| George Whitefield - 1758 - 208 pages
...fweetly fing ; Sing your Saviour's worthy Praife, Glorious in his Works and Ways ! We are trav'ling Home to God, In the Way the Fathers trod ; They are happy now, and we Soon their Happinefs fhall fee. Oi ye banifh'd Seed, be glad f Chrift our Advocate is made ; Us... | |
| Dyer - 1767 - 300 pages
...fweetly fing ; Sing your Saviour's worthy Praife, Glorious in his Works and Ways! We are trav'ling Home to God, In the Way the Fathers trod ; They are happy now, and we Soon their Happinefc fhall fee. Shout, ye little Flock, and bleft, You on Jefus Throne fhall reft;... | |
| Hymns - 1772 - 320 pages
...fweetly fing ; Sing your Saviour's worthy praife, Glorious in his works and ways. 2 Ye are trav'ling home to God, In the way the fathers trod ; They are happy now, and we Soon their happinefs fltall fee. 3 O ye banifh'd feed be glad, Chrift our advocate is made ; Us... | |
| Collection - 1774 - 426 pages
...fweetly fing ; Sing your Saviour's worthy praife, Glorious in his works and ways! 2 Ye are trav'lihg home to GOD, In the way the fathers trod : They are...happy now, and ye Soon their happinefs fhall fee. 3 O ye banifh'd feed be glad ! CHR IST our Advocate is made ; Us to fave our flefh aflumes, Brother... | |
| Richard De Courcy - 1775 - 184 pages
...fweetly fing : Sing your Saviour's worthy praife, Glorious in his works and ways I II. Ye are trav'ling home to God, In the way the fathers trod : They are...Soon their happinefs fhall fee, III. O, ye banifh'd feed, be glad ! Cbrift our advocate is made j Us, to fave, our flefh affumes, Brother to our fouls... | |
| Choice collection - 1776 - 566 pages
...fweetly fing : Sing your Saviour's worthy praife ! Glorious in his works and ways ! 2 We are traveling home to God, In the way, the fathers trod : They are happy now ; and we Soon their happinefs fhall fee ! 3 0 ye banifh'd feed be glad ! Chrift our advocate is made: Us... | |
| David Simpson - 1780 - 628 pages
...fweetly fing ; Sing your Saviour's worthy Praife, Glorious in his Works and Ways ! 2 Ye are trav'ling home to God, In the Way the Fathers trod : They are...happy now, and ye Soon their Happinefs fhall fee, 3 O ye baniflYd Seed, be glad ! Chrift our Advocate is made ; Us to faveour Flefh affumes, Brother... | |
| William Maurice (independent minister) - 1792 - 270 pages
...fweetly fing; Sing your Saviour's worthy pra'le, Glorious in his works and ways. n. Ye are trav'ling home to God, In the way the fathers trod ; They are happy, now, and ye Soon their hyppinefs fhall fee. in. 0 ye ranfom'd feed be glad ! Chrift our Advocate is made; Pleads the merit... | |
| Edward Williams, James Boden - 1801 - 586 pages
...fweetly fing ; Sing your Saviour's worthy praife, Glorious in his works and ways. 2 Ye are trav'ling home to God, In the way the fathers trod ; They are...happy now, and ye, Soon their happinefs fhall fee. 3 O ye banifh'd feed, be glad ; thrift our advocate is made; Us to fave, XMIT flefh affuroes, Brother... | |
| Selection - 1801 - 426 pages
...journey, fweetly ring ; Sing our Savior's worthy praife, Glorious in his works and ways. We are traveling home to God In the way the fathers trod ; ,.-..'•'•' They are happy now. and. we , , ; ' Soon their happinefs lliall f«e. Shout, ye little flock, and blefl t We on Jefus' throne... | |
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