THE EDINBURGH REVIEW, OR CRITICAL JOURNAL: FOR JANUARY, 1900 . . . . APRIL, 1900. LONGMANS, GREEN, AND CO., LONDON. 1900. CONTENTS OF No. 591. Art. I.-1. The Conciliation Act, 1896. 2. Fifth and Final Report of the Royal Commission on 3. Second Report of the Board of Trade of Proceedings 4. Industrial Democracy. By Sidney and Beatrice II.1. Society of Psychical Research: Report of Proceed- 2. William Lilly: History of his Life and Times. A.D. [And other Works.] III.—1. Poems. By Stephen Phillips. London: 1897. IV.-1. England in the Age of Wycliffe. By George Macaulay 2. The Peasants' Rising and the Lollards: a Collection 3. Le Soulèvement des Travailleurs d'Angleterre en 1898. Page 1 . 22 51 4. The Rising in East Anglia in 1381. By Edgar Powell. 8vo. Cambridge University Press: 1896, 76 V.-1. Forma urbis Romæ. Consilio et auctoritate regiæ academiæ Lynceorum . . . delineavit Rodulphus Lanciani. Milan: 1893-9. 2. Formæ urbis Romæ antiquæ. Delineaverunt H. [And other Works.] 106 Art. VI.-1. Anglo-Venezuelan Arbitration Commission: British Case, Counter-case, and Argument. 3 vols. Appendices to the Case and Counter-case on behalf of the Government of Her Britannic Majesty, 6 vols. Maps and Index annexed to the British Case and Counter-case, 3 vols. London: 1898, [And other Works.] VII. 1. Lois Françaises et Étrangères sur la Propriété VIII-1. The Writings of James Russell Lowell. In Prose 2. The Letters of James Russell Lowell. Edited by Charles Eliot Norton. London: 1894. 3. James Russell Lowell and his Friends. By Edward 4. Impressions of Spain. By James Russell Lowell. Page 123 141 With an Intro 157 IX-1. The Life and Letters of Sir John Everett Millais, 2. Sir John Everett Millais, his Art and Influence. By X.-The English Radicals: an Historical Sketch. By C. XI.-1. The History of Lord Lytton's Indian Administration, 2. The Making of a Frontier. By Colonel Algernon 3. Life of Sir George Pomeroy Colley, 185 1881. By 1899. 4. The Second Afghan War, 1878-79 80. By Colonel 5. Indian Problems: 1. Can Russia Invade India? XII.-The War in South Africa, or 182 . 207 . 226 247 |