A VIEW OF THIS AND THE OTHER WORLD; WITH THE STATE OF SAINTS AND SINNERS IN BOTH, CONTRASTED. PARTICULARLY DESCRIBING THE SOLEMN ENTRANCE WHICH THE SOUL MAKES INTO THE OTHER WORLD AT DEATH. IN SEVERAL PRACTICAL DISCOURSES. BY THE LATE Rev. THOMAS BOSTON, A NEW EDITION. EDINBURGH: PRINTED BY THOMAS TURNBULL, FOR WILLIAM COKE, BOOKSELLER, LEITH. 1799. I. THE state and characters of believers, as they are of God, with their knowledge thereof, il- Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye Separate, faith the Lord, and touch not the un- clean thing; and I will receive you. III. The believer's hundred-fold in this life con- fidered; and a view of the reality, parts, in- V. The improvement of life in this world to the raising a good name, the best balance for the present, for the vanity and mifery of hu- A good name is better than precious ointment ; and the day of death, than the day of one's birth. 231 VI. Christ's special order for gathering his faints to him at the last day; with their diftinguish- Gather my faints together unto me; those that have made a covenant with me by facrifice. VII. The faints lifetime in this world a night- time; their expectation of the day's breaking in the other world, and the shadows fleeing THEY ARE OF GOD, WITH THEIR KNOWLEDGE THEREOF, ILLUSTRATED; AND A DESCRIPTION OF THE UNREGENERATE WORLD LYING IN WICKEDNESS. Several Sermons preached at Etterick, in the end of the year 1728, and beginning of 1729. : I JOHN V. 19. And we know that we are of God, and the whole world lieth in wickedness. A S it was said to Rebekah, Gen. xxv. 23. Τωο are people shall be separated from thy bowelsand the elder shall serve the younger; so it may be faid of this text. Two manner of people are here, to one of which all of us do belong, viz. Those that are of God, and those that are of the world. The latter is the elder, and shall serve the younger, Pfal. xlix. 14. The upright shall have dominion over them in the morning. 1. There is a people, that though they are in the world, are not of it, but separated from it: And we know that we are of God. Here confider, (1.) The original of that people: They are of God; that is, begotten and born of God, regenerate perfons, born again. They are a heavenly people in respect of their extract, born from above, 2 Pet. i. 4. (2.) Who they are in particular. We are they, we believers in Chrift. A Thofe |