The Prose Works of Sir Walter Scott, Bart: Life of Napoleon Buonaparte

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R.Cadell, 1835

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Page 181 - As if the clouds its echo would repeat; And nearer, clearer, deadlier than before! Arm! Arm! it is — it is — the cannon's opening roar! Within a windowed niche of that high hall Sate Brunswick's fated chieftain; he did hear That sound the first amidst the festival, And caught its tone with Death's prophetic ear...
Page 323 - Foreign trade, which, in its results, is infinitely inferior to agriculture, was an object of subordinate importance in my mind. Foreign trade is made for agriculture and home industry, and not the two latter for the former. The interests of these three fundamental cases are diverging and frequently conflicting. I always promoted them in their natural gradation, but I could not and ought not to have ranked them all on an equality. Time will unfold what I have done, the national resources which I...
Page 19 - Providence, and by the suffrages of the senate, the people and the army, my first sentiment is a wish for peace. France and England abuse their prosperity. They may contend for ages ; but do their governments well fulfil the most sacred of their duties, and will not so much blood shed uselessly, and without a view to any end, condemn them in their own consciences ? I consider it no disgrace to make the first step.
Page 97 - when taken prisoner and brought to England, was so much grieved at his defeat, that he studied anatomy on purpose to destroy himself. For this he bought some anatomical plates of the heart, and compared them with his own body, in order to ascertain the exact situation of that orgau.
Page 117 - The most luminous exposition of his moral code was given in his counsels to the king of Holland. ' Never forget, that in the situation to which my political system and the interests of my empire have called you, your first duty is towards ME, your second towards France. All your other duties, even those towards the people whom I have called you to govern, rank after these.
Page 97 - I had ordered him not to sail or to engage the English, determined to destroy himself, and accordingly took his plates of the heart, and compared them with his breast. Exactly in the centre of the plate he made a mark with a large pin, then fixed the pin as near as he could judge in the same spot in his own breast, shoved it in to the head, penetrated his heart and expired. When the room was opened he was found dead; the pin in his breast, and a mark in the plate corresponding with the wound in his...
Page 309 - There would have been little fear that a man, " living by his labour, would have undertaken to " conduct a lawsuit, from mere motives of vanity ; " and if he had, he would himself have been the *' only sufferer in case of failure. But my idea " was opposed by a multitude of objections, and " as I had no time to lose, I postponed the further ** consideration of the subject. Yet I am still *' convinced," added he, " that the scheme might, " with certain modifications, have been turned to
Page 20 - Finances founded on a flourishing agriculture can never be destroyed. To take from France her colonies ? The colonies are to France only a secondary object ; and does not your majesty already possess more than you know how to preserve ? If your majesty would but reflect, you must perceive that the war is without an object, without any presumable result to yourself. Alas ! what a melancholy prospect to cause two nations to fight, merely for the sake of fighting.
Page 327 - The system of commercial licenses was no doubt mischievous. Heaven forbid that I should have laid it down as a principle. It was the invention of the English ; with me it was only a momentary resource. Even the continental system, in its extent and rigour, was by me regarded as a measure occasioned by the war and temporary circumstances."— NAPOLEON, Las Casf.i, t.
Page 291 - So little was the nature of the Council of State understood by people in general, that it was believed no one dared utter a word in that assembly in opposition to the Emperor's opinion. Thus I very much surprised many persons, when I related the fact, that one day, during a very animated debate, the Emperor, having been interrupted three times in giving his opinion, turned towards the individual who had rather rudely cut him short, and said in a sharp tone : " I have " not yet done ; I beg you will...

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