Soviet Union, June 1972-August 1974U.S. Government Printing Office, 2012 M04 5 - 1095 pages The Foreign Relations of the United States series presents the official documentary historical record of major foreign policy decisions and significant diplomatic activity of the United States Government.
This volume is part of a subseries of the Foreign Relations of the United States that documents the most significant foreign policy issues and major decisions of the administrations of Richard M. Nixon and Gerald R. Ford. Five volumes in this subseries, volumes XII through XVI, cover U.S. relations with the Soviet Union. This specific volume documents United States policy toward Soviet Union from June 1972 until August 1974, following closely the development of the administration's policy of Détente and culminating with President Nixon's resignation in August 1974.
This volume continues the practice of covering U.S.-Soviet relations in a global context, highlighting conflict and collaboration between the two superpowers in the era of Détente. Chronologically, it follows volume XIV, Soviet Union, October 1971- May 1972, which documents the May 1972 Moscow Summit between President Nixon and Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev. This volume includes numerous direct personal communications between Nixon and Brezhnev covering a host of issues, including clarifying the practical application of the SALT I and ABM agreements signed in Moscow. Other major themes covered include the war in Indochina, arms control, the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSE), commercial relations and most-favored-nation status, grain sales, the emigration of Soviet Jews, Jackson-Vanik legislation, and the October 1973 Arab-Israeli war. |
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... ( CSCE ) , commercial relations and most - favored - nation status , grain sales , the emigration of Soviet Jews , Jackson - Vanik legislation , and the October 1973 Arab - Israeli war . The private backchannel , documented through ...
... CSCE , Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe CSU , Christian Social Union ( Federal Republic of Germany ) CW , chemical weapons ; chemical warfare D , Dobrynin DCI , Director of Central Intelligence DCM , Deputy Chief of ...
... CSCE Beam saw Kuznetsov this morning , as instructed , and drew a very negative reaction to his effort to obtain a Soviet commitment to begin preliminary MBFR talks in conjunction with our agreeing to November 22 as the opening date of CSCE ...
... CSCE , you might try first of all to enlist Dobry- nin's help in getting further consideration in Moscow , making clear that while we are not crudely linking our acceptance of November 22 for CSCE talks with the opening of the MBFR ...
... CSCE , MBFR , and the issue of opening Consulates in Leningrad and San Francisco . ( National Archives , Nixon Presidential Materials , NSC Files , Kissinger Telephone Conversations ( Telcons ) , Box 14 , Chronological File ) For the ...