ret COLLECTION OF PSALMS and HYMNS, FROM VARIOUS AUTHORS: FOR THE USE OF SERIOUS AND DEVOUT CHRISTIANS OF EVERY DENOΜΙΝΑΤΙΟΝ. A NEW EDITION, WITH ADDITIONS. 1 JOHN V. 11. This is the Record, that God hath given to us eternal Life, and this Life is in his Son. JOHN Viii. 36.きす If the Son fhall make you free, ye shall be free indeed. PSALM XXIx 2. Worship the LORD in the Beauty of Holiness. LONDON: PRINTED BY J.AND W. OLIVER, No 12, M DCC LXXIV: [Price Bound 2s. 6d.] 14721 f.90 223 A form of words, the' e'er so sound - 223 140 A thousand foes prepare to war 91 Ah! LORD, how faithless is my heart 140 88 214 And is it yet, dear Lord, a doubt 214 127 Awake, and fing the fong 126 308 Awake, my foul, and with the fun 285 362 Awake, ye saints, and lift your eyes - 347 Hymn B 73 Be with me, Lord, where'er I go 250 Bless'd be the Eather, and his love - 378 Blest be the dear uniting love - 256 Come, holy Ghost, set to thy feal 57 Come, let us join our chearful fongs - 3 Hymn Page 360 Come, LORD, and warm each languid heart345 301 Come, O my foul, and fing 281 225 Come, thou blest JESUS, quickly come - 225 12 Come, thou Almighty King - - - - 37 5 I 10 - 116 219 D : 37. Dear LORD, attend my pray'r. 270 Dear LORD, accept a finful heart 157 Defcend from heav'n, immortal Dove 192 Deferters, to the camp return - 277 Dismiss us with thy blessing, LORD Doxologies - 306 Dread Sovereign, let my ev'ning song - 34 256 - - 156 |