1 deavoured, by comparing one Scripture with another, to know what was Revealed, and what they found Reveal'd they firmly believed. We should not dare to argue about the Equity of God's Reveal'd will, or the Certainty of what he hath declared shall be, but rest in a firm Belief, that whatsoever he hath determined is Unexceptionably Just and Equitable, because he hath determined it, and whatsoever he hath declared that he will do, shall unquestionably be performed, because he hath declared it. We may by our Reason examine, and fatisfy our selves in the motives of Credibility, the evidence which God hath given, that the Holy Scriptures are his Word and Will; but all Scruples and Uncertainty, about the Reafonableness of what he hath thus Revealed, are Foolish and Unlawful, Impious and Destructive. 3ly, and lastly, We may hence learn what are the proper Grounds of our obligation to conform our lives to the Gospel of Christ. 52 SERMON Ι. Doubtless after some time spent in Sincere and Industrious endeavours to correct and fubdue our Inordinate and Impetuous passions and inclinations, the fatisfactions of a Virtuous life do abundantly exceed the pleasures of Sin. But Arguments drawn from this confideration, though ever so artfully contrived and recommended, are of no great force with Habitual Sinners. The excellency of Virtue fimply and absolutely confider'd, without any relation to God's commands, Confcience and a Future state, is commonly flighted and rejected by those, whose daily enjoyments and delights do, at least in their own opinion, contradict all the fine characters and descriptions of it. Under the Gospel we have no occafion for these empty and ineffectual Arguments, grounded upon the beauties of Virtue in this Absolute sense confider'd; and by the use of fuch Arguments alone, or perhaps by the frequent use of them, we should not a little derogate from the Honour of the Gofpel; in which are reveal'd Principles unfpeak ably ably more Excellent and Effectual, motives equal to the utmost of our Hopes and Fears, the Engaging expectation of Eternal Happiness, and the Dreadful apprehenfions of Eternal Mifery. We now know Assuredly, that the time will come, when all Profane and Irreligious Wit, which is now carefs'd with so much Approbation and Delight, will plainly prove the grossest and most wretched Folly. The time will come, when all the Pleasures of finful enjoyment will be past and gone, and as if they had never been, upon all accounts but that they will be succeeded with Endless mifery. The time will come, when all the Troubles and Difficulties of an Holy life shall be Rewarded, at God's right hand, with Joys abundantly furpassing all that we can now Defcribe or Imagine; with all the Happiness that we shall even then, when our Faculties are Refined and Improved, be capable either of Enjoying or Defiring. To which Bleffed and Glorious state God of bis Infinite Mercy bring us all, by the Continual Influence of his Holy Spirit upon us, through the Merits and Intercession of Jefus Christ our Saviour; To whom be aScribed all Honour and Glory henceforth and for Evermore, Amen. )) SERMON II. The Refurrection of the same 1.. MATTH. XXII. 31, 32. As touching the Resurrection of the dead, have ye not read that which was spoken unto you by God, saying, I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Ifaac, and the God of Jacob? God is not the God of the dead, but of the living. P Rejudice is is so strong a Biafs upon the Thoughts, that those, who are swayed by it, do generally become as Tenacious of a Falfe opinion, as of a True one. And that unhappy Turn, which it gives to the Mind, does not only appear in matters of little moment, but E 4 1 1 |