The Parliamentary Register: Or, History of the Proceedings and Debates of the House of Commons, Volume 4

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Page 21 - I, AB, do swear. That I do from my heart abhor, detest, and abjure as impious and heretical that damnable doctrine and position, that princes excommunicated or deprived by the Pope, or any authority of the See of Rome, may be deposed or murdered by their subjects, or any other whatsoever.
Page 20 - And whereas great frauds and abuses have been committed in the purchasing lands of the Indians, to the great prejudice of our interests and to the great dissatisfaction of the said Indians ; in order, therefore to prevent such irregularities for the future, and to the end that the Indians may be convinced of our justice and determined resolution to remove all reasonable cause of discontent...
Page 26 - ... or other times when by law it may be executed, and to do and execute all and every other thing and things which to our Captain General and Governor in Chief doth or ought of right to belong.
Page 66 - Patent to Edward Earl of Clarendon, George Duke of Albemarle, William Lord Craven, John Lord Berkeley, Anthony Lord Ashley, Sir George Carteret, Baronet, Sir William Berkeley, and Sir John Colleton, their Heirs and Assigns...
Page 81 - ... the said Edward, Earl of Clarendon; George, Duke of Albemarle; William, Earl of Craven; John, Lord Berkeley; Anthony, Lord Ashley; Sir George Carteret, Sir John Colleton, and Sir William Berkeley...
Page 45 - Pleasure is, that you signify the same unto us by the first opportunity, that We may under Our Signet and Sign Manual constitute and appoint others in their Stead. But that Our Affairs may not suffer at that Distance, for Want of a due Number of Councillors...
Page 121 - Majesty's present servants; and by which their conduct in respect to America has been governed. And his Majesty relies upon your prudence and fidelity for such an explanation of his measures as may tend to remove the prejudices which have been excited by the misrepresentations of those who are enemies to the peace and prosperity of Great Britain and her colonies; and to re-establish that mutual confidence and affection upon which the glory and safety of the British empire depend.
Page 7 - Execution and Performance of Offices and Places, and for the clearing of Truth in Judicial Causes.
Page 43 - America, and we do hereby require, and command you to do and execute all things in due manner, that shall belong unto your said command and the trust we have reposed in you, according to the several powers and directions granted or appointed you by this present commission, and the instructions...
Page 22 - Second and since his decease pretended to be and took upon himself the style and title of King of England by the name of James the Third or of Scotland by the name of James the Eighth or the style and title of King of Great Britain hath any right or title whatsoever to the crown of this realm or any other the dominions thereunto belonging.

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