LIFE IN GOD'S FAVOUR, A SEASONABLE DISCOURSE IN DEATH-THREATENING TIMES, BEING THE SUBSTANCE OF SEVERAL SERMONS Upon Pfal. xxx. 5, IN HIS FAVOUR IS LIFE. BY OLIVER HEYWOOD, MINISTER OF THE GOSPEL. A NEW EDITION. Printed and fold at Brearley Hall, Near Halifax; Alfo may be had of Mr. WILLS, Stationer's Court, Ludgate-Street; and and other Country Bookfellers. M,DCC,XCVI. 100.8.83. The Editor thinks it necessary to inform the public, that, in order to ren der this work more generally acceptable, he has taken the liberty of abridging a few paffages; and as fome expessions are too antiquated for the taste of readers at the prefent day, he has endeavoured a little to modernise the language, where it could be done without altering the sense of the author. AN INTRODUCTORY ADDRESS To the READER. AMONG all the useful discourses which the press hath of late exposed to public view, I have not, as I remember, met with any which purposely and directly treated of the subject of this essay, notwithstanding it must be owned to be needful, ufeful, and at all times seasonable. It is not a point of controversy, but a maxim to which men generally subscribe, that, In God's favour is life. All forts of men plead for God's favour, and, in general, pretend to it. This is the cafe with perfons of all religions, and of all perfuafions. Men cannot bear the thoughts of an exclusion from it, whatever be their state or their conduct. Both the religious and the profane make pretensions to it. The rich and great cannot say they are above it, the poor and mean think themselves entitled to it. The grofsly ignorant dream of God's favour, as their fanctuary, though the Most High hath faid of fuch, " It is a people of no understanding, therefore he that made them will not have mercy on them, and |