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ART. 1.-1. Exchange of Notes between the United Kingdom
and the United States of America providing for a
Provisional Boundary between the Dominion of
Canada and the Territory of Alaska near the Head
of Lynn Canal, October 20, 1899. Treaty Series,
No. 19, 1899. Presented to Parliament November

2. The Alaskan Boundary. By the Hon. John W.
Foster, Ex-Secretary of State of the United States.
The National Geographic Magazine' for November
1899. Washington.

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. 279

3. Alaska and the Klondike. By Angelo Heilprin, F.R.G.S., F.G.S.A., Professor of Geology at the Academy of Sciences at Philadelphia. London: 1899, . II.-1. The Island; or, the Adventures of a Person of Quality. By Richard Whiteing. London: 1899. 2. Number 5 John Street. By Richard Whiteing. London: 1899, . 305 III.-Religion in Greek Literature. By Lewis Campbell, M.A., LL.D. London, New York, and Bombay : 1898, .

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IV.-1. Dante Gabriel Rossetti: Letters and Memoir. 2 vols.
By William Michael Rossetti. London: 1895.

2. Life of William Morris. 2 vols. By J. W. Mackail.
London, New York, and Bombay: 1899.

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3. William Morris: his Art, Writings, and Public Life.
By Aymer Vallance. London: 1897.

4. The English Pre-Raphaelite Painters. By P. H.
Bate. London: 1899,


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V.-1. Italy: From the Fall of Napoleon I., in 1815, to the
year 1890.
By John Webb Probyn. New

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Edition. London: 1891.

2. The Union of Italy, 1815-1895. By W. J. Stillman.
Cambridge: 1898.

3 A History of Italian Unity: being a Political History
of Italy from 1814 to 1871. By Bolton King,
M.A. 2 vols. London: 1899,



Art. VI.-1. Mission en Cappadoce, 1893-94. By E. Chantre.

Paris: 1898.

2. Reisen in Kleinasien und Nordsyrien. By K.
Humann and O. Puchstein. Berlin: 1890.

3. The Babylonian Expedition of the University of
Pennsylvania. Edited by II. V. Hilprecht.
Vol. I., Parts i. and ii. Philadelphia: 1893, 1896, 409
Alexander Leslie, Earl of
Terry, M.A. University
University of Aberdeen.

VII.-1. Life and Campaigns of
Leven. By C. S.
Lecturer in History,

London, New York, and Bombay 1899.

2. Rupert Prince Palatine. By Eva Scott, late Scholar
of Somerville College, Oxford. London: 1899, . 429

VIII-1. An Atlas of Representative Stellar Spectra. By Sir
William Huggins, K.C.B., and Lady Huggins.
London 1899.

2. Spectra of Southern Stars. By Frank McClean,
F.R.S. London: 1898.

3. Comparative Photographic Spectra of Stars to the
3 Magnitude. By Frank McClean, F.R.S.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society,'
Vol. 191. London: 1898, .

[And other works.]

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IX.-1. Declarations between the Governments of Great
Britain and the German Empire relating to the
Demarcation of the British and German Spheres
of Influence in the Western Pacific, and to Reci-
procal Freedom of Trade and Commerce in the
British and German Possessions and Protectorates
in these Regions. Parliamentary Paper, Western
Pacific, No. I. London: 1886.

2. Agreement between the British and French Govern-
ments relative to the New Hebrides, 1887 and 1888.
Parliamentary Paper, France, No. 1. London:

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[And other works.]


X.-Henry Hart Milman, D.D., Dean of St. Paul's.
biographical sketch by his son Arthur Milman,
M.A., LL.D. London: 1900,

XI.-1. The Queen's Speech on the Opening of Parliament,
January 30, 1900.

2. Correspondence with the Presidents of the South
African Republic and the Orange Free State
respecting the War. Presented to Parliament
March 1900,

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Mr. Edison has perfected the Phonograph. This is the instrument.

It perfectly reproduces the human voice-JUST AS LOUD-just as clear--just as sweet. It duplicates instrumental music with pure-toned brilliance and satisfying intensity Used with Edison Concert Records, its reproduction is free from all mechanical noises. Only the music cr the voice is heard. It is strong and vibrant enough to fill the largest auditorium It is smooth and broad enough for the parlor.

The highest type of talking machine ever before prodnced bears no comparison with the Edison Concert Phonograph The price is $100 Full particulars can be obtained from all dealers in Phonographs, or by addressing THE NATIONAL PHONOGRAPH Co., New York, asking for Concert Catalogue.

Six other styles of Phonographs, including the Edison Gem, Price, $7.50.

[blocks in formation]



Thomas A Edison

[blocks in formation]


Theological Seminary Reformed (Dutch)

Church (Founded 1784) Five professors. Tuition. Leonard Scott Publication Co.

furnished rooms fuel. light. use of gymnasium and library (43 000 vols. free Open to students of any denomination. Address,

REV. J. P. SEARLE, Secretary.

7 & 9 Warren Street

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Young and old enjoy its treasures. fidelity to the original. Every musical of tone of each.

for Dinner Parties.

for the Ball.

for the Sick-room.

for the Nursery.

for the Concert.

Reproduces music and song with absolute instrument in one. Gives the exact quality

Will reproduce your own voice. Speak or sing into the Graphophone and it will repeat your words or song at once and as often as desired.


Perfection of talking machines. Realizes the ideal. Wonderful intensity of volume, many times louder than the small machines and equal to the original itself In two styles, $150 and $100.


The FIVE DOLLAR GRAPHOPHONE. A perfect machine at a low price. Simple, efficient, durable. results.


Gives satisfactory

Most fascinating toy ever invented. It will talk and sing for the little ones. Price of toy Graphophone, with five disk records. $3.00.

Price of Disk Records for Toy Graphophone, 50 cents per set of five.

Other styles at various prices.


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