HYMN XCV. PSALM cxvii. TE Nations who the Globe divide, YE Ye num'rous Nations, scatter'd wide, To God your grateful Voices raise : To All his boundless Mercies shown, His Truth to endless Ages known, Require our endless Love and Praise. II. To Him who reigns enthron'd on high, Our Guilt and Errors to remove : Be ceaseless Glory, Praise, and Love. Ο HYMN XCVI. I. F Him who did Salvation bring, Arife, ye guilty, he'll forgive: II. Eternal LORD, Almighty King, All Heav'n doth with thy Triumphs ring ! Thou conquer'st all berreath, above, Devils with Force, and Men with Love! III. To purge our Sins, CHRIST shed his Blood, That none but GoD such Love could show. HYMN 'XCVII. Heb. x. 4, 10. Faith in CHRIST our Sacrifice. I. OT all the Blood of Beafts) NO Could give the guilty Confcience Peace, Or wash away the Stain. II. But CHRIST the heav'nly LAMB, A Sacrifice of nobler Name, And richer Blood than they ! III. My Faith would lay its Hand * My Soul looks back to fee Lev.1.4.8 et. ii. 24. A Believing V. Believing we rejoice To fee the Curse remove; We bless the LAMB with chearful Voice, And fing his bleeding Love. HYMN XCVIII. TO JESUS CHRIST. I. Thou in whom the Gentiles truft, II. If Angels, whilft to Thee they fing, III. Glory to Thee, auspicious LAME! IV. Live, ever glorious Jesus! live, 4 HYMN ‡ Gal. iii. 13. * If. vi. 2, 3. compared with t John xii. 41. H HYMN XCIX. The Same. I. OLY LAMB, who Thee receive, O Day and Night they cry to Thee, II. Fix, O fix each wav'ring Mind, III. Dust and Ashes tho' we be, Thine we are, thou Son of GOD! Take the Purchase of thy Blood, IV. Boundless Wisdom, Pow'r divine,}, Sons of Earth and Hofts of Heav'n! L HYMN C. Unfruitfulness. ONG have we fat beneath the Sound But ftill how weak our Faith is found, Oft * 1 John ii. 5. II. Oft we frequent thine holy Place, How small a Portion of thy Grace Do our false Hearts retain. III. Our gracious SAVIOUR and our God, How little art Thou known, By all the Judgments of thy Rod, And Bleffings of thy Throne ? IV. How cold and feeble is our Love, How negligent our Fear ! How few Affections there! V. Great God, thy sov'reign Aid impart, To give thy Word Success; Write thy Salvation on our Heart, And make us learn thy Grace. VI. Shew our forgetful Feet the Way And Love shall never die. 7ITH Joy we meditate the Grace |