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The Patriot mind, and philanthropic breast,
The Parent kind, so mild in his behest,
And many traits, of equal grace, appear,-
I pass them all, as of no moment here.

Anacorosis, or Communication.


Now we apply to those who round us wait,
For their opinion, in the long debate;

"The Case your own,-say,—would you sign this bond, Whose purport you know not?" No!-you respond. Hypotyposis, or Lively Description.


The language now is such, as represents
Things glowing with the touch of artists' tincts;
Descriptive this,-depict then Nature's face,
No action here,-to mimic would disgrace.



"The country king, his peaceful realm enjoys,
Unvex'd with quarrels, undisturb'd with noise;
Cool grots and living lakes, the flowery pride
Of meads, and streams, that through the valley glide."


In prose, the Simile clears-enforces thought;
And Poetry's with life and beauty fraught;
With lowly tone, oft' plaintive and serene,
Inflections varied, to express the scene.



"Thus, when a smooth expanse

receives impress'à

Calm Nature's image on its wat'ry breast,
Down bend the banks, the trees depending grow,
And skies beneath with answ`ring colours glow;

But, if a stone the gentle lake divide,

Swift ruffling circles curl on ev'ry side;
And glimring fragments of a broken sun,

Banks, trees, and skies, in thick disorder run.”




Take first this maxim of important Truth,
'Tis good for age, ev'n as it is for youth,-
Good Sense, foundation is for writing well,
This understood, your subject may excel.



An Argument, consists of Facts as shown,
Or Principles arrang'd, already known,
Which demonstrates the truth, or use of that
New PROPOSITION,-undertermin'd yet.


In Argument, a Subject is contain'd

Which must be stated, and sometimes explain'd, Ere aught's denied, or any thing's affirm'd,This explanation's DEFINITION term'd.


A Principle, or an Opinion may

Be oft the Subject where discussion lay,
When one, or other, doth to reasoning fall,—
Logicians this, a PROPOSITION call.


If reasoning on the Subject, should not rise,
EXORDIUM then, a Preface well supplies:
In Argument, some point, an Object stands,
This point is call'd, the JUDGMENT of the man's.


The Judgment then, to be establish'd here,
Must unavoidably result appear

From what's advanc'd, in argument thereon,
Though stated first, or at the end 'tis done.


In Argument, observe to keep in mind

The Thing propos'd, the Judgment sought to find; Nor fallacy or truth, merely to try,

But to the subject,-doth what's saiù apply?



When Subjects for discussion are propos'd,
A simple Subject,-let it be suppos'd,-
Begin by Definition short and clear,

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Just as might in a Lexicon appear.

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The Object of all reasoning, is to prove
The Truth of some Opinion,-then observe
Your own, as good or bad,-desir'd, or not;
Nor the peculiar manner, be forgot.


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If Practical utility is sought,


to safety doth conduce; deserves reward from us, restraining wickedness; it surely brings distress.

An INFERENCE, is from discussion brought;
Rais'd from the judgment, this will ever have,
A reference to the future, you'll perceive.

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To ascertain the reason, whereby we

Opinion have, or Judgment, let us see

How, Prudence can to Safety, well conduce,—
The Answers two,-for Propositions use.




DEF. PRUDENCE,-Wisdom apply'd to practice; how? PROP. 1st. It forsees evil; the first Answer,-now. PROP. 2nd. It then prepares, or hides; we next adduce, JUDG. PRUDENCE, 'tis plain, to safety doth conduce. 174

For APPLICATION,-we must ascertain,

Our two chief reasons, which we thus may gain;
Ask, why should Prudence exercis'd thus be?
The Answers two,-for Propositions see.


But, these observe must on the future bear. PROP. 1st. That it will lead to Virtue;-we may dare, PROP. 2nd. That it may lead to peace and honour too: PRAC. APP. Then Prudence should be exercis'd by you. Versificatiox.


In LATIN VERSE, of Rhyme or Blank, you'll find,
A certain set of Syllables combin'd;
The Long, are equal to accented words;
The Short, to unaccented well accords.


The Feet, (so call'd,) of Syllables, contain
But Two, or Three, and these reduc'd, remain
To Four of each. IAMBUS, short v, and long -,
Has various forms, to suit our varied song.


From Two to Seven, Iambuses extends,
These Grammăr lines, the English comprehends.
In all its forms, the accents always lie

On even Syllables,-This rule apply.


In Trochiac Measure, long -, and short u, we view,
More quick and lively, its expression too;

Six forms it has, and read this verse who will,
Should accent lay, on the odd syllable.



The two remaining dissyllabic feet,
Are us'd to vary only,-not in mete;
A Spondee - -, both accented, long import,-
The Pyrrhic u u, unaccented, both are short.


In Anapost u u-, Three Syllables are seen,
Two short, One long, as thus, in Contrǎvēne;
Its second form, three Anapost contains,
And oft 'tis us'd in grave, or cheerful strains.

The Three remaining, do but aid the rest;
The Dactyle - is, in possible express'd;
Amphibrach - v, in dělīghtful is brought in;
The Tribach u u u, is, in comfortably seen.


We've Three main objects in Poetic lines,-
The First, that MELODY, one reading finds
From apt arrangement;-HARMONY, thus brought,
Affords EXPRESSION, to illustrate thought.


From these examples giv'n, it will be found,
That Melody doth more or less, abound
In each; but their repeated stress we fear,
In long succession might offend the ear.


Whence the Casural pause is introduc'd,
A pleasing change, and mark, from hence its use,
In verse Heroic, Cæsura pause is laid

On fourth, or fifth word,-oft on sixth 'tis made.


The most melodious of Iambic lines,

The end of second foot, a pause it finds,

Oft' at the third, or midst of third, may be,—
Thus, pure Iambic's have variety.

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