resulting from modern volcanoes, called lavas 30 60 |