from an eminent Bishop of our Church; the remnant of his strength he manag'd for the exercise of his private devotions, upon which account he excused himself from receiving the frequent vihts that would bave been made him by many of his acquaintance: he bore his languishing condition without the leaft shadow of discontent, and though his mind was eagerly bent upon Heaven, he never betrayed the leaft defire for the removal of his pains, till God's appointed time should come, and was willing to bear yet longer those preffures under which he lay, if God thought fit to continue them, even though they delayed that happiness he so earnestly desired, and so comfortably expected, which answers S. Augustin's character of a good Christian, Qui patienter vivit, & delectabiliter moritur. No words can furnish us with a clearer Idea of his true Christian firmness of mind, than those which fell from his own mouth upon the immediate approach of death, when he expressed himself in this manner: I am entring upon my last labour, the Lord gave and he is now taking away, blesled be the Name of the Lord; for I thank my God I am going without any distrust, without the least misgiving, to a place of rest and joy and ever everlasting bliss; there is no life like to a happy death. I have endeavoured even from my youth, to approve my felf a faithfull fervant to my Great Master: I have taken some pains in writing several Books; I have feriously confidered them, and am fully fatisfied (looking on those about him) that you may find in them the way to Heaven; the Christian duties contained therein have been my practice as well as study, and now I find the advantage of it, and therefore be carefull to read them often and feriously and live suitably thereunto, that when you come to the condition I am now in, you may die with comfort as you fee me do: I have fome little pain indeed, but my pain is nothing fo extraordinary as my hopes; for I have earnestly repented of all my fins, and verily believe, that through the tender mercies of my God, and merits of my Blessed Saviour Jesus Christ, I shall be carried up into Abraham's bosome. After which he made this short Prayer. I wait, O God, for that everlasting reft which I want at present, but shall not long; I am ready when thou my God calls for me, yet can stay with patience till thou pleasest, for thy time is the best time, and thy pleasure the best pleasure. 1 pleasure. Such a carefull and wife provi fion had he made for his last hours, as to be able to look death in the face, not only without amazement, but even with a great degree of joy and consolation. In short, he was Learned without Pride; Wise and Judicious without Cunning; he Served at the Altar without either Covetousness or Ambition; he was Devout without Affectation, fincerely Religious without Moroseness, Courteous and Affable without Flattery or mean Compliances; Fuft without Rigour, Charitable without Vanity, and heartily zealous for the Interest of Religion without Faction. May we that survive imitate the pattern of his piety, that we may attain that happiness which he now possesses as the reward of it, and in confort with him and all those blefSed Souls who have departed this life in the faith and fear of God, fing Allelujahs to the King of Saints, salvation and glory, honour and power to him that fitteth on the throne, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost. Amen. 14. Dec. 1695. Nelson. THE THE Slating the Notion of Christian Salva vation, and shewing it chiefly to confist in a Deliverance from our Sins, Shewing that this Deliverance, and entire Obedience is neither impossible nor ex- tream Difficult, if fincere Christians fet On Philip. 4. 13. I can do all things thro Difcourse Discourse III. How to form fuch a Purpose of fincere Repentance, and intire Obedience, as will be effectual for this Purpose, Pag. 77 On Acts 11.23. And exhorted them all, that with purpose of Heart, they would cleave unto the Lord. Discourse. IV. How to take the truest Wisdom of worldly Men in their Managements, and apply them with admirable Use and Advantage in the Improvement, and Perfection of Holy Obedience, On Luk. 16. 8. For the Children of this world are wiser in their Generation, than the Children of Light. Discourse V. p. 103 About the Return of Prayers; or when we may, when we may not Promise our Selves the particular Things we ask for, P. 143 On Matt.7.7, 8. Ask and it shall be given you, for every one that asketh receiveth. DIS |