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" ... them, with goblets, and beakers, and a cup of flowing wine: their heads shall not ache by drinking the same, neither shall their reason be disturbed: and with fruits of the sorts which they shall choose, and the flesh of birds of the kind which they... "
Letters from Palestine: Description of a Tour Through Galilee and Judea. To ... - Page 65
by Thomas R. Joliffe - 1822
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Examination of the Passages in the New Testament, Quoted from ..., Issues 1-9

Thomas Paine - 1810 - 504 pages
...choose, and the flesh of birds of the kind which they shall desire. And there shall accompany them fair damsels, having large black eyes, resembling pearls...Peace! Peace! And the companions of the right hand, (how happy shall the companions of the right vr 130 MORALITY OF MAHOMETANISM. hand be!) shall have...
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The Indian Pilgrim, Or, The Progress of the Pilgrim Nazareenee: (formerly ...

Mary Martha Sherwood, Mrs. Sherwood (Mary Martha) - 1818 - 248 pages
...their choice, and with the flesh of the birds they desire. — And there shall accompany them fair damsels having large black eyes, resembling pearls...hidden in their shells, as a reward for that which they have wrought.'" (Koraun, chap. Iv. and Ivi.) Nazareenee then answered, " In return for the description...
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The Koran: Commonly Called the Alcoran of Mohammed, Volume 2

1821 - 560 pages
...choose, and the flesh of birds of the kind which they shall desire. And there shall accompany them fair damsels having large black eyes ; resembling pearls...Peace ! Peace ! And the companions of the right hand (how happy shall the companions of the right hand be!) shall r The companionsof the right hand, been...
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The evidence of Christianity, derived from its nature and reception

John Bird Sumner (abp. of Canterbury.) - 1824 - 454 pages
...kind which they shall desire. And there shall • •• i Koran, eh. xlvii. o3 accompany them fair damsels, having large black eyes, resembling pearls...hidden in their shells, as a reward for that which they have wrought 8." " Verrly the righteous shall dwell among delights; seated on cushions, they shall...
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The Mohammedan System of Theology; Or, A Compendious Survey of the History ...

William Henry Neale - 1828 - 300 pages
...choose, and the flesh of birds of the kind which they shall desire. And there shall accompany them fair damsels, having large black eyes, resembling their shells : as a reward for that which they have •wrought. They shall not hear therein any vain discourse, or any charge of sin ; but only the...
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The History of Persia: From the Most Early Period to the Present ..., Volume 2

John Malcolm - 1829 - 658 pages
...choose, and the flesh of birds of the kind which they shall desire. And there shall accompany them, fair damsels, having large black eyes, resembling pearls...any charge of sin ; but only the salutation, Peace ! peace1!" The meanest among the faithful will have seventy-two houries of paradise, besides the wives...
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The Works of Mrs. Sherwood: Being the Only Uniform Edition Ever Published in ...

Mary Martha Sherwood - 1834 - 444 pages
...their choice, and with the flesh of the birds they desire. — And there shall accompany them fair damsels, having large black eyes, resembling pearls...hidden in their shells, as a reward for that which they have wrought.'" Koraun. chap. Iv. and Ivi. Nazareenee then answered, " In return for the description...
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The Works of Mrs. Sherwood: Being the Only Uniform Edition Ever Published in ...

Mary Martha Sherwood - 1834 - 436 pages
...their choice, and with the flesh of the birds they desire. — And there shall accompany them fair damsels, having large black eyes, resembling pearls...hidden in their shells, as a reward for that which they have wrought.' " Kon. chap. Iv. and Ivi. Nazareenee then answered, " In return for the description...
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A Sunday manual, used at the chapel in Beaumont square [by J.T.B. Beaumont].

Beaumont Square Chapel, Mile End (LONDON), John Thomas Barber Beaumont - 1840 - 204 pages
...choose, and the flesh of birds of the kind which they shall desire. And there shall accompany them fair damsels, having large black eyes, resembling pearls...Peace! Peace ! And the companions of the right hand (how happy shall the companions of the right hand be!) shall have their abode among lote trees, free...
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Ainsworth's Magazine, Volume 8

William Harrison Ainsworth - 1845 - 594 pages
...choose, and the flesh of birds of the kind which they shall desire. And there shall accompany them fair damsels having large black eyes, resembling pearls...hidden in their shells, as a reward for that which they símil have wrought. And the companions of the right hand (the blessed) shall have their abode among...
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