THE NEW-YORK MISSIONARY MAGAZINE, AND REPOSITORY OF RELIGIOUS INTELLIGENCE; FOR THE YEAR 1800. Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. Mark xvi. 15. Thus saith the Lord, Behold, I will extend peace to her like a river, Isaiah lvi. 12. To the praise of the glory of his grace, in whom we have redemption his grace. VOL. L NEW-YORK: Printed by T. & J. SWORDS, for CORNELIUS DAVIS. 1800. THE New-York Miffionary Magazine, AND Repofitory of Religious Intelligence. INTRODUCTION. ANY serious perfons have lately expreffed à re MAN veyance of religious intelligence, exifts in the United States. While the preffes throughout the union are teeming with literary and political journals, they have lamented that no convenient medium is found for conveying to the public information relative to the state of the Church, and the profperity or decline of that kingdom whofe interefts they esteem more important than those of any temporal fovereignty. This deficiency is the more to be regretted, as, from the scattered state of our American churches over an immenfe territory, communication between them is rendered difficult, if not next to impracticable, by any ordinary means. Hence it is that the state of religion in one part of our country is rarely known to thofe refiding in another. The moft illustrious triumphs of grace are heard of only in a fmall circle: and fome of the moft interefting articles of information, refpecting the difplays of Divine power in the converfion of finners, and the promulgation of evangelical truth among the heathen in our own land, have been altogether unknown among ourfelves, until they reached us through the medium of foreign publications. VOL. I. No. 1. A |