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Defence of C. Phillips, Esq.

Adams, on American Independence
Chatham, on the American War..
Brougham, on Slavery

Erskine, on Abuse of Public Patronage
Grattan, on the National Grievances.

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[blocks in formation]
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Fitz-James and Roderick Dha

The Battle of Flodden Field

The Battle of Hohenlinden

The Destruction of Sennacherib's Army
The Night before the Battle of Waterloo

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[blocks in formation]



Or-tho-graphy cor-rectly guides my mind To proper

letters for each word to


All Polysyllables di-vi-ded

are, As near as can be to the sound they bear.


But if the sound you do not rightly know,
Stop at the Vowel,-ere you farther go
When follow'd by a Consonant alone:
Take an example, thus, Phe-no-me-non.


But if two Consonants together be,
And this in compound words we often see,
Stop at the first; as thus, I ap-prehend:
Howe'er you've err'd, you cannot fail to mend.



NOW, ETYMOLOGY doth clearly show

The Etymon, whence words derived do flow;
The roots most fruitful, from which words abound,
Are variations of the Verb and Noun,



Nine sorts of words, I purpose here to teach,
Because in them we comprehend our speech:
These understood, and rightly used, we're taught
The mutual bliss of interchange of thought.

ARTICLES. (Articulus, a small joint, or parí.)


The ARTICLES are these,-A,—An,-and The,-
Before all Nouns to fix their sense must be:
The Definite is The, and well defines

The Man, The Horse, The Fields, The Fruits, The Kinds. • De, means out-Finis, the end.


But A, or An, Indefinite* appear:

We say A Man, A Horse, An Hour, An Ear,
And if through all examples I had run,

'Tis undefined, for A means any one.

*In, means not-De Finis.


From these examples of an Hour, an Ear,
An with mute h,-or Vowels must appear;
But when no articles with nouns we find,
All are compris'd, for man means all mankind.
NOUN* OR SUBSTANTIVE. (*Nomen, a name.)


A NOUN, means name, of things, as house, man, ball,
We Common some, and others Proper call :

The GENDER, for distinction mark with care,
Are Male, or Female, though some Neuter are.


Some Proper names, as Angel, Sun, or Time,
By common figure we like males decline;

But Moon, Church, Ships, and Virtues, as they were
Of Women's race, the female gender bear—


One, is the number Singular,* for Nouns ;
The Pluralt number, all beyond abounds:
The Case of Nouns, implies the way they fall,
Some teach but one, but I find three in all., one by one.

+' Pius, more.

Casum, to f

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